是否可以为 Blazes 的“Html”派生一个“Lift”或“Data”实例?

如何解决是否可以为 Blazes 的“Html”派生一个“Lift”或“Data”实例?

我试图在编译时解析一些 markdown 并保留它生成的 Html 实例。 通常我会使用派生的 Language.Haskell.TH.Lift.Lift 实例来做这样的事情:

-- Lib.hs                                                                                                                                                           
module Lib where                                                                                                                                                                              
import Language.Haskell.TH                                                                                                                                                                    
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift                                                                                                                                                               
data MyNiceType = MyNiceType { f0 :: Int } deriving (Lift,Show)                                                                                                                              
preloadNiceType :: Q Exp                                                                                                                                                                      
preloadNiceType = do
  -- do some important work at compile time                                                                                                                                                                          
  let x = MyNiceType 0                                                                                                                                                                       
  [| x |]                                                                                    

但是,当我使用包含 Blaze.Html 字段的类型尝试此模式时: (我正在使用扩展 TemplateHaskell DeriveLift DeriveGeneric,以及包 template-haskell th-liftblaze-html

data MyBadType = MyBadType { f1 :: Html  } deriving (Lift)


    • No instance for (Lift Html)
        arising from the first field of ‘MyBadType’ (type ‘Html’)
      Possible fix:
        use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,so you can specify the instance context yourself
    • When deriving the instance for (Lift MyBadType)

现在,从这个错误中很清楚 GHC 想要我做什么。但我真的会避免自己为 Html 类型实例化 Lift(或 Data)。

有什么办法可以避免吗? 或者我在这里缺少的不同方法? 或者是通过一些我不知道的技巧来实现这些实例吗?

我知道我可以在编译时将 markdown 源存储为 Text 并在运行时呈现它,但我想知道是否有替代方法



定义一个通用的 Lift (String -> String) 实例会“具有挑战性”,但我们可以像这样提升一个 StaticString,通过获取它的字符串值,然后使用 IsString 实例来构造一个重新:

instance Lift StaticString where
  lift ss = let ss' = getString ss "" in [| fromString ss' :: StaticString |]

一旦定义,除了 ChoiceString 之外,ByteString 实例是乏味但简单的。您可以考虑使用 Lift ByteString 中的 th-lift-instances 实例,或者也许有一个我不知道的更好的实例。

instance Lift ChoiceString where
  lift (Static a) = [| Static a |]
  lift (String a) = [| String a |]
  lift (Text a) = [| Text a |]
  lift (ByteString bs) = let ws = BS.unpack bs in [| BS.pack ws |]
  lift (PreEscaped a) = [| PreEscaped a |]
  lift (External a) = [| External a |]
  lift (AppendChoiceString a b) = [| AppendChoiceString a b |]
  lift EmptyChoiceString = [| EmptyChoiceString |]

剩下 HTML = MarkupM ()AppendMarkupM 构造函数带来了一个问题,因为它引入了一个新的 MarkupM b 类型,该类型对任何 b 进行了量化。这意味着一个实例:

instance Lift a => Lift (MarkupM a)

不起作用,因为我们永远无法保证 Lift b 所需的 Append。我们可以通过编写一个仅适用于 Lift 的非法 MarkupM () 实例来作弊。请注意,构造函数中 a 类型的任何值都将被忽略并假定为 () :: ()

instance Lift (MarkupM a) where
  lift (Parent a b c d)   = [| Parent a b c d |]
  lift (CustomParent a b) = [| CustomParent a b |]
  lift (Leaf a b c _)     = [| Leaf a b c () |]
  lift (CustomLeaf a b _) = [| CustomLeaf a b () |]
  lift (Content a _)      = [| Content a () |]
  lift (Comment a _)      = [| Comment a () |]
  lift (Append a b)       = [| Append a b |]
  lift (AddAttribute a b c d) = [| AddAttribute a b c d |]
  lift (AddCustomAttribute a b c) = [| AddCustomAttribute a b c |]
  lift (Empty _) = [| Append Empty () |]


-- LiftBlaze.hs
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Wno-orphans #-}

module LiftBlaze where

import Data.String
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift
import Text.Blaze.Internal
import Text.Blaze.Html5 hiding (a,b,head)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H

instance Lift (MarkupM a) where
  lift (Parent a b c d)   = [| Parent a b c d |]
  lift (CustomParent a b) = [| CustomParent a b |]
  lift (Leaf a b c _)     = [| Leaf a b c () |]
  lift (CustomLeaf a b _) = [| CustomLeaf a b () |]
  lift (Content a _)      = [| Content a () |]
  lift (Comment a _)      = [| Comment a () |]
  lift (Append a b)       = [| Append a b |]
  lift (AddAttribute a b c d) = [| AddAttribute a b c d |]
  lift (AddCustomAttribute a b c) = [| AddCustomAttribute a b c |]
  lift (Empty _) = [| Append Empty () |]
instance Lift StaticString where
  lift ss = let ss' = getString ss "" in [| fromString ss' :: StaticString |]
instance Lift ChoiceString where
  lift (Static a) = [| Static a |]
  lift (String a) = [| String a |]
  lift (Text a) = [| Text a |]
  lift (ByteString bs) = let ws = BS.unpack bs in [| BS.pack ws |]
  lift (PreEscaped a) = [| PreEscaped a |]
  lift (External a) = [| External a |]
  lift (AppendChoiceString a b) = [| AppendChoiceString a b |]
  lift EmptyChoiceString = [| EmptyChoiceString |]

data MyHTMLType = MyHTMLType { f0 :: Html } deriving (Lift)

preloadNiceType :: Q [Dec]
preloadNiceType = do
  -- do some important work at compile time
  let x = MyHTMLType $ docTypeHtml $ do
        H.head $ do
          H.title "Compiled HTML"
        body $ do
          stringComment "not sure this is a good idea"
          p "I can't believe we're doing this!"
  [d| thing = x |]

-- Main.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import LiftBlaze
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Pretty

-- preload "thing"

main = do
  putStrLn $ renderHtml (f0 thing)

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