
大量神秘的 keepalived 日志条目

如何解决大量神秘的 keepalived 日志条目

我有一个简单的 keepalived 设置,在我看来,它的功能似乎符合我的预期。 我遇到的问题是我收到了源源不断的晦涩日志条目:

Feb 10 21:43:51 serverA Keepalived_vrrp[2599401]: (haproxy_lb) invalid TTL/HL. Received 254 and expect 255
Feb 10 21:43:53 serverA Keepalived_vrrp[2599401]: (haproxy_lb) invalid TTL/HL. Received 254 and expect 255
Feb 10 21:43:55 serverA Keepalived_vrrp[2599401]: (haproxy_lb) invalid TTL/HL. Received 254 and expect 255
Feb 10 21:43:57 serverA Keepalived_vrrp[2599401]: (haproxy_lb) invalid TTL/HL. Received 254 and expect 255
Feb 10 21:43:59 serverA Keepalived_vrrp[2599401]: (haproxy_lb) invalid TTL/HL. Received 254 and expect 255
Feb 10 21:44:01 serverA Keepalived_vrrp[2599401]: (haproxy_lb) invalid TTL/HL. Received 254 and expect 255
Feb 10 21:44:03 serverA Keepalived_vrrp[2599401]: (haproxy_lb) invalid TTL/HL. Received 254 and expect 255
Feb 10 21:44:06 serverA Keepalived_vrrp[2599401]: (haproxy_lb) invalid TTL/HL. Received 254 and expect 255
Feb 10 21:44:08 serverA Keepalived_vrrp[2599401]: (haproxy_lb) invalid TTL/HL. Received 254 and expect 255
Feb 10 21:44:10 serverA Keepalived_vrrp[2599401]: (haproxy_lb) invalid TTL/HL. Received 254 and expect 255


我的 serverA 和 serverB 配置文件是相同的,看起来像:

vrrp_track_file track_graceful_failover {
    file /etc/keepalived/graceful
vrrp_script chk_haproxy {
    script "/bin/sh -c '/bin/ps -e | /bin/grep haproxy'"
    interval 1
    timeout 3
    rise 2
    fall 2
global_defs {
   notification_email {
   notification_email_from serverA@mydomain.com
   smtp_server smtphost.mydomain.com
   smtp_connect_timeout 60

vrrp_instance haproxy_lb {
    state MASTER
    interface eth0
    virtual_router_id 91
    priority 200
    advert_int 2
    authentication {
        auth_type PASS
        auth_pass 1215
    virtual_ipaddress {
    track_file {
        track_graceful_failover weight 1
    track_script {


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