







在工作簿1上,名称“ John Doe”和“ Jane Doe”在列A中被发现带有蓝色边框。 在工作簿2上,在A列的第123行中找到了“ John Doe”,在A列的第250行中找到了“ Jane Doe”。

宏将“ John Doe”放置在B列的第123行中,并将“ Jane Doe”放置在B列的第250行中(假设B123和B250中的单元格为空)。


但是我想同时对A D G J列执行此操作(下面的代码中的rr3dest是我试图将此值设置为的值,我知道现在没有将其设置为任何值)。



Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

Dim testWS As Worksheet
Dim testRange As Range,idCella As Range
Dim alastRow2 As Long,resultM As Integer
Dim rr2dest As Range,rr3dest As Range

Set testWS = Workbooks("Test.xlsx").Worksheets("October")                                       'set the 2nd workbook as testWS
Set testRange = testWS.Columns(1)                                                                                            'searching only column A on testWS (2nd workbook)
alastRow2 = Worksheets("Reruns To Pull").Cells(Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).Row                   'find last row in column A that has data on current workbook
dlastRow2 = Worksheets("Reruns To Pull").Cells(Rows.Count,"D").End(xlUp).Row
glastrow2 = Worksheets("Reruns To Pull").Cells(Rows.Count,"G").End(xlUp).Row
jlastrow2 = Worksheets("Reruns To Pull").Cells(Rows.Count,"J").End(xlUp).Row

For Each idCella In Worksheets("Reruns To Pull").Range("A1:A" & alastRow2 & ",D1:D" & dlastRow2 & ",G1:G" & glastrow2 & ",J1:J" & jlastrow2).Cells                'for each cell in Column A on current workbook (eventually I want to loop through Column A,D,G,J.  All will be variable ranges)

        If idCella.Borders.Color = RGB(0,192) Then                                                 'On current workbook,if cells in Col A borders.color = blue then

            If Not IsError(Application.Match(idCella.Value,testRange,0)) Then                                      'find exact match on Test.xlsx (2nd workbook) and store in variable resultM
                resultM = (Application.Match(idCella.Value,0))
            If IsEmpty(testWS.Range("A" & CStr(resultM)).Offset(0,1)) Then                         ' if resultM.offset(0,1) is empty then set destination to .offset(0,1)
                Set rr2dest = testWS.Range("A" & CStr(resultM)).Offset(0,1)
                    rr2dest.Value = idCella.Value
                    rr2dest.Interior.Color = idCella.Interior.Color
                    rr2dest.Borders.Color = idCella.Borders.Color
                    rr2dest.Borders.Weight = idCella.Borders.Weight
                Set rr3dest = testWS.Range("A" & CStr(resultM)).Offset(0,2)
            ElseIf Not IsEmpty(testWS.Range("A" & CStr(resultM)).Offset(0,1)) Then                 ' if resultM.offset(0,1) is not empty then set destination to .end(xltoright).offset(0,1)
                Set rr2dest = testWS.Range("A" & CStr(resultM)).End(xlToRight).Offset(0,1)
                    rr2dest.Value = idCella.Value
                    rr2dest.Interior.Color = idCella.Interior.Color
                    rr2dest.Borders.Color = idCella.Borders.Color
                    rr2dest.Borders.Weight = idCella.Borders.Weight
                End If
            End If
        End If
Next idCella

    testWS.Range("A2:M80").WrapText = True
    testWS.Columns("A:M").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    testWS.Columns("A:M").VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter
End Sub 



Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

    Dim testWS As Worksheet,pullWS As Worksheet
    Dim testRange As Range,idCella As Range
    Dim arrSourceCols,col,v,m,c As Range
    Set testWS = Workbooks("Test.xlsx").Worksheets("October")   'set the 2nd workbook as testWS
    Set testRange = testWS.Columns(1)                           'searching only column A on testWS (2nd workbook)
    Set pullWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Reruns To Pull")
    arrSourceCols = Array("A","D","G","J") 'columns to be scanned and matched
    For Each col In arrSourceCols   'loop source columns
        For Each idCella In pullWS.Range(pullWS.Cells(1,col),_
            If idCella.Borders.Color = RGB(0,192) Then
                v = idCella.Value                      'value to look for
                m = Application.Match(v,testRange,0) 'match?
                If Not IsError(m) Then
                    Set c = testWS.Cells(m,Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0,1) 'get empty cell
                    c.Value = v                                       'put the matched value
                    CopyFormats idCella,c                            'transfer formatting
                    c.Offset(0,1).Value = pullWS.Cells(1,col).Value 'put the header from the column
                End If  'matched
            End If      'blue borders
        Next idCella
    Next col

    testWS.Range("A2:M80").WrapText = True
    testWS.Columns("A:M").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    testWS.Columns("A:M").VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter
End Sub

Sub CopyFormats(cFrom As Range,cTo As Range)
    With cTo
        .Interior.Color = cFrom.Interior.Color
        .Borders.Color = cFrom.Borders.Color
        .Borders.Weight = cFrom.Borders.Weight
    End With
End Sub

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