
在 Rmd knitted 报告中显示 Plotly express 图在 python 块中

如何解决在 Rmd knitted 报告中显示 Plotly express 图在 python 块中

基本上当我运行 python 块(在 Rmd 上使用 reticulate)时,.show() 给出一个带有交互式绘图的新浏览器窗口作为输出

我可以将它集成到针织 rmd 中吗?

py_plot = px.choropleth(data_frame = py_plot_df,locations= "iso_alpha",color= "Confirmed",# the value in the variable 'Confirmed' determines the color
                hover_name= "Country",color_continuous_scale="bluyl",#  through all the color palettes,the dear old Viridis is also available in python!
                animation_frame= "Date")

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