


我想把外面的每个情节的图例放在上面。 我正在使用 multiplot ,所以问题是当我尝试这样做时,所有的图例都出现在图的顶部。 如何将每个图例放在相应的图上? Hers 是我的代码示例


set datafile separator comma

set term pdfcairo enhanced font "Helvetica,7"  size 4,7  
set output "data.pdf"

set multiplot layout 6,2 margins 0.07,0.95,0.05,0.97 spacing 0.1,0.05

set tics nomirror 
set grid xtics ytics lt 1 lw 0.5 lc rgb "grey" 

 ############################################ PLOT 

set key  outside  horizontal

set ylabel "V [mV]"
set label "A" at graph -0.14,1.1  
plot "data.txt" using "time":"V" with lines
unset label 
plot "data.txt" using "time":"V" with lines
unset ylabel 

############################################# PLOT 

set key outside  horizontal
set label "B" at graph -0.14,1.1 
 set ylabel "I_{tot} [pA/pF] " 
plot "data.txt" using "time":"Itotal" with lines
unset ylabel 
unset label
unset key 
############################################ PLOT 

set key outside horizontal 
set label "G" at graph -0.16,1.1
set ylabel "J_{rel} [mM/s]"
plot "data.txt" using "time":"Jrel" with lines
unset ylabel 
unset label 
unset key 

unset multiplot


enter image description here


检查以下 3 个最小示例的变体。

  • 变体 1 具有不同大小的子图,这不是您想要的。
  • 在变体 2 中,我将密钥的行为视为意外和错误。
  • 第三个(繁琐的)变体可能与您预期的很接近。


### multiplot version with undesired auto margins but correct keys
reset session
set key out horizontal

set multiplot layout 3,3 spacing 0.1,0.1
    do for [i=1:9] {
        plot x**i title sprintf("x**%d",i) lc i
unset multiplot
pause -1 "Press Enter to continue"

### multiplot version with desired margins but wrong keys
reset session
set key out horizontal

set multiplot layout 3,3 margin 0.07,0.93,0.07,0.93 spacing 0.1,i) lc i
unset multiplot
pause -1 "Press Enter to continue"

### version with desired margins and correct keys (but cumbersome)
reset session
set key out horizontal

myLmargin = 0.07
myRmargin = 0.93
myBmargin = 0.07
myTmargin = 0.93
myXspacing = 0.1
myYspacing = 0.1

Rows=3   # rows
Cols=3   # columns
myWidth = (myRmargin-myLmargin-(Cols-1)*myXspacing)*1./Cols
myHeight = (myTmargin-myBmargin-(Rows-1)*myYspacing)*1./Rows
# myPosX(n) = myLmargin + n*(myWidth + myXspacing)
# myPosY(m) = myTmargin - (row+1)*myHeight - 0.5*myYspacing
myLmarg(row,col) = myLmargin + col*(myWidth + myXspacing)
myRmarg(row,col) = myLmargin + (col+1)*myWidth + col*myXspacing
myBmarg(row,col) = myTmargin - (row+1)*myHeight - row*myYspacing
myTmarg(row,col) = myTmargin - row*(myHeight + myYspacing)

set multiplot
    do for [row=0:Rows-1] {
        do for [col=0:Cols-1] {
            set origin myLmarg(row,col),myBmarg(row,col)-0.5*myYspacing
            set size 1,1./Rows
            set lmargin screen myLmarg(row,col)
            set rmargin screen myRmarg(row,col)
            set bmargin screen myBmarg(row,col)
            set tmargin screen myTmarg(row,col)
            j = row*Cols + col + 1
            plot x**j title sprintf("x**%d",j) lc j
unset multiplot
### end of code

结果 1:(不需要的自动边距,即不同的子图大小,但正确的键)

enter image description here

结果 2:(所需的边距和相同的子图大小,但错误的重叠键)

enter image description here

结果 3:(所需的边距和大小以及正确的键,但“手动”设置)

enter image description here

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