


我在为基于公共的类系列的工厂设计合适的解决方案时遇到了问题。我有一个名为 Verifier 的类,该类将只有方法 Verify ,它接受 Specification 的实例作为参数

public abstract class Verifier 
    public virtual bool Verify(Specification spec) 
        //does the common job
        return true; //or false


public abstract class FirstVerifier : Verifier
    public override bool Verify(Specification spec) 
       //does the job,maybe even calls for base or maybe not
       return true; 

public abstract class SecondVerifier : Verifier
    public override bool Verify(Specification spec) 
       //does the job,maybe even calls for base or maybe not
       return true; 


public class VerifierFactory 
    public static Verifier Create(string type) //not actually a string,but does not matter
        switch (type) 
            case "First": return new FirstVerifier();
            case "Second": return new SecondVerifier();
            default: throw new Exception();


public abstract class FirstVerifier : Verifier
    public override bool Verify(SpecificationOne spec)  //SpecificationOne derives from Specification
       //does the job,maybe even calls for base or maybe not
       return true; 

public abstract class SecondVerifier : Verifier
    public override bool Verify(SpecificationTwo spec) //SpecificationOne derives from Specification
       //does the job,maybe even calls for base or maybe not
       return true; 


public abstract class FirstVerifier : Verifier
    public override bool Verify(Specification spec)
       var realSpecification = spec as SpecificationOne;
       if(realSpecification == null)
          throw new Exception();
       // do job


specifications.Select(s => VerifierFactory.Create(typeof(s)).Verify(s))



public abstract class Verifier 
    public virtual bool Verify<T>(T  spec) where T: Specification
        //does the common job
        return true; //or false


创建基础 Specification

public class Specification
    //some properties,fields and etc

并从基础 Specification 类继承您的其他规范

public class SpecificationOne : Specification
    //some properties,fields and etc

public class SpecificationTwo : Specification
    //some properties

创建基 Verifier 类后,它是泛型类。

public abstract class Verifier<T> where T : Specification
    public virtual bool Verify(T spec)
        //does the common job
        return true; //or false

并从基 Verifier<T> 类继承其他验证器类。 这些类必须不是抽象的,因为我们将在 VerifierFactory 中创建实例。例如:

public class FirstVerifier : Verifier<SpecificationOne>
    public override bool Verify(SpecificationOne spec)
        var baseResult = base.Verify(spec);

        //some logic

        return baseResult;

public class SecondVerifier : Verifier<SpecificationTwo>
    public override bool Verify(SpecificationTwo spec)
        var baseResult = base.Verify(spec);

        //some logic

        return baseResult;

您可以像下面这样创建 VerifierFactory

public class VerifierFactory
    public static Verifier<T> Create<T>(T spec) where T : Specification
        if (spec.GetType() == typeof(SpecificationOne))
            return new FirstVerifier() as Verifier<T>;

        if (spec.GetType() == typeof(SpecificationTwo))
            return new SecondVerifier() as Verifier<T>;

        //and etc...
        // I think you project must have one default Verifier class for else case

最后,您可以使用如下所示的 linq 查询:

specifications.Select(s => VerifierFactory.Create(s).Verify(s))

考虑这个解决方案。从通用的基本验证器开始,并提供验证 Specification 部分的默认实现,然后调用子类的实现来验证 T 部分。

public abstract class Verifier<T> where T : Specification 
    // in most cases you probably wouldn't override this
    // in subclasses,but you could if necessary
    public virtual bool Verify(Specification spec) 
        if (!VerifyCommon(spec)) return false;
        return VerifyImplementation((T)spec);

    protected abstract bool VerifyImplementation(T spec);

    protected bool VerifyCommon(Specification spec)
        //does the common job
        return true; //or false

你的工厂根本不需要改变。您的子类将在每种情况下实现抽象 VerfifyImplementation

public class FirstVerifier : Verifier<SpecificationOne>
    protected override bool VerifyImplementation(SpecificationOne spec)
       // do job
       return ...;

您的 select 必须更改为类似的内容

specifications.Select(s => VerifierFactory.Create(s.GetType()).Verify(s))


然而,此解决方案有一个缺点,即 FirstVerifier 可能接受 SpecificationVerify(Specification) 的错误子类。要解决此问题,您可以将基本验证器更改为

public abstract class Verifier<T> where T : Specification 
    public virtual bool Verify(T spec) 
        if (!VerifyCommon(spec)) return false;
        return VerifyImplementation(spec);

    protected abstract bool VerifyImplementation(T spec);

    protected bool VerifyCommon(Specification spec)
        //does the common job
        return true; //or false

但这意味着您的 select 将不得不执行一些动态魔法以确保可以正确调用 Verify 方法:

specifications.Select(s => VerifierFactory.Create(s.GetType()).Verify((dynamic)s))

此实现消除了 Verify 内部的强制转换并确保了类型安全,但动态调用 Verify 方法的成本(可能可以忽略不计)。


  • 避免调用 base.Verify() ,当子类的开发人员忘记调用 base.Verify() 时,这有时会导致错误。
  • 可以对 Specification 的异构列表进行操作。

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