
使用 curve_fit 拟合 SIR 模型的问题

如何解决使用 curve_fit 拟合 SIR 模型的问题

我正在尝试开发适合给定 SIR 模型的模型。根据各种来源(特别是 https://scipython.com/book/chapter-8-scipy/additional-examples/the-sir-epidemic-model/https://stackoverflow.com/a/34425290/3588242)的建议,我整理了一个测试代码,因为我很难将任何东西与我的模型连贯起来。


基本上,我会根据数据的生成方式生成我知道适合我的模型的数据。随着时间的推移,这给了我一个传染性隔间(ydata 和 xdata)。然后我想回到我用来生成数据的参数(beta、gamma、mu),使用 scipy 函数 curve_fit。


import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate,optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# The SIR model differential equations.
def sir_model(y,t,N,beta,gamma,mu):
    S,I,R = y
    dSdt = -beta * S * I / N + mu * I
    dIdt = beta * S * I / N - gamma * I
    dRdt = gamma * I
    return dSdt,dIdt,dRdt

# The fit integration.
def fit_odeint(x,mu):
    return integrate.odeint(sir_model,(S0,I0,R0),x,args=(N,mu))[:,1]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Get data to be fitted from the model #
    # Total population,N.
    N = 1
    # Initial number of infected and recovered individuals,I0 and R0.
    I0,R0 = 1e-6,0
    # Everyone else,S0,is susceptible to infection initially.
    S0 = N - I0 - R0
    # Contact rate,and mean recovery rate,(in 1/deltaT).
    beta,mu = -0.001524766068089,1.115130184090387,-0.010726414041332
    # A grid of time points (in deltaT increment)
    t = np.linspace(0,305,306)

    # Initial conditions vector
    y0 = S0,R0
    # Integrate the SIR equations over the time grid,t.
    ret = integrate.odeint(sir_model,y0,mu))
    S,R = ret.T

    # Plot the data on three separate curves for I(t) and R(t)
    fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w')
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111,facecolor='#dddddd',axisbelow=True)
    # ax.plot(t,S/N,'b',alpha=0.5,lw=2,label='Susceptible')
    ax.plot(t,R/N,'g',label='Recovered with immunity')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time /days')
    ax.set_ylabel('Number (1000s)')
    # ax.set_ylim(0,1.2)
    legend = ax.legend()
    for spine in ('top','right','bottom','left'):

    # Fit the data using the same model #

    # Define the "experimental" data
    ydata = I
    xdata = t

    # Define the initial conditions vector,note that this will be equal to y0 above.
    I0,R0 = ydata[0],0
    S0 = N - I0 - R0

    # Try with default p0 = [1,1,1] (most of the times I will have no clue where the values lie)
    print('p0 default values...')
    popt,pcov = optimize.curve_fit(fit_odeint,xdata,ydata,bounds=([-0.1,0.,-np.inf],np.inf))
    psig = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
    print(f'beta : {popt[0]} (+/- {psig[0]})\ngamma: {popt[1]} (+/- {psig[1]})\nmu   : {popt[2]} (+/- {psig[2]})\n\n')

    # Try with p0 close to the kNown solution (kind of defeats the purpose of curve fit if it's too close...)
    print('p0 close to the kNown solution...')
    psig = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
    print(f'beta : {popt[0]} (+/- {psig[0]})\ngamma: {popt[1]} (+/- {psig[1]})\nmu   : {popt[2]} (+/- {psig[2]})\n\n')

    # Try with p0 equal to the kNown solution (kind of defeats the purpose of curve fit if it's too close...)
    print('p0 equal to the kNown solution...')
    psig = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
    print(f'beta : {popt[0]} (+/- {psig[0]})\ngamma: {popt[1]} (+/- {psig[1]})\nmu   : {popt[2]} (+/- {psig[2]})\n\n')


p0 default values...
beta : 0.9 (+/- 13.202991356641752)
gamma: 1.0 (+/- 13.203507667858469)
mu   : 1.0 (+/- 50.75556985555176)

p0 close to the kNown solution...
beta : -0.01 (+/- 2.0204502661168218)
gamma: 1.0 (+/- 2.0182998608106186)
mu   : -0.01 (+/- 7.701149479142956)

p0 equal to the kNown solution...
beta : -0.001524766068089 (+/- 0.0)
gamma: 1.115130184090387 (+/- 0.0)
mu   : -0.010726414041332 (+/- 0.0)

所以看起来curve_fit就像,好吧,这已经足够接近了,让我们停下来,在几乎没有做任何事情并拒绝尝试之后。这可能是由于某个地方的 epsilon 值(绝对与相对或类似的东西,我之前在 scipy 中遇到过这个问题,用于不同的求解器)。然而,curve_fit 的文档似乎没有提到关于能够改变容差的任何内容。或者这可能是因为我误解了该代码中的某些内容


我尝试查看 lmfit 包,但收效甚微(我遇到了一些我无法弄清楚的 ValueError a.any() blabla 错误)。


我环顾四周,决定使用随机进化算法(差分进化)来自动获得更好的初始猜测。代码运行良好,但同样,curve_fit 没有做任何事情并返回初始猜测。

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize,integrate

# The SIR model differential equations.
def sir_model(y,1]

# function for genetic algorithm to minimize (sum of squared error)
# bounds on parameters are set in generate_Initial_Parameters() below
def sumOfSquaredError(parameterTuple):
    return np.sum((ydata - fit_odeint(xdata,*parameterTuple)) ** 2)

def generate_Initial_Parameters():
    parameterBounds = []
    parameterBounds.append([-0.1,10.0])  # parameter bounds for beta
    parameterBounds.append([-0.1,20.0])  # parameter bounds for gamma
    parameterBounds.append([-0.1,0.1])  # parameter bounds for mu

    # "seed" the numpy random number generator for repeatable results
    result = optimize.differential_evolution(sumOfSquaredError,parameterBounds,seed=3)
    return result.x

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Get data to be fitted from the model #
    # Total population,label='Recovered with immunity')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time /deltaT')
    ax.set_ylabel('Number (normalized)')
    # ax.set_ylim(0,0
    S0 = N - I0 - R0

    # generate initial parameter values
    initialParameters = generate_Initial_Parameters()

    # curve fit the test data

    # create values for display of fitted peak function
    b,g,m = fittedParameters
    ret = integrate.odeint(sir_model,b,m))
    S,R = ret.T

    plt.plot(xdata,ydata)  # plot the raw data
    plt.plot(xdata,linestyle='--')  # plot the equation using the fitted parameters

    psig = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
    print('Initial parameters:')
    print(f'beta : {initialParameters[0]}\n'
          f'gamma: {initialParameters[1]}\n'
          f'mu   : {initialParameters[2]}\n\n')
    print('Fitted parameters:')
    print(f'beta : {fittedParameters[0]} (+/- {psig[0]})\n'
          f'gamma: {fittedParameters[1]} (+/- {psig[1]})\n'
          f'mu   : {fittedParameters[2]} (+/- {psig[2]})\n\n')


Initial parameters:
beta : -0.039959661364345145
gamma: 1.0766953272292845
mu   : -0.040321969786292024

Fitted parameters:
beta : -0.039959661364345145 (+/- 5.6469679624489775e-12)
gamma: 1.0766953272292845 (+/- 5.647099056919525e-12)
mu   : -0.040321969786292024 (+/- 5.720259134770649e-12)

所以 curve_fit 几乎什么也没做。在这种情况下并不令人震惊,因为最初的猜测非常好。



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