
兔子MQ在 Amazon MQ 中找不到队列 (404)

如何解决兔子MQ在 Amazon MQ 中找不到队列 (404)

使用 Typescript 3.9.7amqplib 0.6.0。今天在 Amazon MQ 中创建新的代理。但是当我尝试连接到 Rabbit 并断言交换和队列时,我看到了这个错误

Channel closed by server: 404 (NOT-FOUND) with message "NOT_FOUND - no queue 'QUEUE-NAME' in vhost '/'"


const rabbitMQParams: { connection: amqplib.Connection | null } = {
    connection: null,};

const connectRabbitMq = async () => {
        const options: amqplib.Options.Connect = { protocol,hostname: host,port: +port!,username: user,password }; 
    // protocol and other variables are correct
        rabbitMQParams.connection = await amqplib.connect(options); 

const setConnectionAndChannel = async (job: WorkTypes) => {
        if (!rabbitMQParams.connection) {
            await connectRabbitMq();
        if (!this.channel) {
            this.channel = await rabbitMQParams.connection!.createChannel();

        const isExchangeExists: Replies.Empty = await this.channel.checkExchange(WorkQueueHelper.exchange);
        if (!isExchangeExists) {
            await this.channel.assertExchange(WorkQueueHelper.exchange,'direct',{ durable: durableExchanges });
        const queueName: string = 'QUEUE-NAME';
        const isQueueExists: Replies.Empty = await this.channel.checkQueue(queueName)
        if (!isQueueExists) {
            await this.channel.assertQueue(queueName,{ durable: durableQueues,autoDelete: false });
        await this.channel.bindQueue(queueName,WorkQueueHelper.exchange,job);


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