
在椭圆上找到一个点的角度以在 GDI+ 中使用

如何解决在椭圆上找到一个点的角度以在 GDI+ 中使用

我正在尝试创建一个系统来在 2D 渲染格式(即 Direct2D 到 GDI+)之间转换弧参数。在 Direct2D 中,弧由起点、终点、半径、旋转角度、扫描方向和弧扫描大小(大于或小于 180)定义。在 GDI+ 中,它们由边界框、开始角度和结束角度(围绕水平轴)定义。

我需要从 Direct2D 格式转换为 GDI+ 格式。到目前为止,我已经能够生成边界框,但角度是关闭的。下面是我应该得到什么(Direct2D 版本)和我得到什么(在 GDI+ 中)的图像。






RectangleF bounds = GetBoundingBoxOfEllipse(startPoint,EndPoint,ArcRadii,RotationAngle);

PointF ctr = new PointF(bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2.0f),bounds.Top + (bounds.Height / 2.0f));

//I originally had +90 per the formula,but it was still wrong (too far the other way instead)
double ang1 = Math.atan2(ctr.X - startPoint.X,ctr.Y - startPoint.Y) * (180.0 / Math.PI);
if (ang1 < 0)
    ang1 += 360.0;
double ang2 = Math.atan2(ctr.X - EndPoint.X,ctr.Y - EndPoint.Y) * (180.0 / Math.PI);
if (ang2 < 0)
    ang2 += 360.0;

//Accounting for user options
double diffAng = Math.Abs(diffheading(ang1,ang2));
if (ArcSize == ID2D1PathGeometry.figure.ArcSegment.ArcSizeEnum.ArcSize_Large && diffAng < 180.0f)
    diffAng += 180.0;

if (SweepDirection == ID2D1PathGeometry.figure.ArcSegment.SweepDirectionEnum.SweepDirection_Clockwise)
    diffAng *= -1.0;

path.AddArc(new RectangleF(bounds.X,bounds.Y,bounds.Width,bounds.Height),(float)ang1,(float)diffAng);                                                                


编辑 为方便起见,我还包含了获取椭圆边界框的函数

RectangleF GetBoundingBoxOfEllipse(PointF startPoint,PointF endPoint,Sizef radii,float rotAngle)

    PointF v = new PointF((startPoint.X - endPoint.X) / 2.0f,(startPoint.Y - endPoint.Y) / 2.0f);
    //rotate if needed later
    double x1p = v.X;
    double y1p = v.Y;

    double rx = Math.Abs(radii.Width);
    double ry = Math.Abs(radii.Height);

    double lam = (Math.Pow(x1p,2.0) / Math.Pow(rx,2.0)) + (Math.Pow(y1p,2.0) / Math.Pow(ry,2.0));
    if(lam > 1)
        rx = Math.Sqrt(lam) * rx;
        ry = Math.Sqrt(lam) * ry;

    double sign = 1; //const sign = fa === fs ? -1 : 1;

    double div = (rx * rx * ry * ry - rx * rx * y1p * y1p - ry * ry * x1p * x1p) /
                 (rx * rx * y1p * y1p + ry * ry * x1p * x1p);

    double co = sign * Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(div));

    v = new PointF((float)(((rx * y1p) / ry) * co),(float)(((-ry * x1p) / rx) * co));           
    v.X += (startPoint.X + endPoint.X) / 2.0f;
    v.Y += (startPoint.Y + endPoint.Y) / 2.0f;

    return new RectangleF(v.X - (radii.Width),v.Y - (radii.Height),radii.Width * 2.0f,radii.Height * 2.0f);

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