
使用 Salesforce 中的 Apex 类将 Slack 通知发送到多个渠道

如何解决使用 Salesforce 中的 Apex 类将 Slack 通知发送到多个渠道

我有一个允许我向频道发送松弛通知的顶点类。但我希望能够向多个 slack 频道发送 slack 通知

有没有人有答案或能够向我指出实现这一目标的文档? 谢谢

这里是允许向单个通道发送 slack 通知代码

public without sharing class SlackNotificationSupport{
public class slackrequest { 
    public String caseNumber;
    public String status;
    public String nickname;
    public String queue;
    public String accountTier;
    public String accountName;
    public String subject;
    public String businessUnit;

public static String setChannelName(String queue) {

    String channelName;

    channelName = '#'+queue;
    channelName = channelName.toLowerCase('en');
    channelName = channelName.replaceAll('queue','bot');
    channelName = channelName.replaceAll('[_]','-');
    return channelName;

@invocableMethod(label='Publish to Slack')
public static void publishToSlack(List<slackrequest> requests) {

    String webhookURL = system.label.Param_Slack_Token;
    String msg;
    String channelName;

    for(slackrequest r:requests){

        if (r.queue == 'internal'){
            System.debug('### SlackNotificationSupport new internal case');
            channelName = '#'+Label.Slack_Internal_Case_Channel;
            msg = 'A new internal case has been created : *'+r.caseNumber+'* - By User : (*'+r.accountName+'*) - Subject : (*'+r.subject+'*)';                
        else if (r.queue == 'caseconcern'){
            System.debug('### SlackNotificationSupport new case concern');
            channelName = '#'+Label.Slack_Case_Concern_Channel;
            msg = 'A new Case Concern has been created : *'+r.caseNumber+'* - By User : (*'+r.nickName+' '+r.accountName+'* From *'+r.accountTier+'*) - Category : (*'+r.subject+'*)';
            msg += '\nLink to Case Concern : '+URL.getorgDomainUrl().toExternalForm()+'/'+r.status;
        // Team Leads
        else if (r.queue == 'Queue Team Leads') {
            channelName = setChannelName(r.queue);
            msg = 'A customer has opened a new case.\n>>>*'+
                r.caseNumber+'* - '+r.subject;
                System.debug('### SlackNotificationSupport Queue Team Leads');
        } // New Tier 1 Ticker
        else if (r.accountTier == 'Tier 1' && r.accountName != null && r.queue != null) {
            System.debug('### SlackNotificationSupport New Tier 1');
            channelName = setChannelName(r.queue);
            msg = 'The customer '+r.accountTier+' - *'+r.accountName+'* has opened a new case.\n>>>*'+
                r.caseNumber+'* - '+r.subject;
        }// Assigned ticket,status to Open - Internal notification for awaiting Feedback cases
        else if (r.nickname != null && r.status != null && r.caseNumber != null) {
            System.debug('### SlackNotificationSupport  Status x to Open');
            channelName = '@'+r.nickname;
            if(r.queue == 'internal_notification')msg = 'Salesforce Internal Case number *'+r.caseNumber+'* related to : *'+r.subject+'* - Status changed to : *'+r.status+'*.';
            else msg = 'Case number *'+r.caseNumber+'* has become '+r.status+'.';

        // Generate JSON for request
        try {
            if (r.queue != null || r.nickname != null) {
                System.debug('### SlackNotificationSupport Sending message');
                JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator(true);
                gen.writeStartObject(); //Inserts {
                gen.writeEndobject(); //Inserts }
                String body = gen.getAsstring(); //Translates JSONGenerator to string to be passed to callout
                System.debug('### SlackNotificationSupport body: '+ body);
                System.enqueueJob(new qCallOut(webhookURL,'POST',body)); // Send request
            else {
                System.debug('### SlackNotificationSupport Queue = '+ r.queue);
        } // try    
        catch (exception e){
            system.debug('### SlackNotificationSupport error:' + e);

public class qCallOut implements System.Queueable,Database.AllowsCallouts {
    private final String url;
    private final String method;
    private final String body;
    public qCallOut(String url,String method,String body) {
        this.url = url;
        this.method = method;
        this.body = body;
    public void execute(System.QueueableContext ctx) {
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        Http http = new Http();
        // to pass when process builder is invoked by another test class
          HttpResponse res = http.send(req);


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