
React Admin/通过“ra-data-graphql”库构建数据提供者 - 自动注入的“raFetchType”参数未定义

如何解决React Admin/通过“ra-data-graphql”库构建数据提供者 - 自动注入的“raFetchType”参数未定义

我正在尝试通过 ra-data-graphql 创建一个 dataProvider,如 library's README 中所述,并且我成功地将内省响应传递给 buildQuery 方法,但是 {{1我的 raFetchType 方法中的 }} 参数始终未定义,并且应该发生的查询映射失败。似乎 buildQuery 应该由库自动填充,或者我(或文档)遗漏了一些东西。

在将 raFetchType 注入 buildCustomQuery 时是否需要提供一些额外的选项?

您所期待的: buildGraphQLProvider 已定义(我假设为“GET_LIST”、“GET_ONE”等之一)

发生了什么: raFetchType 中的 raFetchType 参数(在库的源代码中称为 buildQuery)始终未定义


// App.tsx

const [dataProvider,setDataProvider] = useState<DataProvider>();
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
const link = createHttpLink({
  uri: // my graphql API URL

const client = new ApolloClient({
  cache: cache,link: link,});

useEffect(() => {
    client: { client },buildQuery: buildCustomQuery,introspection: {
      schema,// JSON prevIoUsly fetched from my GraphQL API
      operationNames: introspectionoperationNames,// function that maps the 'Country' resource to the correct query name for 'GET_LIST'
      include: ['Country'],// just trying it out with a single Resource first
    },}).then((dataProvider: any) => {


  • React 管理员版本:3.11.0
  • 反应版本:17.0.1
  • 浏览器:Chrome
  • 堆栈跟踪:// this is called via `buildGraphQLProvider` on init export const buildCustomQuery = (introspectionResults: any) => (raFetchType: any,resourceName: any,params: any) => { // the introspectionResults contain the 4 properties listed here: https://github.com/marmelab/react-admin/tree/master/packages/ra-data-graphql#specify-your-queries-and-mutations // including the 'Country' resource with the mapped query name // however,`raFetchType` is undefined,and so no query can ever be returned. // I get 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'parseResponse' of undefined' on ra-data-graphql/esm/index.js:113 const resource = introspectionResults.resources.find((r: IntrospectionResource) => r.type.name === resourceName); switch (raFetchType) { case 'GET_LIST': return { query: gql`query ${resource[raFetchType].name}($id: ID) { data: ${resource[raFetchType].name}(id: $id) { ... } } }`,variables: params,// params = { id: ... } parseResponse: (response: any) => response.data,} break; // ... other types handled here default: return undefined; } }

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