


在批处理文件中,我应该如何更改最初按顺序打开的 @for /L %%i in (0,1,9) Do call :Process 950%%i 9500.lnk,9501.lnk,9502.lnk,9503.lnk,9504.lnk,9505.lnk,9506.lnk,9507.lnk,9508.lnk,& 9509.lnk

当我更改了每个快捷方式名称并在四个数字后添加了一些内容时?因为现在我在这四个数字后面添加了不同的东西(使控制台窗口在任务栏上更容易识别),Window 找不到那些快捷方式文件

这是用于自动启动 Halcyon Regions。

这是 Autostart.bat 文件

@Echo Off
: System Autostart of regions
@Echo Starting up Grid services!

cd \Users\Administrator\Desktop\HalcyonGridIcons
start "Whip Assets 1" "Whip Assets 1.lnk"
timeout 40
start "Grid Users 2" "Grid Users 2.lnk"
timeout 3
start "Grid Server 3" "Grid Server 3.lnk"
timeout 3
start "Grid Messaging 4" "Grid Messaging 4.lnk"
timeout 3

@Echo Starting up regions!
start "Grid Aperture 5" "Grid Aperture 5.lnk"
timeout 3
@for /L %%i in (0,9) Do call :Process 950%%i

goto Done

echo Checking port %1
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\RegionChk.ps1 %1
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto Done
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto Skip
start "%1" "%1.lnk"    ((Actually,this line might have to be changed?))
timeout 15

: Send email to notify of startup.
 start "Sendmail" "C:\Sendmail.lnk"

它可以正常运行所有五个网格服务,但由于我更改了区域的快捷方式名称,Windows 找不到 9500.lnk9501.lnk 等。

新的快捷方式文件名称相同,只是在数字后附加了区域名称,如:950* region name.lnk



echo Checking port %1
SET "region950="
for %%r in (%1*.lnk) do ECHO found %%r&set "region950=%%r"
REM AT this point,%region950% contains the link filename
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\RegionChk.ps1 %1

好吧,我不知道您是否需要将 %1(包含,例如 9503)或链接文件名作为 %region950% 放入您的代码的其余部分。您应该小心使用引号 "as necessary since your names appear contain spaces"

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