
如何在Swift 5 Playground中绘制文本,形状,线条

如何解决如何在Swift 5 Playground中绘制文本,形状,线条


我在左上方的方框中画圆时遇到问题。 addArc函数绘制半径加上圆(我不确定为什么吗?)。我宁愿使用具有适当字体属性的text(“ O”,“ X”)为文本着色和调整大小,但我也想知道如何绘制没有半径的圆。



import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

public class SimpleLine: UIView  {
    public init() {
        super.init( frame: CGRect( x: 0,y: 0,width: 320,height: 480 ) )
        backgroundColor = .darkGray
    public required init?( coder aDecoder: NSCoder ) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
    public override func draw( _ rect: CGRect ) {
        guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else {return}
        context.setlinewidth( 4.0 )
        context.setstrokeColor( UIColor.red.cgColor )
        // draw right perpendicular line
        context.move( to: CGPoint( x: 110,y: 100 ) )
        context.addLine( to: CGPoint( x: 110,y: 355 ) )
        // draw left perpendicular line
        context.move( to: CGPoint( x: 210,y: 100 ) )
        context.addLine( to: CGPoint( x: 210,y: 355 ) )
        // draw the first horizontal line
        context.move( to: CGPoint( x: 20,y: 180 ) )
        context.addLine( to: CGPoint( x: 300,y: 180 ) )
        // draw the second horizontal line
        context.move( to: CGPoint( x: 20,y: 270 ) )
        context.addLine( to: CGPoint( x: 300,y: 270 ) )
        // draw the tictac board
        context.setlinewidth( 2.0 )
        context.setstrokeColor( UIColor.white.cgColor )
        // draw first part of the X
        context.move( to: CGPoint( x: 130,y: 199 ) )
        context.addLine( to: CGPoint( x: 190,y: 250 ) )
        // draw second part of the X
        context.move( to: CGPoint( x: 190,y: 199 ) )
        context.addLine( to: CGPoint( x: 130,y: 250 ) )
        // draw circle
        context.move( to: CGPoint( x: 62,y: 138 ) )
        context.addArc( center: CGPoint( x: 62,y: 138 ),radius: 26.00,startAngle: 0,endAngle: 90,clockwise: false )

PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = SimpleLine()

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