
C++ 写入字符串流无法正常工作

如何解决C++ 写入字符串流无法正常工作

这些天我一直在为 CHIP-8 制作汇编程序,今天我尝试实现操作码的参数以使其正常工作。但是,当我必须编写 2 个参数来完成操作码时,我有以下代码

// Chip8Instruction is a struct I've made that holds the final machine code to be written,the mnemonic,// the argument count and the position for each argument in hex
void writeTwoArguments(Chip8Instruction instruction,const std::string& line,int lineNum,const std::string& romName) {
    unsigned int arg1;
    unsigned int arg2;
    std::string remainingLine = line;
    std::string testStr;

    std::stringstream stringStream;

    // Arguments are comma and then space separated,assume I give 3,FF
    std::string::size_type commaPos = line.find(',');
    if (commaPos != std::string::npos) {
        stringStream << std::hex << remainingLine.substr(0,commaPos); // This writes 3,like it should
        testStr = stringStream.str(); // Holds "3",like it should
        stringStream >> arg1; // This holds 0x3,like it should

        remainingLine.erase(0,commaPos+2); // FF remains,like it should
        stringStream << std::hex << remainingLine;
        testStr = stringStream.str(); // This holds nothing but it should have "FF",if I don't empty the stream it holds "3" from before
        stringStream >> arg2; // This also holds nothing but it should have 0xFF,holds 0x3 if not empty stream

        instruction.machineCode = instruction.start + (arg1 * instruction.arg1Pos) + (arg2 * instruction.arg2Pos);




#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

int main() {
   std::string line = "3,FF";

   std::stringstream stringStream;

   unsigned int int1;
   unsigned int int2;

   // Get position of comma
   std::string::size_type commaPos = line.find(',');

   // Get everything up to the comma
   stringStream << std::hex << line.substr(0,commaPos);
   stringStream >> int1; // This holds 0x3,like it should
   line.erase(0,commaPos+2); // "FF" remains,like it should
   stringStream << std::hex << line;
   stringStream >> int2; // This is empty but should be 0xFF





#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    string input = "3,FF";
    stringstream ss;
    ss << input.substr(0,1);
    cout << ss.str() << endl;
    cout << input << endl;
    ss << std::hex << input;
    cout << ss.str() << endl;

    return 0;


int arg1,arg2;
string comma;
stringstream ss(input);
ss >> std::hex >> arg1 >> comma >> arg2;
cout << arg1 << endl;
cout << arg2 << endl;

更好的是,您可以为您的类型重载流提取运算符 operator>>,因此它可能是这样的:

Chip8Instruction c;
ss >> c;
// do stuff now that c is filled in


istream& operator>>(istream& in,Chip8Instruction& out) {
   // where your code to parse the string could go



第一:std::hex 改变了整数打印或扫描的方式。它对 line 没有影响 - line 是一个字符串。 stringStream << std::hex << line;stringStream << line; 相同。

执行 stringStream >> int1; 后,eof 位在 stringStream 内设置。要扫描其他任何内容,您必须先清除它。请研究如何重置 stringstream

要读取 hex 数字,您必须告诉您的流您要读取一个十六进制数字。 F 不是数字!

但总的来说,用法很奇怪 - 只需从 stringstream 读取内容,它实际上是要从中读取数据的东西。忘记您的 string - 在 stream 上工作。记住处理错误。我可以看到:

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>

int main() {
    std::string line = "3,FF";

    std::istringstream ss(line);
    unsigned int int1;
    unsigned int int2;
    if (!(
            (ss >> std::dec >> int1) &&
            ss.get() == ',' &&
            (ss >> std::hex >> int2)
            )) {
        std::cerr << "read failed\n";
    std::cout << int1 << " " << int2 << "\n";

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