


enter image description here

任何人都知道如何为 node js 设置 USB 打印机。我无法为其配置接口。 这是我的代码

enter code here const ThermalPrinter = require("../node-thermal-printer").printer;
                const Types = require("../node-thermal-printer").types;
                const electron = typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.versions && 

                async function testConnection () { 

                let printer = new ThermalPrinter({
                type: 'star',interface: "Gold" //name of the printer
                let isConnected = await printer.isPrinterConnected() 
                console.log("Printer connected:",isConnected);


跳出我的错误是在您的界面中。 如果您使用 USB 端口,我建议您首先进行打印共享,然后通过修改值“interface”来配置您的节点终端打印机文件

  1. 首先进行打印机共享 enter image description here

  2. 你修改了表示路径和共享打印机的值“interface”

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    string topSecret(string);//prototype for topSecret function after main
    int main()
        //Top Secret Input
        string name,social,userName,password;
        cout << "Enter your first name,Social Security number (digits only),userID (no spaces within ID),and password (no spaces within password) - with a space between each entry: ";
        cin >> name >> social >> userName >> password;
        cout << "Name: " << name << endl;
        cout << "SSN: " << social.replace(0,social.length(),"X");
        cout << "SSN: " << social.insert(2,"-") << endl;
        cout << "UserID: " << userName << endl;
        cout << "Password: " << topSecret(password) << endl;
        return 0;
    }//end main
    string topSecret (string password)//replace all characters in password to an X
        string::size_type length;
        string::size_type pw;
        for (pw = 0; pw < password.length(); pw++)//for the duration of the password
        }//end for loop
    }//end topSecret

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