


我在 HTML 中使用“required标签来验证输入。但是,我在选择时遇到了错误。它没有显示该选项,我也无法继续。

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let data = [{
    "id": 1,"name": "Management","parentid": 0
    "id": 2,"name": "Support",{
    "id": 3,"name": "Digital Business",{
    "id": 4,"name": "Cyber Security",{
    "id": 5,"name": "Infrastructure",{
    "id": 6,"name": "Network",{
    "id": 8,"name": "MDM Solution","parentid": 1
    "id": 9,"name": "IT Procurement",{
    "id": 10,"name": "vendor Management",{
    "id": 11,"name": "Managed servers,Network,Firewall",{
    "id": 12,"name": "Backup and Storage",{
    "id": 13,"name": "Email Management",{
    "id": 14,"name": "Microsoft Office Management",{
    "id": 15,"name": "Asset Management",{
    "id": 16,"name": "Network Management",{
    "id": 17,"name": "Communication Management",{
    "id": 21,"name": "Patch Management",{
    "id": 18,"name": "IT Helpdesk","parentid": 2
    "id": 19,"name": "Maintenance of Servers",{
    "id": 20,"name": "Network Maintenance","name": "Communication Maintenance",{
    "id": 22,"name": "disaster Recovery Testing and Support",{
    "id": 23,"name": "Pro-active Capacity Planning and Support",{
    "id": 24,"name": "Remote and Onsite Support",{
    "id": 25,"name": "Office 365 Migration","parentid": 3
    "id": 26,"name": "Managed Offsite Backups",{
    "id": 27,"name": "Azure Migration & Uplift",{
    "id": 28,"name": "SaaS Products Support ",{
    "id": 29,"name": "Microsoft Teams Setup",{
    "id": 30,"name": "SharePoint Configuration",{
    "id": 32,"name": "Risk Assessment","parentid": 4
    "id": 33,"name": "Cloud base & on prem SIEM Solution Implementation",{
    "id": 34,"name": "Vulnerability & penetration testing",{
    "id": 35,"name": "Cyber Security Incident Response Plan",{
    "id": 36,"name": "Cloud Security",{
    "id": 37,"name": "CyberArk PAM solution",{
    "id": 38,"name": "SME Upgrades and Consolidation","parentid": 5
    "id": 39,"name": "Dell Networking",{
    "id": 40,"name": "Data Centre Design",{
    "id": 41,"name": "Storage Design and Installation",{
    "id": 42,"name": "disaster Recovery Infrastructure",{
    "id": 43,"name": "Redundancy Planning","parentid": 6
    "id": 44,"name": "Internet and WAN Connectivity Design",{
    "id": 45,"name": "Cabling Design",{
    "id": 46,"name": "Network Switching Design and Scale",{
    "id": 47,"name": "Routing Design ",{
    "id": 48,"name": "Firewall Design and Maintenance ",{
    "id": 49,"name": "Fibre,Cat5,Cat6 and WiFi Planning and Installation",{
    "id": 50,"name": "Access Network Design ",{
    "id": 51,"name": "Automation Workflows and Software Development",{
    "id": 52,"name": "Campus Network Design",{
    "id": 53,"name": "ISP Network Design",]

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function updateList(selList,thisList) {
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function triggerEvent(e,trigger) {
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function loadList1() {

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if (FullNameValue === '') {
  setErrorFor(FullName,FullName 'Full Name cannot be blank');
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        Lets get Started
      <div class="form-control">

        <div class="field">
          <div class="label">
            Full Name </div>
          <input type="text" placeholder="FirstName SecondName " id="FullName" required>


        <div class="field">
          <div class="label">
            Company Name</div>
          <input type="text" placeholder="Name" id="comname" required>


        <div class="field">
          <button class="firstNext next" style="position: relative; left: 280px;">Next</button>


    <div class="page">
      <div class="title">
        Contact Info:</div>
      <div class="field">
        <div class="label">
          Email Address</div>

        <input type="email" placeholder="name@example.com" required>
      <div class="field">
        <div class="label">
          Phone Number</div>
        <input type="number" placeholder="+61 412 345 678" required>
      <div class="field btns">
        <button class="prev-1 prev">PrevIoUs</button>
        <button class="next-1 next">Next</button>

    <div class="page">
      <div class="title">
      <div class="field">
        <div class="label">
          Service Category</div>
        <select id="list1" onchange="updateList('list2',this);" required>
      <div class="field">
        <div class="label">
        <select id="list2" onchange="updateList('list3',this);" required></select>

      <div class="field">
        <div class="label">

        <textarea name="Description" id="" cols="75" rows="100" style="height:60px;" placeholder="Provide a small description about the service you have selected."></textarea>
      <div class="field btns">
        <button class="prev-2 prev" style="position: relative; left: 30px;">PrevIoUs</button>
        <button class="next-2 next" style="position: relative; left: 30px;">Next</button>
    <div class="page">
      <div class="title">
      <div class="field">
        <div class="label">
          Pefered method of Communication</div>
        <select name="communica" id="" required>
          <option value=""></option>
          <option value="Phone">Phone </option>
          <option value="Email ">Email </option>
          <option value="SMS">SMS </option>


      <div class="textsub" style="position: relative; left: 0; margin-right: 400px;">
        We will reach out to you with some proposal and we will discuss which will be the best for you while hearing your Feedback. You should recieve an email within 24 hours with what will be happening. Thank you
      <div class="field btns">
        <button class="prev-3 prev">PrevIoUs</button>
        <button class="submit" style="left: 50px; position: relative;">Submit</button>


<select id="list1" onchange="updateList('list2',this);" required >
      <div class="field">
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