
我的浏览器是否与此网络应用程序 (pwa) 兼容? whatwebcando

如何解决我的浏览器是否与此网络应用程序 (pwa) 兼容? whatwebcando

我创建了许多网络应用程序 (pwa),每个应用程序都有自己的功能要求。我的不足之处在于我的应用的浏览器兼容性。

目前我正在为 ios 强制使用 Chrome、Edge、三星浏览器和 safari。

如果我查看 https://caniuse.com,它会告诉我,例如,Safari 不支持后台同步,而其他浏览器不支持其他功能。并不是说 ios 上的 chrome 或 edge 支持后台同步或其他浏览器或版本使用。

还有许多浏览器,每个浏览器都有自己的后续版本,每个浏览器中的不同版本支持不支持特定功能。 .我愿意支持尽可能多的人。

我想做的是创建/或下载一个脚本/插件,当用户登陆应用信息页面时,该脚本将检测浏览器是否支持特定 pwa 所需的所有功能,例如 service-worker .js、地理位置、后台同步、增强现实等,如果有,请显示安装按钮或推荐替代浏览器/版本。

有点像||就像https://whatwebcando.today/的特征检测。 是否已经有可以执行此操作的插件或脚本,还是我必须从头开始创建自己的插件或脚本?

我尝试过搜索一些东西,但我得到的只是在线工具和脚本,比如 feature.js,这是有限制的/受限的,还有其他网站,比如 https://whatwebcando.today/


您可以使用 Modernizr 进行功能检测并让用户知道支持哪些功能,然后相应地更新页面。

Modernizr.on('serviceworker',(result) => {
  if (result) {
    console.log('Service workers are supported.');
  } else {
    console.log('Service workers are NOT supported.');



var testArr;
function detectFeatures(registration) {
var win = window,doc = document,nav = navigator,scr = screen;
return {
    "Installable": "serviceWorker" in nav,"Home Screen": "relList" in HTMLLinkElement.prototype && doc.createElement("link").relList.supports("manifest") && "onbeforeinstallprompt" in win || "BeforeInstallPromptEvent" in win || "setAppBadge" in nav,"Installed Apps": "getInstalledRelatedApps" in nav,"Foreground Detection": "visibilityState" in doc || doc.visibilityState,"Freeze Detection": "onresume" in doc || "onfreeze" in doc,"Resume Detection": "onresume" in doc || "onfreeze" in doc,"Permissions": "permissions" in nav,"Network type": "connection" in nav || "mozConnection" in nav || "webkitConnection" in nav || "msConnection" in nav,"Network speed": "connection" in nav || "mozConnection" in nav || "webkitConnection" in nav || "msConnection" in nav,"Online state": "onLine" in nav,"Background Sync": "SyncManager" in win || "sync" in registration,"Periodic Background Sync": "periodicSync" in registration || "SyncManager" in win || "periodicSync" in win || "periodicSync" in nav,"Background Fetch": "backgroundFetch" in registration,"Task scheduling": "Notification" in win && "showTrigger" in Notification.prototype || Notification.prototype.showTrigger || "taskScheduler" in registration || "alarms" in nav || "periodicSync" in registration,"Notifications": "Notification" in win || "showNotification" in registration,"Push Messages": "PushManager" in win || "pushNotification" in win.safari || win.safari.pushNotification || "pushManager" in registration,"Offline Capabilities": "caches" in win,"Cache Support": "caches" in win,"Offline Storage": "localStorage" in win || "sessionStorage" in win,"Storage": "storage" in nav && "StorageManager" in win,"Persistent Storage": "storage" in nav && "persist" in nav.storage || "storage" in nav && "persisted" in nav.storage,"Storage Quotas": "storage" in nav && "estimate" in nav.storage,"IndexedDb": "indexedDB" in win || "mozIndexedDB" in win || "webkitIndexedDB" in win || "msIndexedDB" in win,"File Access": "File" in win || "chooseFileSystemEntries" in win,"File Api": "File" in win && "FileReader" in win && "FileList" in win && "Blob" in win || "chooseFileSystemEntries" in win,"Clipboard": "clipboard" in nav || "ClipboardEvent" in nav || "oncut" in doc || "onpast" in doc || "oncopy" in doc,"Pointing Device Apadtation": win.matchMedia("(pointer: none),(pointer: coarse),(pointer: fine)").matches,"Navigation Preload": "navigationPreload" in registration,"Contacts": "contacts" in nav || "mozContacts" in nav,"SMS": "messaging" in nav,"Geolocation": "geolocation" in nav,"Geofencing": "GeofenceManager" in win,"NDEFReader": "NDEFReader" in win,"Device Memory": "deviceMemory" in nav,"Touch Gestures": "ontouchstart" in win || "onpointerdown" in win,"Idle Detection": "IdleDetector" in win,"Presentation Features": "presentation" in nav || "PresentationRequest" in win,"Fullscreen": "requestFullscreen" in doc.documentElement || "mozRequestFullScreen" in doc.documentElement || "webkitRequestFullscreen" in doc.documentElement || "msRequestFullscreen" in doc.documentElement,"Screen Orientation": "orientation" in scr || "mozOrientation" in scr || "msOrientation" in scr,"Orientation Lock": "orientation" in scr || "mozOrientation" in scr || "msOrientation" in scr,"Wake lock": "keepAwake" in scr || "wakeLock" in nav,"Device Position": "DeviceOrientationEvent" in win || "AbsoluteOrientationSensor" in win || "RelativeOrientationSensor" in win,"Device Motion": "DeviceMotionEvent" in win || "LinearAccelerationSensor" in win && "Gyroscope" in win,"Web Share": "share" in nav,"File Share": "share" in nav && "canShare" in nav,"Battery Status": "getBattery" in nav || "battery" in nav,"Vibrate": "vibrate" in nav,"USB": "usb" in nav || nav.usb,"Serial Port": "serial" in nav || nav.serial,"Ambient Light": "ondevicelight" in win || "AmbientLightSensor" in win,"Bluetooth": "bluetooth" in nav,"Midi devices": "requestMIDIAccess" in nav,"Proximity Sensors": "ondeviceproximity" in win || "onuserproximity" in win || "ProximitySensor" in win,"GravitySensor": "GravitySensor" in win,"Magnetometer": "Magnetometer" in win,"Gyroscope": "Gyroscope" in win,"Accelerometer": "Accelerometer" in win,"Linear Acceleration Sensor": "LinearAccelerationSensor" in win,"Media Capabilities": "mediaCapabilities" in nav,"mediaDevices": "mediaDevices" in nav || "getUserMedia" in nav || "webkitGetUserMedia" in nav || "mozGetUserMedia" in nav || "msGetUserMedia" in nav,"Camera": "mediaDevices" in nav || "getUserMedia" in nav || "webkitGetUserMedia" in nav || "mozGetUserMedia" in nav || "msGetUserMedia" in nav,"Media Session": "mediaSession" in nav,"Image Capture": "ImageCapture" in win || "ImageCapture" in nav,"Recording Media": "MediaRecorder" in win || "MediaRecorder" in nav,"Real-Time Communication webrtc": "RTCPeerConnection" in win || "webkitRTCPeerConnection" in win,"Audio": "mediaDevices" in nav || "getUserMedia" in nav || "webkitGetUserMedia" in nav || "mozGetUserMedia" in nav || "msGetUserMedia" in nav,"Audio Capture": "mediaDevices" in nav || "getUserMedia" in nav || "webkitGetUserMedia" in nav || "mozGetUserMedia" in nav || "msGetUserMedia" in nav,"Video": "mediaDevices" in nav || "getUserMedia" in nav || "webkitGetUserMedia" in nav || "mozGetUserMedia" in nav || "msGetUserMedia" in nav,"Video Capture": "mediaDevices" in nav || "getUserMedia" in nav || "webkitGetUserMedia" in nav || "mozGetUserMedia" in nav || "msGetUserMedia" in nav,"Augmented Reality": "getVRDisplays" in nav || "xr" in nav,"Virtual Reality": "getVRDisplays" in nav || "xr" in nav,"Speech Recognition": "SpeechRecognition" in win || "webkitSpeechRecognition" in win,"Barcode scanner": "BarcodeDetector" in win,"Facial recognition": "FaceDetector" in win,"Text Detection": "TextDetector" in win,"Payment Request": "PaymentRequest" in win,"Payment Handler": "paymentManager" in registration,"Credential Management": "credentials" in nav &&
        "preventSilentAccess" in nav.credentials &&
        ("PasswordCredential" in win || "FederatedCredential" in win)

function setCompatibilityArray(browserFeatures) {
for (const feature in browserFeatures) {
    if (!browserFeatures.hasOwnProperty(feature)) {
    var nf = feature.toString().replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g,'').toLowerCase();
    var val = browserFeatures[feature] ? "1" : "0";
    testArr[nf] = {
        'name': '' + feature + '','value': val
 //here use console.log(testArr); to get the variable names for your requirements     array

function getFeatures() {
testArr = _get('browserFeature',1);
if (testArr == 0) {
    if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
        testArr = {};
        return navigator.serviceWorker.register("service-worker.js")
            .then((registration) => {
                const browserFeatures = detectFeatures(registration);

使用方法: 在 document.load || .准备好放置这个函数,getFeatures(); _get() 和 _set() 函数获取和设置数组 testArr 的本地存储变量,该变量包含浏览器的所有特征以及该特征的真假。

在 testArr 中,键名称是连接的功能名称,并且在小写中,您可以使用这些键名称创建自己的“必需功能”数组。


 var canwork = true;
 var permissionReqArr = ['one','two','three','four','five']; 
 // permissionReqArr contains the variables requirements for app to work,you can get this from the getFeatures function by using console.log() on the result testArr.


for(var i = 0; i < permissionReqArr.length; i++){
 var check = testArr[permissionReqArr[i]];
 if(check == false || check == 0){
 canwork = false;

if(canwork == false){
alert('your browser is not compatible,you will not be able to download/install this app');


注意事项: 如果您不想实际安装 service-worker.js,请在 service-worker.js 文件中使用以下代码:



此外,如果未设置功能 localstorage 项,则此函数只会调用 service-worker.. 如果您确实有 service worker,请确保从上面删除此块..

_set 和 _get 函数返回零,如果未设置 localstorage 项,您可以为此创建自己的函数..

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