




# Libraries #

import pygame                       # Imports the Pygame library.
from pygame.locals import *         # Imports the Pygame Locals library.
import ResolutionMenu               # Imports the ResolutionMenu file (must be stored in the same location as this file to work)

# Classes #

class GuiSettings:                  # Class used to define the colour and size of buttons.
    def __init__(self):
        self.TextSize = 26                          
        self.button_color = (35,65,145)
        self.button_color_hover = (70,105,150)

class Button():
    def __init__(self,x,y,width,height,outline,settings,text = "",action = None):   # Classes used to actually create a button.
        self.x = x                      # Screen is divided into an axis,x being horizontal.
        self.y = y                      # And Y being vertical. The maximum bound changes depending on screen resolution.
        self.width = width              # This determines the dimensions of the Box that is going to be created.
        self.height = height            # Height and Width are measured in pixels,similar to X and Y.
        self.text = text                # Allows text to be printed over the top of the button.
        self.settings = settings        # Allows it to be manipulated by the GuiSettings.
        self.action = action            # Will be used to determine what 'action' the user is performing on the button.
        self.outline = outline          # Will be used to determine if an outline is or is not drawn around the button.

    def draw(self,screen,outline = None):

        if self.outline:        # Used to draw a black outline around the perimeter of the square.
            pygame.draw.rect(screen,self.outline,(self.x - 2,self.y - 2,self.width + 4,self.height + 4),0)

        if self.text != "":
            font = pygame.font.SysFont('segoeuisemibold',self.settings.TextSize)       # Settings for text inside of the button Box.
            text = font.render(self.text,1,(0,0))                                 # Renders the font with the variables 'text' which is the text on the Box,anti-aliasing is the second 
                                                                                        # option,of which removes the jagged effect that might appear around the Box.
                                                                                        # and finally the colour of the outline.
            screen.blit(text,(self.x + (self.width / 2 - text.get_width() / 2),self.y + (self.height / 2 - text.get_height() / 2)))   # Places the text in the middle of the Box.

    def update(self,events):           # Simply used to determine what actions need to be taken when the button is pressed,if any.
        for event in events:
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and self.isOver(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and self.action:

    def isOver(self,pos):              # Determines if the cursor is actually over the button Box or not. 
        if pos[0] > self.x and pos[0] < self.x + self.width:
            if pos[1] > self.y and pos[1] < self.y + self.height:
                return True         
        return False

# Variables # 

settings = GuiSettings()                                        # Assigning class to variable to access parameters.
H,W = ResolutionMenu.resolution                                # Splits the tuple value of resolution into individual segments and assigns them their respective variables.
pygame.init()                                                   # Initialises the pygame library.
pygame.display.set_caption("Main Menu")                         # Creates a title for the program.
font = pygame.font.SysFont(None,settings.TextSize)             # Sets the default font to that of the font on the System. Allows for cross platform usability.
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((ResolutionMenu.resolution))   # Sets the resolution to the resolution determined in ResolutionMenu.py.

# Functions #

def draw_text_center(text,font,colour,surface):
        textobj = font.render(text,colour)  # Function for simple text creation. No button surrounding.
        textrect = textobj.get_rect()           # Creates a font taking the string 'text',sets antialiasing to true and sets the text colour.
        textrect.center = ((H / 2),(W / 10))   # Creates a rectangle around 'textobj' which is simply the text.
        surface.blit(textobj,textrect)         # Finds the center of the screens

def draw_text(text,surface,XandY):  # Same function as above but with manipulatable positioning.
        textobj = font.render(text,colour)
        textrect = textobj.get_rect()
        textrect.topleft = (XandY)

def MainMenu():
    global font
    while True:

        pygame.display.set_mode((H,W)) # Sets the resolution to the resolution chosen before.
        pygame.display.flip()           # Updates the surface display.

        buttons = [
            Button(W / 10,H / 5,W / 3,H / 15,0),"Start Simulation",lambda: game()),# Buttons that will be displayed are placed inside of a list. 
            Button(W / 10,H / 2,"Options Menu",lambda: OptionsMenu())    # Lambda functions are one time use functions without names. This allows each
        ]                                                                                                       # button to have a single use function that directs the program to the specified section.

        running = True
        while running:
            events = pygame.event.get()             # Gathers all events (user made inputs) that Could occur.
            for event in events:
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:       # When the X is pressed in the corner of the application,it shall close.
                if event.type == KEYDOWN:           # When pressing Esc the function is broken and refreshes.
                    if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                        running = False

            for button in buttons:
                button.update(events)               # Enables the button to be interacted with.

            screen.fill((100,100,100))            # Creates a grey background.
            draw_text_center("Main Menu Navigation",screen)   # Creates Main Menu Navigation text in the top middle of the screen.
            font = pygame.font.SysFont(None,settings.TextSize)                 # Makes the font size equal to that of settings.TextSize from GuiSettings class.
            for button in buttons:
                button.draw(screen)                 # Draws the buttons on the window.
            pygame.display.flip()                   # Updates the surface display again.
            pygame.display.update()                 # Updates a portion of the screen,allowing for text to render.
def game():
    running = True
    while running:
        draw_text_center("Simulation Navigation",screen)

        buttons = [
            Button(W / 10,"Enter Simulation",lambda: FileTraversal()),Button(W / 10,"Instructions",lambda: Instructions())

        events = pygame.event.get()
        for event in events:
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                    running = False

        for button in buttons:

        for button in buttons:


def Instructions():
    running = True
    while running:
        draw_text("This is the simulation manual.",(50,50))
        draw_text("There are a few button combinations that will perform different tasks:",100))
        draw_text(": Pauses the simulation.",(70,150))
        draw_text(": Toggles drawing mode. Allows for faster computation.",200))
        draw_text(": Toggles the display of food. Increases FPS.",250))
        draw_text("+ and -",300))
        draw_text(": Increases or Decreases the speed of the simulation. FPS impact.",(130,300))
        draw_text("Middle Mouse Click",350))
        draw_text(": Zoom in and out.",(250,350))
        draw_text("Right Mouse Click",400))    
        draw_text(": Pan around the environment",(240,400))          # All of these are displayed on the screen as instructions for the user.

        events = pygame.event.get()
        for event in events:
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                    running = False

def FileTraversal():
    import os                   # Imports the Operating System library that allows for command line execution.
    import platform             # Imports the Platform library that allows for system analysis.
    p = platform.system()       # Assign the variable p the name of the operating system.

    if p == "Linux":
        os.chdir('/home/CHANGE/Desktop/School Work/New')      # Directory traversal.
        pygame.display.iconify()                            # Linux systems do not run EXE's. This file is an ELF file
        os.system('./mygame')                           # and so must be run from terminal.
    if p == "Windows":
        os.chdir('C:/Users/CHANGE/Desktop/Project/')        # Directory traversal.
                                                            # Uses EXE's as ELF's require Linux kernals.
    if p == "OSX":

def OptionsMenu():    
    global settings              # Functions use local variables. In order to manipulate the global value,global settings is specified.

    buttons = [
        Button(100,150,250,50,"Set Text Size: Small",lambda: settings.__setattr__('TextSize',24)),# Button uses a lambda function to access
        Button(450,"Set Text Size: Regular",26)),# the attributes of settings,which is the class
        Button(100,300,"Set Text Size: Large",28)),# GuiSettings. It then sets the value of TextSize to
        Button(450,"Set Text Size: Larger",30))       # the corresponding value,depending on the button pressed.

    running = True
    while running:
        events = pygame.event.get()
        for event in events:
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                    running = False
                    pygame.display.set_mode((ResolutionMenu.resolution))    # Bug fix. Returns the resolution to the prevIoUsly selected.

        for button in buttons:


        for button in buttons:




# Libraries #

from tkinter import *
import time

# Variables List #

root = Tk()     # Initialises Tkinter under the variable 'root'.
root.title("Resolution")    # Applies a name to the window.
root.geometry("230x200")    # Sets the window's geometry.
displays = 800,600,1024,786,1280,1600,1200,1920,1080  # Uses a string for resolutions.

running = True
v = Intvar()    # Assignes the value of V to be an integer.

# Functions #

def CONFIRM(label1):
    global resolution       # Global variables used to access / manipulate outside of function.
    global selection
    selection = v.get()     # Takes the value from the radio buttons.

    if selection == 1:
        resolution = (displays[0:2])  # Iterative Index naviation. 0 (0) indicates the first index up until the 2nd (2),but not including (,index.
        time.sleep(0.2)     # Pauses the program for .2 seconds for fluid transition appearance.
        root.destroy()      # Closes the TK window as it is no longer needed.
    elif selection == 2:
        resolution = (displays[2:4])

    elif selection == 3:
        resolution = (displays[4:6])

    elif selection == 4:
        resolution = (displays[6:8])

    elif selection == 5:
        resolution = (displays[8:10])

        resolution = (displays[0:2])

# Radio Button Creation #

v.set(1)    # Validation. Sets the variable of V to 1 (radiobutton1) automatically.

Radio1 = Radiobutton(root,font = "Veranda 10",text = "800 x 600",variable = v,value = 1).pack(anchor = W)   
Radio2 = Radiobutton(root,text = "1024 x 768",value = 2).pack(anchor = W)
Radio3 = Radiobutton(root,text = "1280 x 1024",value = 3).pack(anchor = W)
Radio4 = Radiobutton(root,text = "1600 x 1200",value = 4).pack(anchor = W)
Radio5 = Radiobutton(root,text = "1920 x 1080",value = 5).pack(anchor = W)
# Each of the above create a radio button. Using Tkinter's pre-made Radiobutton() function,you can simply link
# the radio button to the necessary window,in this case "root",the font size and the desired text message
# a variable that will be used to hold the value of the selection,followed by an integer that will be stored 
# inside of said variable. Finally we pack it using .pack() function and give it an anchor,ie the direction it is aligned.

label1 = Label(root,text="")    # Temp variable to hold information for lambda expression.
b = Button(root,text = "Confirm",command = lambda:CONFIRM(label1))   # Lambda creates temporary in-line function to pass selection to Confirm()
b.pack(anchor = SE)

# Program Loop #




感谢@ Nebulous29提出将轮廓值更改为(255,0,0)的建议。那实际上不是按钮的颜色,而是按钮周围的轮廓。更改后,我意识到大纲功能无法正常工作。


class Button():
    def __init__(self,x,y,width,height,outline,settings,text = "",action = None):   
        self.x = x                    
        self.y = y                    
        self.width = width              
        self.height = height            
        self.text = text                
        self.settings = settings        
        self.action = action            
        self.outline = outline         

    def draw(self,screen,outline = None):

        if self.outline:        
            pygame.draw.rect(screen,self.outline,(self.x - 2,self.y - 2,self.width + 4,self.height + 4),0)

        color = self.settings.button_color if not self.isOver(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) else self.settings.button_color_hover
        if self.text != "":
            font = pygame.font.SysFont('segoeuisemibold',self.settings.TextSize)       
            text = font.render(self.text,1,(0,0))                                 
            screen.blit(text,(self.x + (self.width / 2 - text.get_width() / 2),self.y + (self.height / 2 - text.get_height() / 2)))   

    def update(self,events):         
        for event in events:
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and self.isOver(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and self.action:

    def isOver(self,pos):              
        if pos[0] > self.x and pos[0] < self.x + self.width:
            if pos[1] > self.y and pos[1] < self.y + self.height:
                return True         
        return False


Button(W / 10,H / 5,W / 3,H / 15,0),"Start Simulation",lambda: game()),# Buttons that will be displayed are placed inside of a list. 



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