
在python3 format函数中打印撇号的符号

如何解决在python3 format函数中打印撇号的符号

请帮助我解决输出句子中包含撇号'符号和标准format()函数的问题。我以Mark Lutz 2013的第31章“学习Python,第五版”为例,它具有函数,实例,方法和带有打印重载的实例—请参见下面的代码及其内容。解释器信息-Linux上的Python 3.7.3(认,2020年7月25日,13:03:44)[GCC 8.3.0]。 示例代码以及带有format()和print()函数输出

def square(arg):                        # Simple functions     def or lambda
    return arg ** 2

class Sum:                             # Calliable instance
    def __init__(self,val):
        self.val = val
    def __call__(self,arg):
        return self.val + arg
class Product:                        # Bound method 
    def __init__(self,val):
        self.val = val
    def method(self,arg):
        return self.val * arg
class Negate:                       
    def __init__(self,val):          # Operator print overloading
        self.val = -val
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.val)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    Sobject = Sum(2)
    pobject = Product(3)
    actions = [square,Sobject,pobject.method,Negate]     # function,instance,method,instance with print() overloading
    table = {act(5): act for act in actions}                # Dictionary comprhension
    for (key,value) in table.items():                      # Printing with format
        print('{0:2} => {1}'.format(key,value)) 
    output print correct first three rows and  raise exceptions when trying print fourth row which contains mean  (-5,<class '__main__.Negate'>) with apostrophe ' symbol
    25 => <function square at 0x7fdba0d64840>
    7 => <__main__.Sum object at 0x7fdba00a8d30>
    15 => <bound method Product.method of <__main__.Product object at 0x7fdba00a8d68>>
    Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: unsupported format string passed to Negate.__format__
    print(table)                                        # using standard print() function
    output is correct without any errors,see bellow:
    [(25,<function square at 0x7fdba0088d90>),(7,<__main__.Sum object at 0x7fdba00215c0>),(15,<bound method Product.method of <__main__.Product object at 0x7fdba0021390>>),(-5,<class '__main__.Negate'>)])


print('I\'m studying Python') → I'm studing Python
print("I'm studying Python") -> I'm studying Python



到Pranav Hosangadi 示例取自第31章:“使用类进行设计”第952-953页-类Negate仅具有def init (self,val)的构造函数以及def repr 重载print()的构造函数>(self):并且 format 和此示例中描述的对象的其他嵌入方法没有任何其他重载。本书中的示例在第953页上有正确的输出-5 => main .Negate'>。

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