
通过示例了解 Rust Components 迭代器的绝对和相对路径

如何解决通过示例了解 Rust Components 迭代器的绝对和相对路径

here 我了解到 components 方法Componentsstd::path::Path生成迭代器。特别地,Components 类型定义为:

pub struct Components<'a> {
// The path left to parse components from
path: &'a [u8],// The prefix as it was originally parsed,if any
prefix: Option<Prefix<'a>>,// true if path *physically* has a root separator; for most Windows
// prefixes,it may have a "logical" rootseparator for the purposes of
// normalization,e.g.,\\server\share == \\server\share\.
has_physical_root: bool,// The iterator is double-ended,and these two states keep track of what has
// been produced from either end
front: State,back: State,}


pub fn components(&self) -> Components<'_> {
    let prefix = parse_prefix(self.as_os_str());
    Components {
        path: self.as_u8_slice(),prefix,has_physical_root: has_physical_root(self.as_u8_slice(),prefix)
            || has_redox_scheme(self.as_u8_slice()),front: State::Prefix,back: State::Body,}

然而,我仍然难以理解正在运行的迭代器。如果有人能解释(最好用一个例子)Components 成员在每次调用绝对和/或相对路径的 next 方法后持有什么,我将不胜感激。

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