
Exoplayer 频道平移

如何解决Exoplayer 频道平移

我正在尝试在此处关注此帖子:Setting an app to output ALL audio on a single channel 向左或向右平移来自 exoplayer 的音频。

来自 MainActivity.java 的代码

    StereoVolumeProcessor stereoVolumeProcessor = new StereoVolumeProcessor();
    stereoVolumeProcessor.setChannelMap(new int[]{0,1});

    AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat = new AudioProcessor.AudioFormat(
    try {
    } catch (AudioProcessor.UnhandledAudioFormatException e) {

    RenderersFactory factory = new DefaultRenderersFactory(context){
        protected AudioProcessor[] buildAudioProcessors() {
            return new AudioProcessor[] {stereoVolumeProcessor};

    LoadControl loadControl = new DefaultLoadControl.Builder()

    SimpleExoPlayer testPlayer = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(context,factory,new DefaultTrackSelector(context),loadControl);
    dataSourceFactory = new DefaultDataSourceFactory(activity.getApplicationContext(),Util.getUserAgent(activity.getApplicationContext(),"TEST"));

    test_filepath = "asset:///test.mp3";
    test_file_uri = Uri.parse(test_filepath);
    testSource = new ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory)


来自 StereoVolumeProcessor.java 的代码

public class StereoVolumeProcessor implements AudioProcessor {

private int channelCount;
private int sampleRateHz;
private int[] pendingOutputChannels;

private boolean active;
private int[] outputChannels;
private ByteBuffer buffer;
private ByteBuffer outputBuffer;
private boolean inputEnded;

private float[] volume;

private static final int LEFT_SPEAKER = 0;
private static final int RIGHT_SPEAKER = 1;

public StereoVolumeProcessor() {
    buffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
    outputBuffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
    channelCount = Format.NO_VALUE;
    sampleRateHz = Format.NO_VALUE;

public void setChannelMap(int[] outputChannels) {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","setChannelMap called");
    pendingOutputChannels = outputChannels;

public boolean configure(int sampleRateHz,int channelCount,@C.Encoding int encoding)
        throws AudioProcessor.UnhandledAudioFormatException {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","configure called");

    if(volume == null){
        Log.d("audioProcessor","volume null error called");
        throw new IllegalStateException("volume has not been set! Call setVolume(float left,float right)");

    boolean outputChannelsChanged = !Arrays.equals(pendingOutputChannels,outputChannels);
    outputChannels = pendingOutputChannels;
    if (outputChannels == null) {
        active = false;
        return outputChannelsChanged;
    if (encoding != C.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT) {
        //throw new AudioProcessor.UnhandledAudioFormatException(sampleRateHz,channelCount,encoding);
        Log.d("audioProcessor","encoding is not PCM 16_BIT");

    if (!outputChannelsChanged && this.sampleRateHz == sampleRateHz
            && this.channelCount == channelCount) {
        Log.d("audioProcessor","outputchannels not changed ");
        return false;
    this.sampleRateHz = sampleRateHz;
    this.channelCount = channelCount;

    active = true;
    return true;
    //return setInputFormat(sampleRateHz,encoding);

public AudioFormat configure(AudioFormat inputAudioFormat) throws UnhandledAudioFormatException {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","overriden audioformat configure called");
    //return null;

    @Nullable int[] outputChannels = pendingOutputChannels;
    if (outputChannels == null) {
        return AudioFormat.NOT_SET;

    if (inputAudioFormat.encoding != C.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT) {
        Log.d("audioprocessor","encoding not correct");
        throw new UnhandledAudioFormatException(inputAudioFormat);

    boolean active = inputAudioFormat.channelCount != outputChannels.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < outputChannels.length; i++) {
        int channelIndex = outputChannels[i];
        if (channelIndex >= inputAudioFormat.channelCount) {
            throw new UnhandledAudioFormatException(inputAudioFormat);
        active |= (channelIndex != i);

    Log.d("audioprocessor","overriden audioformat - encoding: " + inputAudioFormat.encoding + " channelCount: " + inputAudioFormat.channelCount + " samplerate: " + inputAudioFormat.sampleRate + " outputchannels.length: " + outputChannels.length);

    return active
            ? new AudioFormat(inputAudioFormat.sampleRate,outputChannels.length,C.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT)
            : AudioFormat.NOT_SET;

public boolean isActive() {
    return active;

public int getoutputChannelCount() {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","getoutputChannelCount called");
    return outputChannels == null ? channelCount : outputChannels.length;

public int getoutputEncoding() {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","getoutputEncoding called");
    return C.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;

 * Returns the sample rate of audio output by the processor,in hertz. The value may change as a
 * result of calling {@link #configure(int,int,int)} and is undefined if the instance is not
 * active.
public int getoutputSampleRateHz() {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","getoutputSampleRateHz called");
    return sampleRateHz;

public void queueInput(ByteBuffer inputBuffer) {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","queueInput called");
    int position = inputBuffer.position();
    int limit = inputBuffer.limit();
    int size = limit - position;

    if (buffer.capacity() < size) {
        buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
    } else {

        int ch = 0;
        for(int i = position;i<limit;i+=2){
            short sample = (short) (inputBuffer.getShort(i)* volume[ch++]);
        throw new IllegalStateException();

    outputBuffer = buffer;

public void queueEndOfStream() {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","queueEndofStream called");
    inputEnded = true;

 * Sets the volume of right and left channels/speakers
 * The values are between 0.0 and 1.0
 * @param left
 * @param right
public void setVolume(float left,float right){
    Log.d("audioProcessor","setVolume called");
    volume = new float[]{left,right};

public float getLeftVolume(){
    Log.d("audioProcessor","getleftvolume called");
    return volume[LEFT_SPEAKER];

public float getRightVolume(){
    Log.d("audioProcessor","getrightvolume called");
    return volume[RIGHT_SPEAKER];

public ByteBuffer getoutput() {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","getoutput called");
    ByteBuffer outputBuffer = this.outputBuffer;
    this.outputBuffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
    return outputBuffer;

public boolean isEnded() {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","isEnded called");
    return inputEnded && outputBuffer == EMPTY_BUFFER;

public void flush() {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","flush called");
    outputBuffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
    inputEnded = false;

public void reset() {
    Log.d("audioProcessor","reset called");
    buffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
    channelCount = Format.NO_VALUE;
    sampleRateHz = Format.NO_VALUE;
    outputChannels = null;
    active = false;


我注意到 queueinput() 从未被调用,并且平移不起作用。不确定我在这里做错了什么。

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