


这是我的数组,我有一个对象,然后计算 Id 的重复次数,例如第一个对象的 Id 2 重复了 3 次。

  Id: 1,Info: "Info",Category: [
    { Id: 2,count: 3 },{ Id: 4,count: 1 },{ Id: 8,{ Id: 18,{ Id: 9,{ Id: 3,],},{
  Id: 2,Info: "Info 2",count: 2 },{ Id: 21,{
  Id: 3,Info: "Info 3",Category: [
    { Id: 4,{ Id: 11,}]

现在我需要根据 Id 对这个数组进行排序,例如数字“9”,所以如果第一个对象的 id 为 9 的 Maximus 计数将是第一个,其他对象减去计数将在下面,像这样,数字 9 将是一个随机数。

  Id: 2,{
  Id: 1,}]


使用Array.prototype.sort需要根据OP的要求写a function which compares two array/list items


因此需要找到两个不同的计数,每个项目一个 count,将通过使用额外提供的 Category 值搜索项目的 id 数组来找到。

为了保持比较函数的可重用性,它被实现为 allows a context to be bound to it 的函数,在 OP 的情况下,它是一个具有 id 特征的对象正在寻找......例如类似 ... { id: 9 }{ id: 4 } ...

function compareByBoundIdCountOfItemCategoryList(a,b) {
  const { id } = this;

  const aCount = a.Category.find(ctgry => ctgry.Id === id)?.count ?? -1;
  const bCount = b.Category.find(ctgry => ctgry.Id === id)?.count ?? -1; 

  // in case of equal counts compare the `Category` array's lengths'.
  return (bCount - aCount) || (b.Category.length - a.Category.length);

const sampleList = [{
  Id: 1,Info: "Info",Category: [
    { Id: 2,count: 3 },{ Id: 4,count: 1 },{ Id: 8,{ Id: 18,{ Id: 9,{ Id: 3,],},{
  Id: 2,Info: "Info 2",count: 2 },{ Id: 21,{
  Id: 3,Info: "Info 3",Category: [
    { Id: 4,{ Id: 11,}];

  '{ id: 9 } ...',sampleList
    .sort(compareByBoundIdCountOfItemCategoryList.bind({ id: 9 }))
  '{ id: 4 } ...',sampleList
    .sort(compareByBoundIdCountOfItemCategoryList.bind({ id: 4 }))
.as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }

正如其中一条评论指出的那样,由于使用 compareByBoundIdCountOfItemCategoryList 函数,上述代码至少需要 节点 14.0.0 Optional Chaining Operator / ?.Nullish Coalescing Operator / ??


... aCount = a.Category.find(ctgry => ctgry.Id === id)?.count ?? -1;


... aCount = (a.Category.find(ctgry => ctgry.Id === id) || { count: -1 }).count;

function compareByBoundIdCountOfItemCategoryList(a,b) {
  const { id } = this;

  const aCount = (
    a.Category.find(ctgry => ctgry.Id === id) ||
    { count: -1 }

  const bCount = (
    b.Category.find(ctgry => ctgry.Id === id) ||
    { count: -1 }

  // in case of equal counts compare the `Category` array's lengths'.
  return (bCount - aCount) || (b.Category.length - a.Category.length);

const sampleList = [{
  Id: 1,sampleList
    .sort(compareByBoundIdCountOfItemCategoryList.bind({ id: 4 }))
.as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }


我发现这种格式比 Peter Seliger 的答案更简单。在创建传递给 sort 的比较器函数时,我们简单地将搜索到的 id 存储在一个闭包中:

const byCategoryCount = (categoryId) => ({Category: c1},{Category: c2}) => 
  (c2 .find (({Id}) => Id === categoryId) ?.count ?? -1) - 
  (c1 .find (({Id}) => Id === categoryId) ?.count ?? -1)

const input = [{Id: 1,Category: [{Id: 2,count: 3},{Id: 4,count: 1},{Id: 8,{Id: 18,{Id: 9,{Id: 3,count: 1}]},{Id: 2,count: 2},{Id: 21,Category: [{Id: 4,{Id: 11,count: 1}]}]

console .log (input .sort (byCategoryCount (9)))
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}


const byCategoryCount = (categoryId) => ({Category: c1},{Category: c2}) => 
  (c2 .find (({Id}) => Id === categoryId) || {count: -1}) .count -
  (c1 .find (({Id}) => Id === categoryId) || {count: -1}) .count


const sortByCategoryCount = (categoryId,xs) =>
  [... xs] .sort (byCategoryCount (categoryId))


const sortByCategoryCount = (categoryId,xs) =>
  [... xs] .sort (({Category: c1},{Category: c2}) => 
    (c2 .find (({Id}) => Id === categoryId) || {count: -1}).count -
    (c1 .find (({Id}) => Id === categoryId) || {count: -1}).count


var my_arr = [{
  Id: 1,}];

function sortByCount(arr,targetId){
  var arr_temp = [];
  arr.forEach(el => {
    var elem = el.Category.filter(e => e.Id === targetId)[0];
    var value = elem ? elem.count : -1;
      value: value,obj: el
  arr_temp.sort((a,b)=> b.value - a.value);
  return arr_temp.map(el => el.obj);  
var sortedArr = sortByCount(my_arr,9);


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