
关于如果不在 AD 组中时删除 AD 组的 if/else 循环语法的建议

如何解决关于如果不在 AD 组中时删除 AD 组的 if/else 循环语法的建议

所以我已经发布了一个星期的同一个脚本..我终于完成了我希望是一个简单的部分。脚本本身现在检查组中的成员资格,如果在组中使用“报告给 $manager”变量创建一个新组。我现在需要做的是检查是否存在像“报告给 Joe.Blow”这样的组如果 Joe 不在 AllManager 的安全组中.. 删除“报告给”组。这就是我现在所在的位置:

import-module activedirectory
#Test Function Area #

Function Get-DirectReport {
#requires -Module ActiveDirectory
    This script will get a user's direct reports recursively from ActiveDirectory unless specified with the norecurse parameter.
    It also uses the user's EmployeeID attribute as a way to exclude service accounts and/or non standard accounts that are in the reporting structure.
    Name: Get-DirectReport
    Author: theSysadminChannel
    Version: 1.0
    DateCreated: 2020-Jan-28
    https://thesysadminchannel.com/get-direct-reports-in-active-directory-using-powershell-recursive -  
.ParaMETER SamAccountName
    Specify the samaccountname (username) to see their direct reports.
.ParaMETER norecurse
    Using this option will not drill down further than one level.
    Get-DirectReport username
    Get-DirectReport -SamAccountName username -norecurse
    "username" | Get-DirectReport
            Mandatory = $false,ValueFromPipeline = $true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string]  $SamAccountName,[switch]  $norecurse
    BEGIN {}
        $UserAccount = Get-ADUser $SamAccountName -Properties DirectReports,displayName
        $UserAccount | select -ExpandProperty DirectReports | ForEach-Object {
            $User = Get-ADUser $_ -Properties DirectReports,displayName,Title,EmployeeID
            if ($null -ne $User.EmployeeID) {
                if (-not $norecurse) {
                    Get-DirectReport $User.SamAccountName
                    SamAccountName     = $User.SamAccountName
                    UserPrincipalName  = $User.UserPrincipalName
                    displayName        = $User.displayName
                    Manager            = $UserAccount.displayName
    END {}

$ou = "ou=test,ou=Litmos,ou=Resources,ou=Groups,ou=company,dc=domain,dc=net"
$creds = "domain.net\ben"
$server = "dc01.domain.net"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'

$managers = get-adGroupMember -identity "CN=All Managers,OU=Organizational,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=domain,DC=net" | 
    select samaccountname

$ReportsTo = Get-adgroup -searchbase $ou -filter "Name -like 'Report to *'" | 
    where {$_.name -replace 'Report to ' -in $name} | 
    select name,samaccountname

#The below loop creates 'Report To' dist groups for people found in $managers
Foreach ($manager in ($managers.SamAccountName)) { 
    # Creates  missing "Report to <manager>" groups
    if ($manager -notin (($ReportsTo.Name) -replace 'Report to ')) { 
        new-adgroup -name "Report to $manager" -groupscope global -path $ou
    } else {
        write-warning "Group already exists"
    # Get managers direct report
    $underlings = Get-Directreport $manager -norecurse  | Select-Object samAccountName
    if ($underlings -ne $null) {        
        #write-host "$manager has reports"
    } else {
        write-warning "$Manager has no reports"

    # Get manager's "report to <manager> group again to update members"
    $managerReportToGroup = Get-ADGroup -SearchBase $ou -Filter "Name -like 'Report to $manager'"
    if ($managerReportToGroup) {
        Add-ADGroupMember -identity $managerReportToGroup.Name -members $underlings
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Could not locate group for $manager"

    # Remove groups for users who are no longer in All Managers
    $ManagerGroup = $managers
    $ReportTogroup = get-adgroup -searchbase $ou -filter "Name -like 'Report to '"
    $groupname = "Report to $manager"

    if (-not($ReportToGroup -eq "Report to $manager")
    { Remove-ADGroup $ReportToGroup 
     } else {
     Continue }


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