
SwiftUI 由于键盘而自动向上推

如何解决SwiftUI 由于键盘而自动向上推

对我来说,即使在 stackOverflow 上提供了答案,我的视图仍然会被键盘推高。我两个都用:

  • .ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard,edges: .bottom) - 也在主视图中
  • 以及代码开头和结尾的两个 Spacer()


import SwiftUI

struct LoginView:查看{

// needed to get keyboard height when keyboard is shown
@StateObject private var keyboardHandler = KeyboardHandler()

//Sobald login gedrückt wurde und Erfolgreich war wird die Variable True
@State var isActive: Bool = false
@Observedobject private var loginVM = Loginviewmodel()

// change the var for the main animation
@Binding var userIsLoggedIn: Bool

// if a problem happens during the login process a message can be shown
@State var problemAccured = false

// message to present the user when error happend
@State var problemmessage = "Wrong password"

var body: some View {
    vstack {
        // stack with textfields
        vstack(alignment: .leading) {
            if problemAccured {
            HStack(spacing: 12) {
                Image(systemName: "envelope")
                TextField("Enter your email address here",text: $loginVM.email)
            // main password textField
            HStack(spacing: 12) {
                Image(systemName: "lock.shield")
                SecureField("Enter your password here",text: $loginVM.password)
        .frame(width: screen.width - 40)
        .offset(y: keyboardHandler.keyboardHeight/10)
        .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.3))
        // login button
        Button(action: {
            // haptic Feedback when button is tapped
            hapticpulse(Feedback: .rigid)
            // login handleling
            loginVM.login {
                isActive = true
                print("Login succeeded \(isActive)")
                userIsLoggedIn = true
            // Show textfield if errors accure
            problemAccured = loginVM.checkerrors()
            // Set Problem Message to ErrorMessage
            problemmessage = loginVM.errorMessage
        },label: {
            HStack {
                Image(systemName: "person.fill.checkmark")
        // get the standard border and clipShape of the window
        // animation when keyboard is shown or not
        .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.3))


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