
如何将 flutter CameraImage 优化为 TensorImage?

如何解决如何将 flutter CameraImage 优化为 TensorImage?

那个函数太慢了。那么 Flutter Cameraimage 效率在 dart 中转换为 TensorImage 吗?

    var img = imglib.Image(image.width,image.height); // Create Image buffer

    Plane plane = image.planes[0];
    const int shift = (0xFF << 24);

    // Fill image buffer with plane[0] from YUV420_888
    for (int x = 0; x < image.width; x++) {
      for (int planeOffset = 0;
          planeOffset < image.height * image.width;
          planeOffset += image.width) {
        final pixelColor = plane.bytes[planeOffset + x];
        // color: 0x FF  FF  FF  FF
        //           A   B   G   R
        // Calculate pixel color
        var newVal =
            shift | (pixelColor << 16) | (pixelColor << 8) | pixelColor;

        img.data[planeOffset + x] = newVal;

    return img;


似乎您的 for 循环效率低下。整行的数据(具有相同的placeOffset,不同的x)将被一次缓存,因此切换两个循环的顺序会更快。

for (int y = 0; y < image.height; y++) {
  for (int x = 0; x < image.width; x++) {
    final pixelColor = plane.bytes[y * image.width + x];
    // ...

但是,您的代码似乎并未从实际的相机流中读取。请参考此线程将 CameraImage 转换为 Image。

How to convert Camera Image to Image in Flutter?

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