计算由 scipy 的 Delaunay 函数生成的四面体网格的雅可比矩阵

如何解决计算由 scipy 的 Delaunay 函数生成的四面体网格的雅可比矩阵

我正在尝试使用 Delaynay函数 scipy 生成四面体网格。从提供的源代码 here 中,我做了以下内容

import math
import random
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import delaunay

# geometry
height = 2.0
depth  = 2.0
width  = 2.0

# random transformations of the original mesh
variation = .00 # as a decimal for a percent

h = 0.4

x_layer = int(width / h)+1
y_layer = int(depth / h)+1
z_layer = int(height / h)+1

points = np.zeros([x_layer*y_layer*z_layer,3])

count = 0
for orig_x in range(x_layer):
    for orig_y in range(y_layer):
        for orig_z in range(z_layer):

            rand_pert_x = random.uniform(-variation,variation)
            rand_pert_y = random.uniform(-variation,variation)
            rand_pert_z = random.uniform(-variation,variation)
            x = orig_x*h
            y = orig_y*h
            z = orig_z*h
            if (x==0 or orig_x==x_layer-1) or (y==0 or orig_y==y_layer-1) or (z==0 or orig_z==z_layer-1):
                points[count,:] = np.array([x,y,z])
                points[count,:] = np.array([x+h*rand_pert_x,y+h*rand_pert_y,z+h*rand_pert_z])
            count += 1

tet = delaunay(points,qhull_options="Qt")

即计划是让点随机扰动以创建低质量的网格。目前,variation 设置为 0.0,因此代码生成 3D 矩形网格。

我想测试网格的质量,所以我要看的一件事是每个元素的雅可比矩阵。有没有办法从 delaunay 函数输出中计算出来?



假设一个四面体的点为 pj=(xj,yj,zj)j=0,1,2,3,与之对应的雅可比矩阵为(参见示例 here):

   [[x1-x0,x2-x0,x3-x0],J = [y1-y0,y2-y0,y3-y0],[z1-z0,z2-z0,z3-z0]]


def compute_delaunay_tetra_jacobians(dt):
    Compute the Jacobian matrix and its determinant for each tetrahedron in the Delaunay triangulation.
    :param dt: the Delaunay triangulation
    :return: array of shape (n,3,3) of jacobian matrices such that jacoboian_array[i,:,:] is the 3x3 Jacobian matrix
             array of n values of the determinant of the jacobian matrix
    simp_pts = dt.points[dt.simplices]
    # (n,4,3) array of tetrahedra points where simp_pts[i,j,k] holds the k'th coordinate (x,y or z)
    # of the j'th 3D point (of four) of the i'th tetrahedron
    assert simp_pts.shape[1] == 4 and simp_pts.shape[2] == 3

    # building the 3x3 jacobian matrix with entries:
    # [[x1-x0,#  [y1-y0,#  [z1-z0,z3-z0]]
    a = simp_pts[:,0] - simp_pts[:,0]  # x1-x0
    b = simp_pts[:,1] - simp_pts[:,1]  # y1-y0
    c = simp_pts[:,2] - simp_pts[:,2]  # z1-z0
    d = simp_pts[:,0]  # x2-x0
    e = simp_pts[:,1]  # y2-y0
    f = simp_pts[:,2]  # z2-z0
    g = simp_pts[:,0]  # x3-x0
    h = simp_pts[:,1]  # y3-y0
    i = simp_pts[:,2]  # z3-z0

    determinants = a*(e*i - f*h) - b*(d*i - f*g) + c*(d*h - e*g)

    n = simp_pts.shape[0]
    jacobian_array = np.empty((n,3))
    jacobian_array[:,0] = a
    jacobian_array[:,1] = b
    jacobian_array[:,2] = c
    jacobian_array[:,0] = d
    jacobian_array[:,1] = e
    jacobian_array[:,2] = f
    jacobian_array[:,0] = g
    jacobian_array[:,1] = h
    jacobian_array[:,2] = i

    return jacobian_array,determinants

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