


我已经训练了一个 Lightgbm 模型来学习对数据集进行排序。该模型预测样本的相关性分数。所以预测越高越好。现在模型已经学习了,我想找到一些特征的最佳值,这些值给我最高的预测分数。

所以,假设我有 u,v,w,x,y,z 特征,而我想要优化的特征是 x,z

maximize f(u,z) w.r.t features x,z where f is a lightgbm model
subject to constraints : 
y = Ax + b
z = 4 if y < thresh_a else 4-0.5 if y >= thresh_b  else 4-0.3
thresh_m < x <= thresh_n


关于 x 的目标函数如下所示:

enter image description here

所以函数很尖,不平滑。我也没有梯度信息,因为 f一个 lightgbm 模型。

使用 Nathan's answer 我写下了以下类:

class ProductOptimization:
    def __init__(self,estimator,features_to_change,row_fixed_values,bnds=None):
        self.estimator = estimator 
        self.features_to_change = features_to_change
        self.row_fixed_values = row_fixed_values
        self.bounds = bnds
    def get_sample(self,x):
        new_values = {k:v for k,v in zip(self.features_to_change,x)}
        return self.row_fixed_values.replace({k:{self.row_fixed_values[k].iloc[0]:v} 
                                  for k,v in new_values.items()})
    def _call_model(self,x):
        pred = self.estimator.predict(self.get_sample(x))
        return pred[0]
    def constraint1(self,vector):
        x = vector[0]
        y = vector[2]
        return # some float value
    def constraint2(self,vector):
        x = vector[0]
        y = vector[3] 
        return #some float value
    def optimize_slsqp(self,initial_values):
        con1 = {'type': 'eq','fun': self.constraint1}
        con2 = {'type': 'eq','fun': self.constraint2}
        cons = ([con1,con2])

        result = minimize(fun=self._call_model,x0=np.array(initial_values),method='SLSQP',bounds=self.bounds,constraints=cons)
        return result

我得到的结果总是围绕着最初的猜测。而且我认为这是因为函数的不平滑性和缺少任何对 SLSQP 优化器很重要的梯度信息。有什么建议我应该如何处理这种问题?




from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from copy import copy

首先,我定义了一个新类,它允许我轻松地重新定义值。这个类有 5 个输入:

  1. 值:这是“基础”值。在你的方程 y=Ax + b 中,它是 b 部分
  2. 最小值:这是此类型将评估为的最小值
  3. 最大值:这是此类型将评估为的最大值
  4. 乘数:第一个棘手的。它是其他 InputType 对象的列表。第一个是输入类型,第二个是乘数。在您的示例 y=Ax +b 中,您将有 [[x,A]],如果方程为 y=Ax + Bz + Cd,则为 [[x,A],[z,B],[d,C]]
  5. 关系:最棘手的关系。它也是其他 InputType 对象的列表,它有四项:第一项是输入类型,第二项定义是否是使用 min 的上限,如果是下限,则使用 max。列表中的第三项是边界的值,第四项是与其相连的输出值


class InputType:

    def __init__(self,value=0,minimum=-1e99,maximum=1e99,multipliers=[],relations=[]):

        :param float value: base value
        :param float minimum: value can never be lower than x
        :param float maximum: value can never be higher than y
        :param multipliers: [[InputType,multiplier],[InputType,multiplier]]
        :param relations: [[InputType,min,threshold,output_value],max,output_value]]
        self.val = value
        self.min = minimum
        self.max = maximum
        self.multipliers = multipliers
        self.relations = relations

    def reset_val(self,value):
        self.val = value

    def evaluate(self):
        - relations to other variables are done first if there are none then the rest is evaluated

        - at most self.max
        - at least self.min
        - self.val + i_x * w_x
        i_x is input i,w_x is multiplier (weight) of i
        for term,min_max,value,output_value in self.relations:
            # check for each term if it falls outside of the expected terms
            if min_max(term.evaluate(),value) != term.evaluate():
                return self.return_value(output_value)

        output_value = self.val + sum([i[0].evaluate() * i[1] for i in self.multipliers])
        return self.return_value(output_value)

    def return_value(self,output_value):
        return min(self.max,max(self.min,output_value))

使用它,您可以修复从优化器发送的输入类型,如 _call_model 所示:

class Example:

    def __init__(self,lst_args):
        self.lst_args = lst_args

        self.X = np.random.random((10000,len(lst_args)))
        self.y = self.get_y()
        self.clf = GradientBoostingRegressor()

    def get_y(self):
        # sum of squares,is minimum at x = [0,0 ... ]
        return np.array([[self._func(i)] for i in self.X])

    def _func(self,i):
        return sum(i * i)

    def fit(self):

    def optimize(self):
        x0 = [0.5 for i in self.lst_args]
        initial_simplex = self._get_simplex(x0,0.1)
        result = minimize(fun=self._call_model,x0=np.array(x0),method='Nelder-Mead',options={'xatol': 0.1,'initial_simplex': np.array(initial_simplex)})
        return result

    def _get_simplex(self,x0,step):
        simplex = []
        for i in range(len(x0)):
            point = copy(x0)
            point[i] -= step

        point2 = copy(x0)
        point2[-1] += step
        return simplex

    def _call_model(self,x):
        for i,value in enumerate(x):

        input_x = np.array([i.evaluate() for i in self.lst_args])
        prediction = self.clf.predict([input_x])
        return prediction[0]


A = 5
b = 2
thresh_a = 5
thresh_b = 10
thresh_c = 10.1
thresh_m = 4
thresh_n = 6

u = InputType()
v = InputType()
w = InputType()
x = InputType(minimum=thresh_m,maximum=thresh_n)
y = InputType(value = b,multipliers=([[x,A]]))
z = InputType(relations=[[y,thresh_a,4],[y,thresh_b,3.5],thresh_c,3.7]])

example = Example([u,v,w,x,y,z])


result = example.optimize()
for i,value in enumerate(result.x):
print(f"final values are at: {[i.evaluate() for i in example.lst_args]}: {result.fun)}")

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