
为什么这个 JQuery 脚本不再在我的 https 服务器上工作?

如何解决为什么这个 JQuery 脚本不再在我的 https 服务器上工作?

我有这个旧的 jquery 脚本来在网站上显示 Tumblr 帖子。 该脚本在我的本地服务器上对我来说效果很好。我什至相信它在 http 上运行良好,但我不确定。但是,在 https 上,该脚本不再起作用。 这可能是什么原因?


 * jquery.tumblr.js - jQuery plugin for embedding tumblr posts
 * https://github.com/bicknoyle/jquery.tumblr
 * copyright (c) 2012 Nick Boyle
 * MIT Licensed
(function( $ ) {
    $.fn.tumblr = function(o)
        var s = $.extend({
            append: false,// [bool] Append to target container,instead of clearing first
            hostname: null,// [string] The hostname of your blog (ex: myblog.tumblr.com)
            options: { },// [object] key:val of options to pass the tumblr API,see http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v1#api_read for details
            template:'{body}',// [string or function] template used to construct each post <li> - see code for available {vars}
            type_templates: { }     // [string or function] see below for defaults

        // [string or function] template to be used for each type; these defaults are based on the markup used by the default tumblr theme
        var default_type_templates = {
            answer:'<div class="question">{question}</div><div class="copy">{answer}</div>',audio: '<div class="audio">{audio_player}</div><div class="copy"></div>',chat:  function(item) {
              str = '<div class="title">{conversation_title}</div><div class="chat"><div class="lines">';
              for(i in item.conversation) { str = str+'<div class="line"><strong>'+item.conversation[i].label+'</strong>'+item.conversation[i].phrase+'</div>' };
              return str+'</div></div>';
            },link:  function(item) {
              if( item.link_text ) { return '<div class="link"><a href="{link_url}" target="_blank">{link_text}</a></div><div class="copy">{link_description}</div>' };
              return '<div class="link"><a href="{link_url}" target="_blank">{link_url}</a></div><div class="copy">{link_description}</div>'
            },quote:   '<div class="quote">{quote_text}</div><div class="copy">{quote_source}</div>',photo:   '<div class="media"><img src="{photo_url_500}" alt="" /></div><div class="copy">{photo_caption}</div>',text:    '<div class="title">{regular_title}</div><div class="copy">{regular_body}</div>',video:   '<div class="media">{video_player_500}</div><div class="copy">{video_caption}</div>'
        s.type_templates = $.extend(default_type_templates,s.type_templates);

        function extract_relative_time(date)
            var toInt = function(val) { return parseInt(val,10); };
            var relative_to = new Date();
            var delta = toInt((relative_to.getTime() - date) / 1000);
            if (delta < 1) delta = 0;
            return {
              days:    toInt(delta / 86400),hours:   toInt(delta / 3600),minutes: toInt(delta / 60),seconds: toInt(delta)

        function format_relative_time(time_ago)
            if ( time_ago.days > 2 )     return 'about ' + time_ago.days + ' days ago';
            if ( time_ago.hours > 24 )   return 'about a day ago';
            if ( time_ago.hours > 2 )    return 'about ' + time_ago.hours + ' hours ago';
            if ( time_ago.minutes > 45 ) return 'about an hour ago';
            if ( time_ago.minutes > 2 )  return 'about ' + time_ago.minutes + ' minutes ago';
            if ( time_ago.seconds > 1 )  return 'about ' + time_ago.seconds + ' seconds ago';
            return 'just Now';

         * Prepare the data for each posts,for use by the user in the template
        function prepare_template_data(item)
            var o = {};

             * Change keys from two-words to two_words
            var key_regex = new RegExp('-','g');
            $.each(item,function(key,val) {
                o[key.replace(key_regex,'_')] = val;

            // "text" is referred to by API output as "regular"????
            if( item.type == 'regular' ) { o.type = 'text'; }
            // "chat" is referred to by API output as "conversation"????
            if( item.type == 'conversation' ) { o.type = 'chat'; }

             * Add some custom vars that may be handy for the user
            o.relative_time = format_relative_time(extract_relative_time(Date.parse(o.date)));
            o.reblog_url = 'http://www.tumblr.com/reblog/'+o.id+'/'+o.reblog_key;

             * Create body,based on the type_template for that
             * media type.
            o.body = t(s.type_templates[o.type],o);
            return o;

        // Expand values inside simple string templates with {placeholders}
        function t(template,info) {
            var result;
            if ( typeof template === 'string' || typeof template === 'number' ) {
                result = template;
            else {
                result = template(info);

            $.each(info,val) {
                result = result.replace(new RegExp('{'+key+'}','g'),val === null ? '' : val);
            return result;
        // Export the t function for use when passing a function as the 'template' option
        $.extend({tumblr: {t: t}});

         * Get data from tumblr,listify it,and load it into the widget
        var target_selector = this;
        $.getJSON('http://'+s.hostname+'/api/read/json?callback=?',s.options,function(response) {
            var list = $('<ul class="post_list">');
            var posts = $.map(response.posts,prepare_template_data);
            //posts = $.grep(posts,s.filter).sort(s.comparator).slice(0,s.count);//Todo: Implement
            list.append($.map(posts,function(o) { return '<li>' + t(s.template,o) + '</li>'; }).join('')).
            if( !s.append ) {
        return target_selector;
})( jQuery );

感谢您的所有评论! 菲利克斯


我不确定这是否可行,但您可以尝试使用相同的协议,具体取决于您使用的服务器(本地主机、https 等)


$.getJSON('http://'+s.hostname+'/api/read/json?callback=?',s.options,function(response) {


var protocol = document.location.protocol;
$.getJSON(protocol + s.hostname+'/api/read/json?callback=?',function(response) {

这应该意味着如果您的代码在 localhost 中运行,则协议将为 http,但如果您在安全服务器上运行,则协议将为 https

问题可能是您根本无法通过 http 发出请求,我不知道 100%,因此您需要对此进行测试。


好的,下载github repo代码后,我在这里做了一个工作示例: https://jsfiddle.net/lharby/2dxcL536/

我在脚本窗口的顶部包含了 jquery.tumblr.js,底部是实际的函数调用。

我已将此调用更改为 https,现在至少该函数正在进行 api 调用(顺便说一下,在 localhost 中,这仅适用于 http)

    url:        'https://blog.thehiddenventure.com',// was previously http
    pagination: '#pagination',loading:    '#loading'



enter image description here

这里是 json 响应:https://blog.thehiddenventure.com/api/read/json?start=0&num=20&_=1613389676379 这意味着应该可以从这个响应构建代码(这是这个库的目的,但正如我所说,我认为它已经过时了)。你可以自己动手。

更新 好的,错误是由一个名为 timeago 的函数抛出的,所以我将其设置为 false,它现在正在 jsfiddle 中输出数据(尽管控制台中还有其他错误)。


'timeago'            : false,


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