
为什么这个网络钩子不起作用 - 一切似乎都很好?

如何解决为什么这个网络钩子不起作用 - 一切似乎都很好?

代码在我的主机专用服务器上的 node.js 上运行。但是一直被拒绝,因为 disABLED_VERIFICATION_Failed

我在服务器上打开了端口 8000,当我使用 Postman 发布时它可以工作 所以所有访问似乎都可以

拔我的头发 - 感谢任何帮助。

let smarclient;           // Smartsheet JS client object

// Dependent libraries
const express = require("express");
const app = express();

const bodyParser = require("body-parser");

const smarSdk = require("smartsheet");

// Initialize client SDK
function initializeSmartsheetClient(token,logLevel) {
    smarclient = smarSdk.createClient({
        // If token is falsy,value will be read from SMARTSHEET_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable
        accesstoken: token,logLevel: logLevel

使用来自 Github 的代码,看起来不错

// Check that we can access the sheet
async function probeSheet(targetSheetId) {
    console.log(`Checking for sheet id: ${targetSheetId}`);
    const getSheetoptions = {
        id: targetSheetId,queryParameters: { pageSize: 1 } // Only return first row to reduce payload
    const sheetResponse = await smarclient.sheets.getSheet(getSheetoptions);
    console.log(`Found sheet: "${sheetResponse.name}" at ${sheetResponse.permalink}`);

* A webhook only needs to be created once.
* But hooks will be disabled if validation or callbacks fail.
* This method looks for an existing matching hook to reuse,else creates a new one.
async function initializeHook(targetSheetId,hookName,callbackUrl) {
    try {
        let webhook = null;

        // Get *all* my hooks
        const listHooksResponse = await smarclient.webhooks.listWebhooks({
            includeAll: true
        console.log(`Found ${listHooksResponse.totalCount} hooks owned by user`);

        // Check for existing hooks on this sheet for this app
        for (const hook of listHooksResponse.data) {
            if (hook.scopeObjectId === targetSheetId
                && hook.name === hookName
                // && hook.callbackUrl === callbackUrl   // Might be appropriate for your scenario
            ) {
                webhook = hook;
                console.log(`Found matching hook with id: ${webhook.id}`);

        if (!webhook) {
            // Can't use any existing hook - create a new one
            const options = {
                body: {
                    name: hookName,callbackUrl,scope: "sheet",scopeObjectId: targetSheetId,events: ["*.*"],version: 1

            const createResponse = await smarclient.webhooks.createWebhook(options);
            webhook = createResponse.result;

            console.log(`Created new hook: ${webhook.id}`);

        // Make sure webhook is enabled and pointing to our current url
        const options = {
            webhookId: webhook.id,callbackUrl: callbackUrl,body: { enabled: true }

        const updateResponse = await smarclient.webhooks.updateWebhook(options);
        const updatedWebhook = updateResponse.result;
        console.log(`Hook enabled: ${updatedWebhook.enabled},status: ${updatedWebhook.status}`);
    } catch (err) {

我使用 postman 测试了回调,端口 8000 在服务器上运行正常,所以不知道为什么它一直被拒绝?

// This method receives the webhook callbacks from Smartsheet
app.post("/",async (req,res) => {

    const result = req.body;

    //res.status(200).send("Im here");
    try {
        const body = req.body;

        // Callback Could be due to validation,status change,or actual sheet change events
        if (body.challenge) {
            console.log("Received verification callback");
            // Verify we are listening by echoing challenge value
                .json({ smartsheetHookResponse: body.challenge });
        } else if (body.events) {
            console.log(`Received event callback with ${body.events.length} events at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`);

            // Note that the callback response must be received within a few seconds.
            // If you are doing complex processing,you will need to queue up pending work.
            await processEvents(body);

        } else if (body.newWebHookStatus) {
            console.log(`Received status callback,new status: ${body.newWebHookStatus}`);
        } else {
            console.log(`Received unkNown callback: ${body}`);
    } catch (error) {
        res.status(500).send(`Error: ${error}`);

* Process callback events
* This sample implementation only logs to the console.
* Your implementation might make updates or send data to another system.
* Beware of infinite loops if you make modifications to the same sheet
async function processEvents(callbackData) {
    if (callbackData.scope !== "sheet") {

    // This sample handles each event individually.
    // Some changes (e.g. column rename) Could impact a large number of cells.
    // A complete implementation should consolidate related events and/or cache intermediate data
    for (const event of callbackData.events) {
        // This sample only considers cell changes
        if (event.objectType === "cell") {
            console.log(`Cell changed,row id: ${event.rowId},column id ${event.columnId}`);

            // Since event data is "thin",we need to read from the sheet to get updated values.
            const options = {
                id: callbackData.scopeObjectId,// Get sheet id from callback
                queryParameters: {
                    rowIds: event.rowId.toString(),// Just read one row
                    columnIds: event.columnId.toString()    // Just read one column
            const response = await smarclient.sheets.getSheet(options);
            const row = response.rows[0];
            const cell = row.cells[0];
            const column = response.columns.find(c => c.id === cell.columnId);
            console.log(`**** New cell value "${cell.displayValue}" in column "${column.title}",row number ${row.rowNumber}`);

// main
(async () => {
    try {
        // Todo: Edit config.json to set desired sheet id and API token
        const config = require("./config.json");


        // Sanity check: make sure we can access the sheet
        await probeSheet(config.sheetId);

        app.listen(8000,() => console.log("Node-webhook-sample app listening on port 8000"));

        await initializeHook(config.sheetId,config.webhookName,config.callbackUrl);
    } catch (err) {

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