
android QPython 启动失败

如何解决android QPython 启动失败

当我在三星 Tab A 上的 Qpyton 中运行此脚本时,它返回“开始:必须是 root”,我还没有找到在应用程序中为其提供 root 访问权限的方法,所以我有点迷失了。任何帮助都意味着很多。

#importing the modules
from gtts import gTTS
import os
from PIL import Image

pic1 = Image.open("---.png")
pic2 = Image.open("----.png")

#this is the imput and response
while True:
    a = input("")

    if a == "greetings computer":
        os.system("start greetings.mp3")

    if a == "what are we doing today":
        os.system("start talk.mp3")
    if a == "who are the ---":
        os.system("start ---.mp3")

    if a == "how are the --- influential":
        os.system("start how---.mp3")

    if a == "why did we choose the ---":
        os.system("start why---.mp3")

    if a == "--- picture":

    if a == "who is ----":
        os.system("start ----.mp3")

    if a == "how is ---- influential":
        os.system("start what----.mp3")

    if a == "why did we choose ----":
        os.system("start why----.mp3")

    if a == "---- picture":

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