
更改自定义 URL Scheme 的文本

如何解决更改自定义 URL Scheme 的文本

我在 iOS 日历事件中添加一个自定义 url 方案。有什么方法可以将 url 方案的文本从 appName:// 更改为更直观的内容(即单击此处或 https://appName.com)。

func addCalendar() {
var eventStore = EKEventStore()
var calendar: EKCalendar?

let calendars = eventStore.calendars(for: .event)
let calendarTitle = "AppName"
let predicate = nspredicate(format: "title matches %@",calendarTitle)
let filtered = (calendars as NSArray).filtered(using: predicate)

if filtered.count != 0,let filteredCalendar = filtered.first as? EKCalendar {
    calendar = filteredCalendar
    addEvent(with: eventStore,calendar)
} else {
    calendar = EKCalendar(for: .event,eventStore: eventStore)
    calendar?.title = "AppName"
    calendar?.source = eventStore.defaultCalendarForNewEvents?.source
    guard let setCalendar = calendar else { return }
    do { try eventStore.saveCalendar(setCalendar,commit: true) }
    catch { print("Failed to save calendar") }
    addEvent(with: eventStore,calendar)

func addEvent(with eventStore: EKEventStore,_ calendar: EKCalendar?) {
guard let calendar = calendar else { return }

if let calendarForEvent = eventStore.calendar(withIdentifier: calendar.calendarIdentifier) {
    let newEvent = EKEvent(eventStore: eventStore)
    newEvent.calendar = calendarForEvent
    newEvent.title = "Some Title"
    newEvent.startDate = Date()
    newEvent.endDate = Date()
    newEvent.notes = "Some notes"
    newEvent.url = URL(string: "appName://")
    do { try eventStore.save(newEvent,span: .thisEvent,commit: true) }
    catch { print("Could not save event to user's calendar.") }

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