
Actix Web 不处理发布请求?

如何解决Actix Web 不处理发布请求?

所以我正在尝试创建一个基本的 actix-web 应用程序,它将允许我创建一个非常基本的博客系统。它正在处理我的 GET 请求,但不处理我的 POST 请求。


use actix_web::{HttpServer,App,web};
use sqlx::postgres::PgPool;
use dotenv::dotenv;

mod posts;
mod database;

pub async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()>{

    let pool = PgPool::connect(&dotenv::var("DATABASE_URL").unwrap()).await.unwrap();

    HttpServer::new(move || {
        // The scope for all post services
        let posts = web::scope("/posts").service(posts::get_all_posts).service(posts::create_post);



use super::*;
use database::{NewPost,model::Post};
use actix_web::{get,post,Responder,HttpResponse};

pub async fn get_all_posts(pool: web::Data<PgPool>) -> impl Responder {
    println!("New GET request for all posts!");
    let result = Post::find_all(pool.get_ref()).await;

    match result {
        Ok(posts) => HttpResponse::Ok().json(posts),_ => HttpResponse::BadRequest().body("Error trying to read all the posts from the database") 

pub async fn create_post(post: web::Json<NewPost>,pool: web::Data<PgPool>) -> impl Responder {
    println!("New POST request to create a post!");
    let result = Post::new_post(post.into_inner(),pool.as_ref()).await;

    match result {
        Ok(post) => HttpResponse::Ok().json(post),_ => HttpResponse::BadRequest().body("Error trying to create a new post")


use serde::{Serialize,Deserialize};
use sqlx::{Fromrow,PgPool,Row,postgres::PgRow};
use uuid::Uuid;
use chrono::prelude::*;

/// Struct to represent database record.
pub struct Post {
    pub id: Uuid,pub content: String,pub created_at: chrono::NaiveDateTime

/// Struct to receive user input.
pub struct NewPost {
    pub content: String

impl Post {
    pub async fn find_all(pool: &PgPool) -> std::io::Result<Vec<Post>> {
        let mut posts = Vec::new();
        let recs = sqlx::query_as!(Post,r#"SELECT id,content,created_at FROM post ORDER BY id"#)

        for rec in recs {
            posts.push(Post {
                id: rec.id,content: rec.content,created_at: rec.created_at


    pub async fn new_post(post: NewPost,pool: &PgPool) -> std::io::Result<Post> {
        let mut tx = pool.begin().await.unwrap();
        let post = sqlx::query("INSERT INTO post (id,created_at) VALUES ($1,$2,$3) RETURNING id,created_at")
            .map(|row: PgRow| {
                Post {
                    id: row.get(0),content: row.get(1),created_at: row.get(2)
            .fetch_one(&mut tx)


目前,我正在使用 curl 来测试 API。当我想发送 GET 请求时,我使用以下命令:

curl localhost:8080/api/posts/

当我运行这个命令时,我的 Rust 应用程序会打印出以下语句:“所有帖子的新 GET 请求!”正如我所料。

当我想发送 POST 请求时,我使用以下命令:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ \
    "content": "This is my first post" \
}' localhost:8080/api/posts/new

运行此 curl 命令后,我根本没有得到任何输出,curl 终端也没有任何输出,我的 Rust 程序也没有任何输出



如果您包含 -i 以显示响应标头,那么您可以看到您实际上收到了一个 400 错误请求。

$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ \
>     "content": "This is my first post" \
> }' localhost:8080/api/posts/new
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-length: 0
date: Sun,03 Jan 2021 14:04:12 GMT

如果您将 create_post 更改为采用 post: String 而不是 post: web::Json<NewPost>,则可以更轻松地检查端点正在接收的负载。

pub async fn create_post(post: String) -> impl Responder {

现在执行相同的 curl 会显示以下输出:

{ \
    "content": "This is my first post" \


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{
    "content": "This is my first post"
}' localhost:8080/api/posts/new

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