
问:Rust,你如何使用 tokio 钨矿的 accept_hdr_async 函数来获取 headers?

如何解决问:Rust,你如何使用 tokio 钨矿的 accept_hdr_async 函数来获取 headers?

我正在尝试使用 Rust tokio 钨矿包来创建基于 URL 的聊天室。例如,我有一个客户端连接到 ws://localhost:8080/abcd。我的理解是我必须使用 tokio_tungstenite::accept_hdr_async 函数来访问标头以获取 /abcd 路径,但是我在使用它时遇到了问题。我对 copy_headers_callback 的第二个参数应该是什么?

不确定我的方法是否合理。我是 Rust 的新手,它在踢我的屁股。如有任何见解,我将不胜感激!

我的代码基于此示例 https://github.com/snapview/tokio-tungstenite/blob/master/examples/server.rs

use std::{
    collections::HashMap,env,io::Error as IoError,net::SocketAddr,sync::{Arc,Mutex},marker::Unpin,};

use futures_channel::mpsc::{unbounded,UnboundedSender};
use futures_util::{future,pin_mut,stream::TryStreamExt,StreamExt};

use tokio::net::{TcpListener,Tcpstream};
use tungstenite::{

type Sender = UnboundedSender<Message>;
type PeerMap = Arc<Mutex<HashMap<SocketAddr,Sender>>>;

use serde::{Deserialize,Serialize};

struct broadcastJsonStruct {
    message: String,sender_addr: SocketAddr,}

async fn handle_connection(peer_map: PeerMap,raw_stream: Tcpstream,client_addr: SocketAddr) {
    println!("Incoming TCP connection from: {},raw stream: {}",client_addr,raw_stream.local_addr().unwrap());

    let copy_headers_callback = |request: &Request| {
            for (name,value) in request.headers().iter() {
                println!("Name: {},value: ",name.to_string())
                // headers.insert(name.to_string(),value.clone());

    //accept a new asynchronous WebSocket connection
    let ws_stream = tokio_tungstenite::accept_hdr_async(
        .expect("Error during the websocket handshake occurred");
    println!("WebSocket connection established: {}",client_addr);

    // Insert the write part of this peer to the peer map.
    let (sender,receiver) = unbounded();

    //set up the incoming and outgoing
    let (outgoing,incoming) = ws_stream.split();

    let broadcast_incoming = incoming.try_for_each(|msg| {
        println!("Received a message from {}: {}",msg.to_text().unwrap());
        let peers = peer_map.lock().unwrap();

        //make a new struct to be serialized
        let broadcast_data = broadcastJsonStruct {
            message: msg.to_text().unwrap().to_owned(),sender_addr: client_addr.to_owned(),};
        let new_msg = Message::Text(
            serde_json::to_string(&broadcast_data).expect("problem serializing broadcast_data")
        println!("New message {}",new_msg.to_text().unwrap());

        // We want to broadcast the message to everyone except ourselves.
        //filter returns addresses that aren't our current address
        let broadcast_recipients =
            peers.iter().filter(|(peer_addr,_)| peer_addr != &&client_addr).map(|(_,ws_sink)| ws_sink);

        //send the message to all the recipients
        for recp in broadcast_recipients {


    let receive_from_others = receiver.map(Ok).forward(outgoing);


    println!("{} disconnected",&client_addr);

async fn main() -> Result<(),IoError> {
    //see if there is a server address specified in the command line argument,else use default address
    let server_addr = env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());

    let state = PeerMap::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));

    // Create the event loop and TCP listener we'll accept connections on.
    let try_socket = TcpListener::bind(&server_addr).await; //create the server on the address
    let listener = try_socket.expect("Failed to bind");
    println!("Listening on: {}",server_addr);

    // Let's spawn the handling of each connection in a separate task.
    while let Ok((stream,client_addr)) = listener.accept().await {



error[E0593]: closure is expected to take 2 arguments,but it takes 1 argument
   --> src/main.rs:45:9
34  |     let copy_headers_callback = |request: &Request| {
    |                                 ------------------- takes 1 argument
45  |         copy_headers_callback,|         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected closure that takes 2 arguments
   ::: /Users/harryli/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/tokio-tungstenite-0.12.0/src/lib.rs:151:8
151 |     C: Callback + Unpin,|        -------- required by this bound in `accept_hdr_async`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Callback` for `[closure@src/main.rs:34:33: 40:10]`

error: aborting due to prevIoUs error; 1 warning emitted



我没有在标题中找到路径 /abcd。我的解决方法是将 window.location.pathname 作为协议传递,然后在服务器中访问该协议。



const socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080",window.location.pathname.replace(/\//ig,"-")

Rust 回调:

let mut protocol = HeaderValue::from_static("");

    let copy_headers_callback = |request: &Request,mut response: Response| -> Result<Response,ErrorResponse> {
        for (name,value) in request.headers().iter() {
            println!("Name: {},value: {}",name.to_string(),value.to_str().expect("expected a value"));

        //access the protocol in the request,then set it in the response
        protocol = request.headers().get(SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL).expect("the client should specify a protocol").to_owned(); //save the protocol to use outside the closure
        let response_protocol = request.headers().get(SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL).expect("the client should specify a protocol").to_owned();

    //accept a new asynchronous WebSocket connection
    let ws_stream = tokio_tungstenite::accept_hdr_async(
        .expect("Error during the websocket handshake occurred");

完整的 Rust 代码:

use std::{
    collections::HashMap,env,io::Error as IoError,net::SocketAddr,sync::{Arc,Mutex},};

use futures_channel::mpsc::{unbounded,UnboundedSender};
use futures_util::{future,pin_mut,stream::TryStreamExt,StreamExt};

use tokio::net::{TcpListener,TcpStream};
use tungstenite::{
use http::header::{

type Sender = UnboundedSender<Message>;
struct PeerStruct {
    protocol: HeaderValue,sender: Sender,}

type PeerMap = Arc<Mutex<HashMap<SocketAddr,PeerStruct>>>;

use serde::{Deserialize,Serialize};

struct BroadcastJsonStruct {
    message: String,sender_addr: SocketAddr,}

async fn handle_connection(peer_map: PeerMap,raw_stream: TcpStream,client_addr: SocketAddr) {
    println!("Incoming TCP connection from: {},raw stream: {}",client_addr,raw_stream.local_addr().unwrap());
    let mut protocol = HeaderValue::from_static("");

    let copy_headers_callback = |request: &Request,)
    .expect("Error during the websocket handshake occurred");
    println!("WebSocket connection established: {}",client_addr);

    // Insert the write part of this peer to the peer map.
    let (sender,receiver) = unbounded();
    peer_map.lock().unwrap().insert(client_addr,PeerStruct {
        protocol: protocol.to_owned(),sender: sender,});

    //set up the incoming and outgoing
    let (outgoing,incoming) = ws_stream.split();

    //this function broadcasts messages to all other connected clients using the same protocol
    let broadcast_incoming = incoming.try_for_each(|msg| {
        println!("Received a message from {}: {}",msg.to_text().unwrap());
        let peers = peer_map.lock().unwrap();

        //make a new struct to be serialized
        let broadcast_data = BroadcastJsonStruct {
            message: msg.to_text().unwrap().to_owned(),sender_addr: client_addr.to_owned(),};
        let new_msg = Message::Text(
            serde_json::to_string(&broadcast_data).expect("problem serializing broadcast_data")
        println!("New message {}",new_msg.to_text().unwrap());

        //filter addresses that aren't the message sender's address AND are using the same protocol
        let broadcast_recipients = peers.iter().filter(
            peer_addr != &&client_addr
            && peers.get(peer_addr).expect("peer_addr should be a key in the HashMap").protocol.to_str().expect("expected a string")==protocol.to_str().expect("expected a string")
        ).map(|(_,ws_sink)| ws_sink);

        //send the message to all the recipients
        for recp in broadcast_recipients {


    let receive_from_others = receiver.map(Ok).forward(outgoing);


    println!("{} disconnected",&client_addr);

async fn main() -> Result<(),IoError> {
    //see if there is a server address specified in the command line argument,else use default address
    let server_addr = env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());

    let state = PeerMap::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));

    // Create the event loop and TCP listener we'll accept connections on.
    let try_socket = TcpListener::bind(&server_addr).await; //create the server on the address
    let listener = try_socket.expect("Failed to bind");
    println!("Listening on: {}",server_addr);

    // Let's spawn the handling of each connection in a separate task.
    while let Ok((stream,client_addr)) = listener.accept().await {



name = "server"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["harryli0088 <harryli0088@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

tokio-tungstenite = "*"
tokio = { version = "0.3",features = ["full"] }
futures-channel = "0.3"
futures-util = "0.3.8"
serde = { version = "1.0",features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
http = "0.2.2"

version = "0.11.1"
default-features = false

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