
Pygame 碰撞不断传送我的玩家 如何修复?

如何解决Pygame 碰撞不断传送我的玩家 如何修复?

我不知道为什么,但是当我在移动我的播放器的同时按下右键然后按下左键时,它会出现故障,它会抛出矩形 VIDEO 它可以完美地反过来工作,但它会继续这样做如果我按住右键然后在按住右键的同时单击左键,它将传送我扔块我不知道如何解决这个问题,任何帮助表示赞赏! VIDEO


    # sides for player and player screen movement
    platform_rect_list = [p.rect for p in collids]
    player_rect = playerman.get_rect()
    player_rect.topleft = (px,py)

    playerman.y = py
    if player_rect.collidelist(platform_rect_list) < 0:
        playerman.x = px

    move_right = keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]
    move_left = keys[pygame.K_LEFT]
    if move_right:
        base1.x -= playerman.speed
        base2.x -= playerman.speed
        base3.x -= playerman.speed
        base4.x -= playerman.speed
        base5.x -= playerman.speed
        base6.x -= playerman.speed
        crate1.x -= playerman.speed
        base44.x -= playerman.speed
        end1.x -= playerman.speed
        base45.x -= playerman.speed
        stopmove1.x -= playerman.speed
        text_show_collision.x -= playerman.speed
        text1.x -= playerman.speed
        rop1.x -= playerman.speed
        text22.x -= playerman.speed
        text_show_collision2.x -= playerman.speed
        portal1.x -= playerman.speed
        base46.x -= playerman.speed
        for shot in shots:
            shot.x -= playerman.speed
        for collid in collids:
            collid.x -= playerman.speed

    if move_left:
         base1.x += playerman.speed
         base2.x += playerman.speed
         base3.x += playerman.speed
         base4.x += playerman.speed
         base5.x += playerman.speed
         base6.x += playerman.speed
         crate1.x += playerman.speed
         base44.x += playerman.speed
         end1.x += playerman.speed
         base45.x += playerman.speed
         stopmove1.x += playerman.speed
         text_show_collision.x += playerman.speed
         text1.x += playerman.speed
         rop1.x += playerman.speed
         text22.x += playerman.speed
         text_show_collision2.x += playerman.speed
         portal1.x += playerman.speed
         base46.x += playerman.speed

         for shot in shots:
            shot.x += playerman.speed
         for collid in collids:
            collid.x += playerman.speed


    platform_rect_list = [p.get_rect() for p in collids] # get_rect()
    player_rect = playerman.get_rect()
    player_rect.topleft = (px,py)

    playerman.y = py
    cI = player_rect.collidelist(platform_rect_list)
    if cI >= 0:
        # undo movement of platforms dependent on the direction and intersection distance
        dx = 0
        if move_right: 
            dx = platform_rect_list[cI].left - player_rect.right
        if move_left:
            dx = platform_rect_list[cI].right - player_rect.left

        for collid in collids:
            collid.x -= dx
            collid.get_rect() # update rectangle

        base1.x -= dx
        base2.x -= dx
        base3.x -= dx
        base4.x -= dx
        base5.x -= dx
        base6.x -= dx
        crate1.x -= dx
        base44.x -= dx
        end1.x -= dx
        base45.x -= dx
        stopmove1.x -= dx
        text_show_collision.x -= dx
        text1.x -= dx
        rop1.x -= dx
        text22.x -= dx
        text_show_collision2.x -= dx
        portal1.x -= dx
        base46.x -= dx
        for shot in shots:
            shot.x -= dx


很可能同时按下 leftright 很可能会导致问题。


object_list = [

def move_in_x(dx):
    for obj in object_list:
        obj.x += dx
    for shot in shots:
        shot.x += dx
    for collid in collids:
        collid.x += dx
# sides for player and player screen movement
platform_rect_list = [p.rect for p in collids]
player_rect = playerman.get_rect()
player_rect.topleft = (px,py)

playerman.y = py
if player_rect.collidelist(platform_rect_list) < 0:
    playerman.x = px

move_right = keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]
move_left = keys[pygame.K_LEFT]

if move_right and not move_right:      # <--- move to the left,but not to the right
if move_left and not move_left:        # <--- move to the right,but not to the left

platform_rect_list = [p.get_rect() for p in collids] # get_rect()
player_rect = playerman.get_rect()
player_rect.topleft = (px,py)

playerman.y = py
cI = player_rect.collidelist(platform_rect_list)
if cI >= 0:
    if move_left != move_right:        # <--- move either left or right
        # undo movement of platforms dependent on the direction and intersection distance
        dx = 0
        if move_right: 
            dx = platform_rect_list[cI].left - player_rect.right
        if move_left:
            dx = platform_rect_list[cI].right - player_rect.left

        for collid in collids:
            collid.get_rect() # update rectangle

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