


struct ExperimentPickerView: View {
    @StateObject var localExperiment = RunningExperiment.active
    @StateObject var experiments = RemoteExperiments.instance
    @State var picked : Int = -1
    var body: some View {
        Picker("active",selection: $picked) {
            ForEach(Array(experiments.experiments.enumerated()),id: \.offset) { i,experiment in
                Section(header: Text("\(experiment.name)")) {
                    ForEach(Array(experiment.variations.enumerated()),id: \.offset) { j,variation in
//                        Text("\(variation.name) \(variation.id)").tag(variation.id)
                        Text("\(variation.name) \(variation.id)").tag(UUID().description)
        }.id(picked).onReceive([self.picked].publisher.first()) { (value) in
            print(value) // prints the row number and not the id of the element

struct Experiment : Codable,Equatable,Identifiable {
    var id: Int {
        var hasher = Hasher()
        name.hash(into: &hasher)
        variations.hash(into: &hasher)
        return hasher.finalize()
    let name : String
    let variations: [Variation]
    enum CodingKeys: String,CodingKey {
        case name
        case variations
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        let n = try container.decode(String.self,forKey: .name)
        name = n
        let a = try container.decode(AnyCodable.self,forKey: .variations)
        let b = a.value as! [[String:Any]]
        var vars = [Variation]()
        for v in b {
            if let na = v["name"],let nna = na as? String {
                vars.append(Variation(name: nna,experiment: n))
        variations = vars

struct Variation: Codable,Identifiable,Hashable {
    var id: Int {
        var hasher = Hasher()
        name.hash(into: &hasher)
        experiment.hash(into: &hasher)
        let hashValue = hasher.finalize()
        return hashValue
    let name: String
    var experiment: String
    enum CodingKeys: String,CodingKey {
        case name,experiment

它们可能在哪些方面有所不同,它们可以互换使用吗? (非常欢迎详细解释,不胜感激!)


hashSync 用于同步生成给定字符串的哈希值。它返回散列的字符串

hash 用于为给定字符串异步生成哈希。它返回承诺是回调已提交,您需要解决承诺。



bcrypt.hash 将回调作为其第三个参数,当哈希完成时将调用该回调。 bcrypt.hashSync 运行散列,等待它完成并返回散列值。

换句话说,“hash”是异步的,hashSync 是同步的。



const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')

const hash = bcrypt.hash(<myPassword>,12) // this returns a promise 

const hashSync = bcrypt.hashSync(<myPasword>,12) //this on is sync so it stops every line of code after untill it's executed


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