
Python 链表 - 插入方法

如何解决Python 链表 - 插入方法

我对 DataStructure 有点陌生,我正在尝试编写 LinkedList,但我不知道为什么我的插入方法不起作用。如果您有任何改进建议,请写信给我

class Node:
    def __init__(self,data):
        self.item = data
        self.ref = None

class LinkedList:
    def __init__(self):
        self.start_node = None
        self.index = 0

    def append(self,val):
        new = Node(val)

        if not self.start_node:
            self.start_node = new

        last = self.start_node
        while last.ref:
            last = last.ref
        last.ref = new

        self.index += 1

    def insert(self,index,value):
        start_counting = 0
        start = self.start_node

        while start_counting < index:
            start = start.ref
            start_counting += 1

        NewNode = Node(value)
        tmp = start.ref
        start = NewNode
        start.ref = tmp

    def display(self):
        ls = []
        last = self.start_node
        while last:
            last = last.ref
        return ls



我有这个链表:1 -> 2 -> 3 我想在位置 1 插入一个元素“4”(位置 1 的当前数字是 2)。 迭代将是:

list = [{"foo1": 1},{"foo2": 3},{"foo1": 6},{"foo2": 0},{"foo2": 1},{"bar1": 1},]


start_counting = 0
start = self.start_node (node with value 1)


start_counting < 1 -> true

start = start.ref (node with value 2)
start_counting += 1 (actual count 1)


start_counting < 1 -> false

start = (node with value 2)


  1. 迭代到前一个节点而不是下一个。
  2. 处理你想插入一个节点作为链表头的情况,换句话说,在位置 0。


We create the new Node (4 in my example) and we do:

tmp = start.ref (which is 3)
start = NewNode (we are replacing the node completely,we are not linking the node with another) <- here is the error
start.ref = tmp (which in this case is 3)


    def insert(self,index,value):
        start_counting = 0
        start = self.start_node
        NewNode = Node(value)

        if index == 0: # Handling the position 0 case.
            NewNode.ref = start
            self.start_node = NewNode
            while start_counting < index - 1: # Iterating until the previous node.
                start_counting += 1
                start = start.ref

            NewNode.ref = start.ref
            start.ref = NewNode

链表没有索引,所以不需要从index=0开始。同样对于链表,有 3 种插入方法,insert_to_first、insert_to_last 或 insert_to_any_position。您正在实施 insert_to_any 位置。

def insert(self,value):
    start_counting = 0
    start = self.start_node

    while start_counting < index:
        start = start.ref
        start_counting += 1
    # so far no issue
    NewNode = Node(value,None) # new Node accepts 2 args
    # Let's write a linked list to visualize
    # A->B->C-> adding_Node_Here ->D->E... make sure we dont lose ref to D when we inser
    # after while loop,we end up start=C
    NewNode.ref=start.ref # we keep the ref to D
    start.ref=NewNode # now C refs to NewNode
    self.index+=1 # again linked list is not indexed. "size" is better term

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