
Android API 30 模拟器不工作Android Studio

如何解决Android API 30 模拟器不工作Android Studio

所以我使用 Android Studio 在我的 PC 上安装了 Android API 30 Emulator,当我尝试运行它时,我遇到了一长串错误

4:30 AM Emulator: Warning: Quick Boot / Snapshots not supported on this machine. A cpu with EPT + UG features is currently needed. We will address this in a future release.

4:30 AM Emulator: handlecpuacceleration: feature check for hvf

4:30 AM Emulator: cannot add library vulkan-1.dll: Failed

4:30 AM Emulator: cannot add library vulkan-1.dll: Failed

4:30 AM Emulator: dsound: Could not initialize DirectSoundCapture

4:30 AM Emulator: dsound: Reason: No sound driver is available for use,or the given GUID is not a valid DirectSound device ID

4:30 AM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object

4:30 AM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object

4:30 AM Emulator: audio: Failed to create voice `goldfish_audio_in'

4:30 AM Emulator: C:\Users\XTRAP\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator\qemu\windows-x86_64\qemu-system-x86_64.exe: warning: opening audio input Failed

4:30 AM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object

4:30 AM Emulator: dsound: Attempt to initialize voice without DirectSoundCapture object

4:30 AM Emulator: audio: Failed to create voice `adc'

4:30 AM Emulator: deleteSnapshot: for default_boot

4:30 AM Emulator: Process finished with exit code 0

我每天的互联网都有限,所以我不想删除我的 API。请帮我。 谢谢。

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