
像 gl_SemanticsRelaxed、gl_SemanticsRelease 和 gl_SemanticsAcquire 这样的 vulkan 内存语义标志在 Vulkan GLSL 中有什么作用?

如何解决像 gl_SemanticsRelaxed、gl_SemanticsRelease 和 gl_SemanticsAcquire 这样的 vulkan 内存语义标志在 Vulkan GLSL 中有什么作用?

我试图弄清楚以下代码中的原子存储函数是如何工作的,它们依赖于 GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics

 uint exclusive_prefix = 0;
    if (local_ix == 31) {
        atomicStore(work_buf[my_tile * 4 + 2],total,gl_ScopeDevice,gl_StorageSemanticsBuffer,gl_SemanticsRelaxed);
        uint flag = FLAG_AGGREGATE_READY;
        if (my_tile == 0) {
            atomicStore(work_buf[my_tile * 4 + 3],gl_SemanticsRelaxed);
            flag = FLAG_PREFIX_READY;
        atomicStore(work_buf[my_tile * 4 + 1],flag,gl_SemanticsRelease);
        if (my_tile != 0) {
            // step 4: decoupled lookback
            uint look_back_ix = my_tile - 1;
            while (true) {
                flag = atomicLoad(work_buf[look_back_ix * 4 + 1],gl_SemanticsAcquire);
                if (flag == FLAG_PREFIX_READY) {
                    uint their_prefix = atomicLoad(work_buf[look_back_ix * 4 + 3],gl_SemanticsRelaxed);
                    exclusive_prefix = their_prefix + exclusive_prefix;
                } else if (flag == FLAG_AGGREGATE_READY) {
                    uint their_agg = atomicLoad(work_buf[look_back_ix * 4 + 2],gl_SemanticsRelaxed);
                    exclusive_prefix = their_agg + exclusive_prefix;
                // else spin

            // step 5: compute inclusive prefix
            uint inclusive_prefix = exclusive_prefix + total;
            shared_prefix = exclusive_prefix;
            atomicStore(work_buf[my_tile * 4 + 3],inclusive_prefix,gl_SemanticsRelaxed);
            flag = FLAG_PREFIX_READY;
            atomicStore(work_buf[my_tile * 4 + 1],gl_SemanticsRelease);

实际上是在努力完成。但我找不到任何提及,例如 gl_SemanticsRelaxed 甚至意味着什么。我能找到的最接近的是 GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics 规范说的,但它甚至只提到了“放松”这个词一次,这只是为了说明 gl_SemanticsRelaxed 存在。

事实上,规范文件似乎只是间接描述了 gl_SemanticsReleasegl_SemanticsAcquire 可能做什么,而完全忽略了其他 5 种内存语义类型。

 * "Release/Acquire semantics" are used to guarantee ordering between
    an atomic or barrier and other memory operations that occur before
    or after it in program order,as observed by other invocations.


        const int gl_SemanticsRelaxed         = 0x0;
        const int gl_SemanticsAcquire         = 0x2;
        const int gl_SemanticsRelease         = 0x4;
        const int gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease  = 0x8;
        const int gl_SemanticsMakeAvailable   = 0x2000;
        const int gl_SemanticsMakeVisible     = 0x4000;
        const int gl_SemanticsVolatile        = 0x8000;


如果其他工作组在前缀和例程中完成工作,这些原子基本上是在轮询其他工作组,完整代码在这里https://github.com/linebender/piet-gpu/blob/prefix/piet-gpu-hal/examples/shader/prefix.comp 描述算法的论文:https://research.nvidia.com/publication/single-pass-parallel-prefix-scan-decoupled-look-back



gl_StorageSemantics* 和 gl_Semantics* 值应该按位或运算在一起以生成 SPIR-V 语义枚举

并且它还指定了 GL 原子函数如何映射到 SPIR-V atomic operations。因此,您寻求的答案在the SPIR-V specification 中。深层细节由 Vulkan 内存模型 appendix B of the Vulkan specification 定义。

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