
AppSync with CDK Deploy Failed with :`命名的'AWSTimeStamp'标量类型没有标量实现`

如何解决AppSync with CDK Deploy Failed with :`命名的'AWSTimeStamp'标量类型没有标量实现`


工具:Appsync 和 CDK

总结:我正在尝试在我的 Graphql 架构中使用标量 AWSTimeStamp


UPDATE_Failed | AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema Schema Creation Status is Failed with details: Found 1 problem(s) with the schema: There is no scalar implementation for the named 'AWSTimeStamp' scalar type.



schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation

type Query
type Mutation

scalar AWSTimeStamp

type Address {
  id: ID
  addressNickName: String
  address1: String
  address2: String
  attnTo: String
  city: String
  state: String
  zipCode: String
  country: String
  createdAt: AWSTimeStamp
  updatedAt: AWSTimeStamp
  isActive: Boolean


extend type Mutation {
  createDealership(input: CreateDealershipInput): DealershipPayload

input CreateDealershipInput {
  engineId: ID!
  name: String
  slug: String
  address: AddressInput

type DealershipPayload {
  id: ID
  engineId: ID
  name: String
  slug: String
  salesAddressId: ID
  salesAddress: Address

input AddressInput {
  addressNickName: String
  address1: String
  address2: String
  attnTo: String
  city: String
  state: String
  zipCode: String
  country: String

注意:这两个 graphql 文件自动合并为一个 schema.graphql


schema { 
  query: Query 
  mutation: Mutation   

type Address {
  id: ID
  addressNickName: String
  address1: String
  address2: String
  attnTo: String
  city: String
  state: String
  zipCode: String
  country: String
  createdAt: AWSTimeStamp
  updatedAt: AWSTimeStamp
  isActive: Boolean

input AddressInput {
  addressNickName: String
  address1: String
  address2: String
  attnTo: String
  city: String
  state: String
  zipCode: String
  country: String

scalar AWSTimeStamp

input CreateDealershipInput {
  engineId: ID!
  name: String
  slug: String
  address: AddressInput

type DealershipPayload {
  id: ID
  engineId: ID
  name: String
  slug: String
  salesAddressId: ID
  salesAddress: Address

type Mutation {
  createDealership(input: CreateDealershipInput): DealershipPayload

当我删除“标量 AWSTimeStamp”并将 AWSTimeStamp 类型替换为“String”时,部署成功。我不确定是否需要导入某些内容才能使用 AWSTimeStamp 标量。我正在查看此文档 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/latest/docs/@aws-cdk_aws-appsync.GraphqlType.html,但如果这实际上是我需要的,我不确定在哪里插入此导入。我对 GraphQL 和 CDK 很陌生。我期待着一些指导!谢谢。


您有带有大写 AWSTimeStampS,但 AppSync 标量类型是带有小写 sAWSTimestamp。 >

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