


当我尝试执行bee migrate时出现此错误,有人遇到相同的错误吗?怎么处理呢?谢谢

2020/11/06 03:54:37 INFO     ▶ 0001 Getting bee latest version...
2020/11/06 03:54:37 WARN     ▶ 0002 Update available 2.0.0 ==> 1.12.0
2020/11/06 03:54:37 WARN     ▶ 0003 Run `bee update` to update
2020/11/06 03:54:37 INFO     ▶ 0004 Your bee are up to date
| ___ \
| |_/ /  ___   ___
| ___ \ / _ \ / _ \
| |_/ /|  __/|  __/
\____/  \___| \___| v2.0.0
2020/11/06 03:54:37 INFO     ▶ 0005 Using 'postgres' as 'driver'
2020/11/06 03:54:37 INFO     ▶ 0006 Using '/go/src/chatcommerce-api/database/migrations' as 'dir'
2020/11/06 03:54:37 INFO     ▶ 0007 Running all outstanding migrations
2020/11/06 03:54:37 INFO     ▶ 0008 Creating 'migrations' table...
2020/11/06 03:54:38 ERROR    ▶ 0009 Could not build migration binary: exit status 1
2020/11/06 03:54:38 ERROR    ▶ 0010 |> go: finding module for package github.com/astaxie/beego/client/orm
2020/11/06 03:54:38 ERROR    ▶ 0011 |> go: finding module for package github.com/astaxie/beego/client/orm/migration
2020/11/06 03:54:38 ERROR    ▶ 0012 |> m.go:6:2: module github.com/astaxie/beego@latest found (v1.12.3),but does not contain package github.com/astaxie/beego/client/orm
2020/11/06 03:54:38 ERROR    ▶ 0013 |> m.go:7:2: module github.com/astaxie/beego@latest found (v1.12.3),but does not contain package github.com/astaxie/beego/client/orm/migration
2020/11/06 03:54:38 WARN     ▶ 0014 Could not remove temporary file: remove m: no such file or directory



go get -u github.com/astaxie/beego@develop 去获取github.com/beego/bee@v1.12.3

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