
从汇编程序调用时 dlsym 崩溃

如何解决从汇编程序调用时 dlsym 崩溃

我在汇编程序中有一个小程序,它使用 dlopen 加载 .so 文件,然后尝试使用 dlsym 加载函数指针。调用 dlopen 似乎没问题,但是当我调用 dlsym 时它崩溃了。


;default rel

EXTERN dlopen ; loads a dynamic library
EXTERN dlsym ; retrieves the address for a symbol in the dynamic library

; inputs:
;   rdi: rdi the pointer to print
    sub rsp,19 ; allocate space for the string 0x0123456789ABCDEF\n
    mov BYTE [rsp + 0],'0'
    mov BYTE [rsp + 1],'x'
    xor rcx,rcx ; int loop variable to 0
        lea rsi,[rsp + rcx] ; rsi will we the offset where we will store the next hex charcter
        mov rax,rdi
        and rax,0xf
        sar rdi,4 ; shift right 4 bits (divide by 16)
        lea rdx,[hexLookUp + rax]
        mov bl,[rdx]
        mov BYTE [rsi +18],bl
        dec rcx ; rcx--
        cmp rcx,-16 ; while rcx > -16
        jne .LOOP1
    mov BYTE [rsp + 18],10

    ; print
    mov rax,1 ; syscall: write
    mov rdi,1 ; stdout
    mov rsi,rsp
    mov rdx,19
    ; release stack memory
    add rsp,19

global _start ; "global" means that the symbol can be accessed in other modules. In order to refer to a global symbol from another module,you must use the "extern" keyboard

    ; load the library
    mov rdi,str_libX11so
    mov rsi,2; RTLD_Now=2
    call dlopen wrt ..plt
        ; plt stands for Procedure Linkage Table:
        ; used to call external library functions whose address is not kNow at link time,; so it must be resolved by the dynamic linker at run time
        ; more info: https://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/1992/what-is-plt-got
    mov [ptr_libX11so],rax ; the prevIoUs function call returned the value in rax
    mov rdi,rax 
    call printHex

    ; load the function
    mov rdi,[str_libX11so]
    mov rsi,fstr_XOpendisplay
    call dlsym wrt ..plt
    mov [fptr_XOpendisplay],rax
    mov rdi,rax
    call printHex

    mov rax,60 ; syscal: exit
    mov rdi,0 ; return code

hexLookUp: db "0123456789ABCDEF"
str_libX11so: db "libX11.so",0

; X11 function names
fstr_XOpendisplay: db "XOpendisplay",0

ptr_libX11so: dq 0 ; ptr to the X11 library

; X11 function ptrs
fptr_XOpendisplay: dq 0

我尝试用 C 编写相同的程序,它似乎有效。所以我一定是做错了什么。

extern void* dlopen(const char* name,int);
extern void* dlsym(void* restrict handle,const char* restrict name);

int main()
    void* libX11so = dlopen("libX11.so",2);
    void (*XOpendisplay)() = dlsym(libX11so,"XOpendisplay");

我尝试反汇编 C 版本并进行比较,但仍然无法弄清楚问题所在。

我注意到一个有趣的事情是 dlopen 返回的指针(每次执行都不同),在 asm 版本中与 C 版本相比非常小(例如 0x0000000001A932D vs {{ 1}})。但这可能是因为我使用 0x5555555592d0 标志进行链接




    ; load the function
    mov rdi,[str_libX11so]


    ; load the function
    mov rdi,[ptr_libX11so]

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