
如何在 .core 中更改 Swagger 的基本 url 取决于请求

如何解决如何在 .core 中更改 Swagger 的基本 url 取决于请求

在旧版本的 Swagger(.Net 框架)中,我使用此函数更改 URL:

async function importRecord() {
   let records = [...]
   let batch = db.batch()
   for(let record in records) {
      if (batch.ops.length >= 500) {
        await batch.commit();
        batch = db.batch();
   if(batch.ops.length > 0) {
      await batch.commit()

function createRecord(db,batch) {

实际上我从请求中计算出基本 URL(我的应用在负载均衡器后面)

新的 .core 方法是使用这个 RootUrl(req => ComputeHostAsSeenByOriginalClient(req))

RoutePrefixProperty 而不是 Action,所以我没有 RoutePrefix





尝试使用 this.Request。您可以从 Controller 访问请求对象。

        public string ComputeHostAsSeenByOriginalClient()
            var req = this.Request;
            var scheme = req.Scheme;
            var authority = this.Request.Host.Value.ToString();

            if (req.Headers.ContainsKey("X-Forwarded-Host"))
                //we are behind a reverse proxy,use the host that was used by the client
                StringValues xForwardedHost = "";
                if (req.Headers.TryGetValue("X-Forwarded-Host",out xForwardedHost))
                    //when multiple apache httpd are chained,each proxy append to the header 
                    //with a comma (see //https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy.html#x-headers).
                    //so we need to take only the first host because it is the host that was 
                    //requested by the original client.
                    //note that other reverse proxies may behave differently but 
                    //we are not taking care of them...
                    var firstForwardedHost = xForwardedHost.First().ToString().Split(',')[0];
                    authority = firstForwardedHost;

            if (req.Headers.ContainsKey("X-Forwarded-Proto"))
                //now that we have the host,we also need to determine the protocol used by the 
                //original client.
                //if present,we are using the de facto standard header X-Forwarded-Proto
                //otherwise,we fallback to http
                //note that this is extremely brittle,either because the first proxy 
                //can "forget" to set the header or because another proxy can rewrite it...
                StringValues xForwardedProto = "";
                if (req.Headers.TryGetValue("X-Forwarded-Proto",out xForwardedProto))
                    if (xForwardedProto.First().ToString().IndexOf(",") != -1)
                        //when multiple apache,X-Forwarded-Proto is also multiple ...
                        xForwardedProto = xForwardedProto.First().ToString().Split(',')[0];
                    scheme = xForwardedProto;
            //no reverse proxy mean we can directly use the RequestUri
            return scheme + "://" + authority;


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