
IIFE版本lightchartchart xydata

如何解决IIFE版本lightchartchart xydata

const { createSampledDataGenerator } = require('@ arction / xydata')

大家好,我正在尝试让此ECG(https://www.arction.com/lightningchart-js-interactive-examples/edit/lcjs-example-0150-ecg.html)在没有nodejs或nmp的情况下工作。我已经看到可以使用IIFE js版本。在网站上实施IIFE版本时,我发现运行上述命令时出错,无法在Web服务器中执行。我该如何运行?是否有IIFE版本的xydata? 我必须包含什么脚本以及如何包含?谢谢




在您的html头中添加<script src="https://unpkg.com/@arction/xydata@1.2.1/dist/xydata.iife.js">(如果要在本地提供文件,请替换src url) 然后仅将require("@arction/xydata")替换为xydata。该iife文件会将xydata变量添加到全局上下文中。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <script src="https://unpkg.com/@arction/lcjs@2.0.3/dist/lcjs.iife.js"></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/@arction/xydata@1.2.1/dist/xydata.iife.js"></script>
  <title>Using chart in HTML page</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />

  <!-- Flexbox styling to have the chart and header fill the page.
        Chart will take as much space as possible. -->
    html,body {
      height: 100%;
      margin: 0;
    .box {
      display: flex;
      flex-flow: column;
      height: 100%;
    .box .row.header {
      flex: 0 1 auto;
    .box .row.content {
      flex: 1 1 auto;

<body class="box">
  <h1 class="row header">LightningChart<sup>&#174;</sup> JS in HTML page</h1>

  <!-- Create div to render the chart into-->
  <div id="target" class="row content"></div>

  <!--IIFE assembly (lcjs.iife.js) is a standalone JS file,which does not need any build tools,such as NPM,to be installed-->
  <!--Script source must be defined in it's own script tag-->
  <script src="lcjs.iife.js"></script>

  <!--Actual chart related script tag-->
    // Replace the contents of this script tag if you want to test code from our examples:
    // https://www.arction.com/lightningchart-js-interactive-examples/

    // Extract required parts from LightningChartJS.
    const {
    } = lcjs

    // Import data-generators from 'xydata'-library.
    const {
    } = xydata

    // Create a XY Chart.
    const chart = lightningChart().ChartXY({
      // theme: Themes.dark
      container: 'target'

    // Add line series to visualize the data received
    const series = chart.addLineSeries({
      dataPattern: DataPatterns.horizontalProgressive
    // Style the series
      .setStrokeStyle(new SolidLine({
        thickness: 2,fillStyle: new SolidFill({
          color: ColorHEX('#5aafc7')


    // Setup view nicely.


    // Points that are used to generate a continuous stream of data.
    const point = [{
        x: 2,y: 81
        x: 3,y: 83
        x: 4,y: 88
        x: 5,y: 98
        x: 6,y: 92
        x: 7,y: 85
        x: 8,y: 73
        x: 9,y: 71
        x: 10,y: 70
        x: 11,{
        x: 12,{
        x: 13,y: 79
        x: 14,y: 84
        x: 15,y: 78
        x: 16,y: 67
        x: 17,{
        x: 18,y: 76
        x: 19,y: 77
        x: 20,y: 64
        x: 21,y: 53
        x: 22,y: 0
        x: 23,y: 41
        x: 24,y: 51
        x: 25,y: 3
        x: 26,y: 31
        x: 27,y: 37
        x: 28,y: 35
        x: 29,y: 48
        x: 30,y: 40
        x: 31,y: 42
        x: 32,{
        x: 33,y: 32
        x: 34,y: 21
        x: 35,{
        x: 36,{
        x: 37,y: 47
        x: 38,y: 45
        x: 39,{
        x: 40,y: 28
        x: 41,y: 15
        x: 42,y: 1
        x: 43,y: -12
        x: 44,y: -4
        x: 45,{
        x: 46,y: 23
        x: 47,y: 22
        x: 48,{
        x: 49,y: 46
        x: 50,y: 49
        x: 51,{
        x: 52,y: 43
        x: 53,y: 52
        x: 54,{
        x: 55,y: 44
        x: 56,{
        x: 57,{
        x: 58,{
        x: 59,y: 57
        x: 60,{
        x: 61,y: 65
        x: 62,y: 58
        x: 63,{
        x: 64,y: 34
        x: 65,{
        x: 66,{
        x: 67,y: 11
        x: 68,y: 7
        x: 69,y: 14
        x: 70,{
        x: 71,y: 18
        x: 72,{
        x: 73,{
        x: 74,{
        x: 75,{
        x: 76,{
        x: 77,{
        x: 78,y: -3
        x: 79,y: -8
        x: 80,y: -11
        x: 81,y: -20
        x: 82,y: -28
        x: 83,{
        x: 84,{
        x: 85,y: 20
        x: 86,y: 26
        x: 87,{
        x: 88,y: 24
        x: 89,{
        x: 90,{
        x: 91,y: 30
        x: 92,{
        x: 93,y: 12
        x: 94,{
        x: 95,{
        x: 96,{
        x: 97,{
        x: 98,{
        x: 99,y: 25
        x: 100,y: 13
        x: 101,y: 2
        x: 102,{
        x: 103,y: -10
        x: 104,{
        x: 105,{
        x: 106,y: 8
        x: 107,{
        x: 108,{
        x: 109,{
        x: 110,{
        x: 111,{
        x: 112,y: 19
        x: 113,{
        x: 114,{
        x: 115,y: -14
        x: 116,{
        x: 117,y: -22
        x: 118,y: -24
        x: 119,y: -29
        x: 120,y: -21
        x: 121,y: -19
        x: 122,y: -26
        x: 123,y: -9
        x: 124,{
        x: 125,y: -6
        x: 126,{
        x: 127,y: -31
        x: 128,y: -52
        x: 129,y: -57
        x: 130,y: -40
        x: 131,{
        x: 132,{
        x: 133,{
        x: 134,y: 10
        x: 135,y: 6
        x: 136,{
        x: 137,y: -5
        x: 138,y: -2
        x: 139,y: 9
        x: 140,{
        x: 141,y: 36
        x: 142,{
        x: 143,y: 61
        x: 144,y: 56
        x: 145,{
        x: 146,{
        x: 147,y: 38
        x: 148,y: 29
        x: 149,y: 33
        x: 150,{
        x: 151,{
        x: 152,y: -7
        x: 153,{
        x: 154,{
        x: 155,{
        x: 156,{
        x: 157,y: 5
        x: 158,{
        x: 159,{
        x: 160,{
        x: 161,{
        x: 162,{
        x: 163,{
        x: 164,y: 17
        x: 165,{
        x: 166,{
        x: 167,{
        x: 168,y: 16
        x: 169,{
        x: 170,{
        x: 171,{
        x: 172,y: -16
        x: 173,y: -18
    // Create a data generator to supply a continuous stream of data.
      .forEach(point => {
        // Push the created points to the series.
          x: point.timestamp,y: point.data.y


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