
如何修复 <Identifier> 预期错误?

如何解决如何修复 <Identifier> 预期错误?

我正在编写一个函数,该函数将另一个类中构造的对象用作变量。 这是代码,我在这里得到错误“commonDenominator(Fraction,Fraction)”在分数和分数中预期的标识符的两个错误

public class MyMath {

 public static int commonDenominator(Fraction,Fraction){ 
       int d1 = getDenominator();                              
       int d2 = getDenominator();
       if (d1%d2==0){
          return d1; 
        } else if (d2%d1=0){
          return d2;
        } else {
         return d1*d2 ; 


public class Fraction {

    // The fields of this Fraction
    private int numerator;
    private int denominator;
    /** Constructs a fraction.
     *  The newly constructed fraction is reduced.
     *  For example,given 6 and 9,constructs the fraction 2/3.
     *  If the denominator is negative,converts the signs of both the numerator and the denominator.
     *  For example,2/-3 becomes -2/3,and -2/-3 becomes 2/3.     
     *  @param numerator   can be signed
     *  @param denominator can be signed
    public Fraction (int numerator,int denominator) {
        // Handles the signs of the numerator and denominator
        if (denominator < 0) {
            numerator = numerator * -1;
            denominator = denominator * -1;
        // Initializes the object's fields
        this.numerator = numerator;
        this.denominator = denominator;
        // Divides the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor

    /** Constructs a random fraction.
     *  The denominator is a random positive random number which is less than limit,and
     *  the numerator is a random positive random number which is less than the denominator.
     *  @param limit must be greater or equal to 1
    public Fraction(int limit) {
        // Put your code here
        int denominator1 = (int)(Math.random()*(limit+1)); 
        int numerator1 = (int)(Math.random()*(denominator + 1)); 
        this.numerator = numerator1;
        this.denominator = denominator1;

    /** Returns the numerator of this fraction.
     *  @return the numerator of this fraction
    public int getNumerator() {
        return numerator;

    /** Returns the denominator of this fraction.
     *  @return the denominator of this fraction
    public int getDenominator() {
        return denominator;


您需要为方法的参数命名。可以推测,d1d2 应该分别是它们的分母:

public static int commonDenominator(Fraction f1,Fraction f2) { 
   // Here ----------------------------------^------------^
   int d1 = f1.getDenominator(); // Use f1
   int d2 = f2.getDenominator(); // Use f2
   if (d1%d2==0){
      return d1; 
    } else if (d2%d1=0){
      return d2;
    } else {
     return d1*d2 ; 
 public static int commonDenominator(Fraction,Fraction){ 

问题是这个方法声明不完整。在 Java 中,参数必须具有类型(在本例中为 Fraction)和名称。您的参数缺少名称。

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