



现在,我本来能够获得该程序的输出,以便我可以输入成绩,但是我意识到,当我输入“ 999”或“ -1”时,程序没有停止,并且平均我从键盘输入的成绩,因此我一直在尝试对其进行修复,但现在我处于困境,对如何解决它一无所知。我是Java编程和NetBeans软件的初学者。老实说,由于我没有任何线索,我必须不断查找错误的含义。我真的可以得到一些帮助,因为我的教授上周不得不撤离他,他无法访问他的计算机,所以我一个人来。 我现在遇到的错误是: C:\ Users \ sjccuser \ Documents \ NetBeansprojects \ StudentsscoreReport \ src \ studentsscorereport \ StudentsscoreReport.java:38:错误:未封闭的字符文字 其他(studentCount =='999'); {
C:\ Users \ sjccuser \ Documents \ NetBeansprojects \ StudentsscoreReport \ src \ studentsscorereport \ StudentsscoreReport.java:38:错误:不是语句 其他(studentCount =='999'); {
C:\ Users \ sjccuser \ Documents \ NetBeansprojects \ StudentsscoreReport \ src \ studentsscorereport \ StudentsscoreReport.java:38:错误:“ else”不带“ if” 其他(studentCount =='999'); {
C:\ Users \ sjccuser \ Documents \ NetBeansprojects \ StudentsscoreReport \ src \ studentsscorereport \ StudentsscoreReport.java:38:错误:未封闭的字符文字 其他(studentCount =='999'); {
C:\ Users \ sjccuser \ Documents \ NetBeansprojects \ StudentsscoreReport \ src \ studentsscorereport \ StudentsscoreReport.java:40:错误:预期的类 studentCount = int.next(); C:\ Users \ sjccuser \ Documents \ NetBeansprojects \ StudentsscoreReport \ src \ studentsscorereport \ StudentsscoreReport.java:40:error:';'预期 studentCount = int.next(); 6个错误


public class StudentsscoreReport {

public static final int score_COUNT = 5;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Define Constants
double studentCount= 0; //students inital grade
double totalscore = 0; // students grades combined
double averagescore;  // average score from the number of students
int scoreCount = 0;  // output score from the calculated average score
// create the Scanner object. 
Scanner stdin = new Scanner(system.in); 
// INPUT: Title at the top of the out   
System.out.println ("Kristina Rosado's Students score Report");
System.out.println ("Enter a students score,0 - 100,999 to quit");   //input score from keyboard

//  PROCESS: Read the scores for the first city 
//  NOTE: the program's score starts at 0,but people count from 1       
if (studentCount == 0 && totalscore == 0 ){
averagescore = (totalscore / studentCount);
} // users input -1 at the first time

else {
averagescore = totalscore / studentCount;
System.out.printf ("%d student scores were entered\n",studentCount);
System.out.printf ("\nThe average of score of %d students is %.2f",studentCount,averagescore);

else (studentCount == '999');{  
System.out.println ("Thank you for your entries");
studentCount = int.next();
while (studentCount != -1){

if (studentCount < -1) {
System.out.print("Please try again");
System.out.printf ("Enter the score for the next student #%d: ",scoreCount+1); 
// input the next score 
studentCount = stdin.nextDouble();   
} else if (studentCount > 100) {
System.out.print("Please try again");
System.out.printf ("Enter the score for the next student #%d: ",scoreCount+1);
// input the next score
studentCount = stdin.nextDouble();
} // end of for loop
// end of for loop 
System.out.println ("Illegal entry for score");{
System.out.println("There is no student score entered ");
averagescore = totalscore / scoreCount; 
System.out.printf("\nThe average score for %d students is %8.2f\n",scoreCount,averagescore);

} //公共静态void main(String [] args);的结尾。 } //公共课程StudentsscoreReport结束;在此处输入代码



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