
类构造函数中的数据结构错误和 C++ 中类的不可访问性

如何解决类构造函数中的数据结构错误和 C++ 中类的不可访问性

我的代码中有一些问题,例如:类“romanType”不存在认构造函数,并且 romanType::convertRoman_decimal(std::string) 无法访问。我做了我能做的,但我做不到。


using namespace std;
#include <string>

class romanType
    friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&,const romanType&);
    friend istream& operator>> (istream&,romanType&);

    string romanNum; //roman numeral
    //constructor to set the Roman numeral

    //convert Roman numeral to decimal number
    int convertRoman_decimal(string);

    //convert decimal number to Roman numeral
    string convertDecimal_roman(int);


//overload the stream insertion << operator
ostream& operator <<(ostream& os,const romanType& objR)
    os << "The Roman numeral is: ";
    os <<objR.romanNum;
    //returns ostream object
    return os;

//overload the stream extraction >> operator
istream& operator >> (istream& is,romanType& objR)
is >> objR.romanNum;
//returns istream object
return is;

//Constructor to set the Roman numeral
romanType:: romanType(string a)
romanNum = a;

//convert and store into the decimal number
int romanType:: convertRoman_decimal(string romanNum){
     //assigning decimal values to the roman characters
      enum romanChars
       M = 1000,D = 500,C = 100,L = 50,X = 10,V = 5,I = 1

      //variable to store the result decimal number
       int decNo = D;
      //loop runs for all the Roman characters
      for(int j = 0; j < romanNum.size() - 1; j++)
           char ch = romanNum[j]; //character j of the string
           //check the Roman character and add corresponding
//decimal value,before adding check next Roman
//character,if its decimal value is greater:
//subtract its value from next’s decimal value
          //adding value of char to decimal number
            case 'M':
            decNo += M; //add value of ‘M’
            case 'D':
            //if the character is ‘D’ and next is ‘M’
            //subtract value of ‘D’ from ‘M’
                if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                    (romanNum[j+1] == 'M'))
                    decNo += M - D;
                    decNo += D; //add value of ‘D’
                    case 'C':
                    //if the character is ‘C’ and next is ‘M’
                    //subtract value of ‘C’ from ‘M’
                    if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                    (romanNum[j+1] == 'M'))
                    decNo += M - C;
                    //if the character is ‘C’ and next is ‘D’
                    //subtract value of ‘C’ from ‘D’
                    if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                    (romanNum[j+1] == 'D'))
                    decNo += D - C;
                    decNo += C; //add value of ‘C’
                    case 'L':
                //if the character is ‘L’ and next is ‘M’
                //subtract value of ‘L’ from ‘M’
                if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) && (romanNum[j+1] == 'M'))
                    decNo += M - L;
                    //if the character is ‘L’ and next is ‘D’
                    //subtract value of ‘L’ from ‘D’
                    if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                    (romanNum[j+1] == 'D'))
                    decNo += D - L;
                    //if the character is ‘L’ and next is ‘C’
                    //subtract value of ‘L’ from ‘C’
                    if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                    (romanNum[j+1] == 'C'))
                    decNo += C - L;
                    decNo += L; //add value of ‘L’
                    case 'X':
                    //if the character is ‘X’ and next is ‘M’
                    //subtract value of ‘X’ from ‘M’
                    if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                    (romanNum[j+1] == 'M'))
                    decNo += M - X;
                    //if the character is ‘X’ and next is ‘D’
                    //subtract value of ‘X’ from ‘D’
                    if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) && (romanNum[j+1] == 'D'))
                        decNo += D - X;
                        //if the character is ‘X’ and next is ‘C
                        //subtract value of ‘X’ from ‘C’
                        if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                        (romanNum[j+1] == 'C'))

                        decNo += C - X;                     
                        //if the character is ‘X’ and next is ‘L’
                        //subtract value of ‘X’ from ‘L’
                        if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                        (romanNum[j+1] == 'L'))
                        decNo += L - X;
                        decNo += X; //add value of ‘X’
                        case 'V':
                            //if the character is ‘V’ and next is ‘M’
                            //subtract value of ‘V’ from ‘M’
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'M'))
                            decNo += M - V;
                            //if the character is ‘V’ and next is ‘D’
                            //subtract value of ‘V’ from ‘D’
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'D'))
                            decNo += D - V;
                            //if the character is ‘V’ and next is ‘C’
                            //subtract value of ‘V’ from ‘C’
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'C'))
                            decNo += C - V;
                            //if the character is ‘V’ and next is ‘L’
                            //subtract value of ‘V’ from ‘L’
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'L'))
                            decNo += L - V;
                            //if the character is ‘V’ and next is ‘X’
                            //subtract value of ‘V’ from ‘X’
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'X'))
                            decNo += X - V;
                            decNo += V; //add value of ‘V’
                            case 'I':
                            //if the character is ‘I’ and next is ‘M’
                            //subtract value of ‘I’ from ‘M’
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'M'))
                            decNo += M - I;
                            //if the character is ‘I’ and next is ‘D’
                            //subtract value of ‘I’ from ‘D’
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'D'))
                            decNo += D - I;

                            //if the character is 'I' the next is 'L'
                            //substract value of 'I' from 'L'
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'C'))
                            decNo += C - I;
                            //if the character is ‘I’ and next is
                            //subtract value of ‘I’ from ‘L’
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'L'))
                            decNo += L - I;
                            //if the character is ‘I’ and next is
                            //subtract value of ‘I’ from ‘X’
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'X'))
                            decNo += X - I;
                            //if the character is ‘I’ and next is
                            //subtract value of ‘I’ from ‘V’
                            if((j+1 != romanNum.size()) &&
                            (romanNum[j+1] == 'V'))
                            decNo += V - I;
                            decNo += I; //add value of ‘I’
                            return decNo; //returns the decimal number

                            //convert the decimal number to Roman numeral
string romanType:: convertDecimal_roman(int decNum)
                //consider the maximum decimal value can be 1000
                //variable to store the Roman numeral
                string romanNo = "";
                int digit; //used to store the individual digits
                //if decimal
                if(decNum == 1000)

                //number is equal to 1000
                romanNo+= "M";
                //get the remainder on dividing by 1000
                decNum = decNum % 1000;
                //check number is less than 1000
                if(decNum < 1000)
                //convert digit at hundred's place
                digit = decNum / 100;
                if(digit >= 1)
                //digit is greater than or equal to
                if(digit >= 5)
                     romanNum += 'D'; //equal to 5
                //for the count more than 5
                for(int i = 0; i < digit-5; i++)
                romanNum += 'C';


                //digit is less than 5
                //for the count less than 5
                for(int i = 0; i < digit; i++)
                romanNum += 'C';
                //get the remainder on dividing by 100
                decNum = decNum % 100;
                //check number is less than 100
                if(decNum < 100)
                //convert digit at ten’s place
                digit = decNum / 10;
                if(digit >= 1)
                //digit is greater than or egual to
                if(digit >= 5)
                romanNum += 'L'; //equal to 5
                //for the count more than 5
                for(int i = 0; i < digit-5; i++)
                romanNum += 'X';
                //digit is less than 5
                //for the count less than 5
                for(int i = 0; i < digit; i++)
                romanNum += 'X';
                //get the remainder on dividing by 10
                decNum = decNum % 10;
                //check number is less than 10
                if(decNum < 10)
                //convert digit at unit's place
                digit = decNum; //last digit
                if(digit >= 1)
                //digit is equal to 9
                if(digit == 9)
                    romanNum += 'IX';
                //digit is greater than or egual to 5
                else if(digit >= 5)
                romanNum += 'V';//equal to 5
                //for the count more than 5
                for(int i = 0; i < digit-5; i++)
                romanNum += 'I';

                //digit is equal to 4
                else if(digit == 4)
                romanNum += 'IV';
                //digit is less than 4
                //for the count less than 4
                for(int i = 0; i < digit; i++)
                romanNum += 'I';
                return romanNum;//returns the Roman numeral


//b. the Class extRomanType
class extRomanType: protected romanType
     void operator++();
     void operator--();

   // extRomanType();
     //overload '+'
     void operator + (const extRomanType&);
     //overload '-'
     void operator - (const extRomanType&);
     //overload '*'
     void operator * (const extRomanType&);
     //overload '/'
     void operator / (const extRomanType&);


//constructor to set the Roman numeral
extRomanType:: extRomanType(string a)

   romanNum = a;

//overload the addition operator ‘+‘
void extRomanType:: operator +(const extRomanType& objR)
int decl,dec2,sumDecimal;
//decimal equivalent of left operand
decl = convertRoman_decimal(romanNum);
//decimal equivalent of right operand
dec2 = convertRoman_decimal(objR.romanNum);
sumDecimal = decl + dec2; //add two integers
if(sumDecimal < 1000)
//Convert the added decimal value to Roman numeral
string sumRoman = convertDecimal_roman(sumDecimal);
//print the result
cout << "The addition results: " <<sumRoman<<endl;
cout << "The addition resulted into a very large number."<< endl;


//overload the subtraction operator ‘—‘
void extRomanType:: operator -(const extRomanType& objR)
int decl,diffDecimal;
//decimal equivalent of left operand
decl = convertRoman_decimal(romanNum);
//decimal equivalent of right operand
dec2 = convertRoman_decimal(objR.romanNum);
if(decl > dec2)
    diffDecimal = decl - dec2; //subtract two integers
//convert the subtracted decimal value to Roman numeral

string diffRoman = convertDecimal_roman(diffDecimal);
//print the result
     cout<<"The subtraction results: " <<diffRoman<<endl;
else {
   cout<< "The first Roman numeral is smaller than th other. It cannot be subtracted." <<endl;

//overload the multiplication operator ‘*‘
void extRomanType:: operator *(const extRomanType& objR)
int decl,multDecimal;
//decimal equivalent of left operand
decl = convertRoman_decimal(romanNum);
//decimal equivalent of right operand
dec2 = convertRoman_decimal(objR.romanNum);
multDecimal = decl * dec2; //multiply two integers
if(multDecimal < 1000)
 //convert the multiplied decimal value to Roman numeral
string multRoman = convertDecimal_roman(multDecimal);
//print the result
cout << "The multiplication results: "<<multRoman<< endl;
   cout << "The multiplication resulted into a very large number." << endl;

//overload the division operator ‘/‘
void extRomanType:: operator / (const extRomanType& objR)
int decl,divDecimal;
//decimal equivalent of numerator
decl = convertRoman_decimal(romanNum);
//decimal equivalent of denominator
dec2 = convertRoman_decimal(objR.romanNum);
if(decl > dec2)
divDecimal = decl - dec2; //divide two integers
//Convert the division result value to Roman numeral
string divRoman = convertDecimal_roman(divDecimal);
//print the result
cout<< "The division results: " << divRoman << endl;
cout << "The first Roman numeral is smaller than the other. It cannot be divided." << endl;

//Overload the increment operator ‘++‘
void extRomanType:: operator ++()
int dec,incrDecimal;
//decimal equivalent of Roman numeral
dec = convertRoman_decimal(romanNum);
if(dec > 1000) //Consider the maximum.value to be 1000
incrDecimal = dec + 1; //add 1
//Convert the result value to Roman numeral
string incrRoman = convertDecimal_roman(incrDecimal);
//print the result
cout << "An increment results: " << incrRoman <<endl;
cout << "The nuber is too large." << endl;

//Overload the decrement operator ‘--‘
void extRomanType:: operator --()
int dec,decrDecimal;
//decimal equivalent of Roman numeral
dec = convertRoman_decimal(romanNum);
if(dec < 2) //Consider the minimum value to be 1
decrDecimal = dec - 1; //subtract 1
//Convert the result value to Roman numeral
string decrRoman = convertDecimal_roman(decrDecimal);
//print the result
cout << "A decrement results: " << decrRoman <<
cout << "The number is too small." << endl;

//main code
int main()
string romanNo = "";
cout << "Enter a Roman numeral:";
cin >> romanNo;
cout << endl;
//Constructor to initialize an object
extRomanType obj = extRomanType (romanNo);
//Convert Roman numeral to decimal number
int decimalNo;
decimalNo = obj.convertDecimal_roman(romanNo);
cout << "The equivalent decimal number is"<< decimalNo <<endl <<endl;
//increment value of Roman numeral
//decrement value of Roman numeral
cout << endl;

cout << "Enter another Roman numeral:";
cin >> romanNo;
cout << endl;
//Constructor to initialize another object
extRomanType obj1 = extRomanType(romanNo);
//Arithmetic addition ‘+'
obj + obj1;
//Arithmetic subtraction ‘—'
obj - obj1;
//Arithmetic multiplication ‘*’
obj * obj1;
//Arithmetic division ‘/'
obj / obj1;

      return 0;

请注意,我使用的是 Visual Studio 2010,我不确定问题是否来自编译器。我希望你能帮助我。



convertRoman_decimal 不可访问,因为它是类的受保护方法。只有公共方法可以在类层次结构之外访问。

romanType 有一个接受字符串的构造函数。您试图在不使用其构造函数且不传递此字符串参数的情况下创建它。


derived_class(base_class_constructor_parameter,...) : base_class(base_class_constructor_parameter),... {
   // constructor implementation


问题 1:“没有默认构造函数”:

romanType 只有一个构造函数(一个接受字符串)。只要您指定自定义构造函数,它就会替换默认构造函数 romanType()

现在,extRomanType 继承自 romanType,因此在构造函数 extRomanType::extRomanType(string) 中,它必须构造 romanType 的成员。您没有指定任何内容,因此它尝试使用不存在的 romanType.... 的默认构造函数!

解决方案提示:您需要给 romanType 一个默认构造函数,或者显式调用适当的 romanType 构造函数。

问题 2:“romanType::convertRoman_decimal(std::string) 无法访问”

我必须在这里猜测一下。我的猜测是你没有发布给你那个错误的代码。在您的 main 中,您通过 std::string 获得 cin。这显然会使用 convertRoman_decimal (而不是您的示例中的 convertDecimal_roman )进行转换。在这种情况下,您会收到此错误,因为该函数是 protected(即无法从 public 代码段(如 main)访问)。



问题 3: 'a' 是一个字符,“a” 是一个字符串。字符只能是一个字符,即“IV”之类的东西不起作用。


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