


在GTK中,我试图将一个框内不同宽度的小部件对齐,以使它们在一行中彼此相邻,如果没有剩余空间,则流入下一行。基本上,我试图得到与Qt的Flow Layout类似的结果,如下所示:

Qt Flow Layout Example

(来源:This Qt文档页面



GTK aligning items grid wise

(请注意,每个“ ...”与每个文本序列一样都在其自己的Label中。)

图片中,第二个长标签明显导致最后一个标签获得的空间超出了所需。 GTK文档并没有真正使我清楚地知道GtkFlowBox就像动态网格一样工作,但是互联网上的其他图像每次也都显示出网格方向的对齐方式。

我正在寻找一种方法,如果没有剩余空间,但所有行在其他方面都彼此独立,则小部件会流入下一行。 Qt似乎实现了这一点,因为最后一个按钮将与在网格中对齐的小部件矛盾。 是否可以通过GtkFlowBox或其他现有Layout或仅通过手动实现来实现我正在尝试的方法?我认为最简便的手动方法是使用水平Box并将动态地将小部件映射到不同的盒子,以使任何盒子都不满。但是显然,这将比使用现有的Layout更加不方便和优雅。




主要概念是对容器进行子类化。 This guide 使用 C 提供了一个很好的概述。如果您了解自己在语言绑定中的子类化,则可以轻松地将主要思想转移到其他语言。有两个主要问题需要解决。一是容器所需的尺寸计算。另一个是子元素在容器中的实际对齐方式。

关于大小计算,请求模式应该设置为 HeightForWidth,因为宽度会影响有多少子元素可以放入行中,因此也会影响需要多少行。这里的一个问题是,虽然较大的宽度意味着较小的高度,反之亦然,gtk 使用最小宽度来计算最小高度。此问题记录在 this post 中。我通过添加一个属性来解决它,该属性指示至少应该在一行中放置多少个孩子,以便可以近似实际宽度,从而产生可接受的高度要求。我的 get_preferred_width 假设在每行中放置最小数量的孩子来计算最小宽度。更自然的方法是将其设置为最大孩子的宽度,但这会导致更大的最小高度。 get_preferred_height_for_width 直接取决于它使用的分配算法,而没有真正为其子项分配大小。


如果您有任何具体问题,请随时提出。作为代码示例,我想提供 a third party solution in C 在我的其他帖子中建议的用户 James Westman。我想提供它,因为我自己的代码是在 Rust 中的。因此,这对于这些想法可能很有用,而例如,子类化与在 C 中使用 gtk 进行子类化有很多不同,这使得仅在其他语言中使用此代码就变得非常重要。我的示例还包含一个虚拟容器,允许测试容器子项的不同自然大小和最小大小。它作为独立工作。另请注意,某些功能未包含在 gtk-rs 的最新稳定版本中,请使用最新版本,例如

git = "https://github.com/gtk-rs/gtk"

(另一个答案中的代码,因为答案大小有限,我目前无法共享 git repo)



extern crate glib;
extern crate gdk;
extern crate gio;
extern crate gtk;

use gio::prelude::*;
use glib::subclass;
use glib::subclass::prelude::*;
use glib::translate::*;
use gtk::prelude::*;

mod dummy {
    use super::*;
    glib_wrapper! {
        pub struct GAspectFillFrame(
            @extends gtk::Bin,gtk::Container,gtk::Widget;

        match fn {
            get_type => || internal::GAspectFillFrame::get_type().to_glib(),}

    impl GAspectFillFrame {
        pub fn new() -> GAspectFillFrame {
                .expect("Failed to create GAspectFillFrame instance")

    mod internal {
        use super::*;
        use gtk::subclass::{bin::BinImpl,container::ContainerImpl,widget::WidgetImpl};
        use gtk::SizeRequestMode;

        pub struct GAspectFillFrame {}

        static PROPERTIES: [subclass::Property; 0] = [];

        impl ObjectSubclass for GAspectFillFrame {
            const NAME: &'static str = "GAspectFillFrame";
            type ParentType = gtk::Bin;
            type Instance = subclass::simple::InstanceStruct<Self>;
            type Class = subclass::simple::ClassStruct<Self>;


            fn class_init(klass: &mut Self::Class) {

            fn new() -> Self {
                Self {}

        impl ObjectImpl for GAspectFillFrame {
            fn set_property(&self,_obj: &glib::Object,_id: usize,_value: &glib::Value) {

            fn get_property(&self,_id: usize) -> Result<glib::Value,()> {

        impl WidgetImpl for GAspectFillFrame {
            fn get_preferred_width(&self,_widget: &gtk::Widget) -> (i32,i32) {

            fn get_preferred_height(&self,100)

            fn get_request_mode(&self,_widget: &gtk::Widget) -> gtk::SizeRequestMode {

        impl ContainerImpl for GAspectFillFrame {}

        impl BinImpl for GAspectFillFrame {}

        impl GAspectFillFrame {}

glib_wrapper! {
    /// A container displaying its children rowwise and dynamically reflowing children to the next row
    /// if there is no space left. In contrast to the `gtk::FlowBox` this container will not act like a grid and instead will
    /// display its rows independent of each other besides of the assignment of the children to the rows.
    /// The container allows to set the horizontal spacing between children and the vertical spacing between rows.
    /// While the height of the container is queried for given widths as an increase in the latter decreases the height,/// gtk uses the minimal width to calculate the minimal height. This could result in unexpected large heights.
    /// This behaviour can be controlled by influencing the minimal width such that it is reasonably high.
    /// To do so,set the `min-row-children` property. Using it to require a row to be able to contain a minimum of children which is
    /// higher than the default value `1` leads to higher minimum widths and therefore also smaller minimum heights.
    /// Note that the property is used for min width calculations but not actually enforced in size allocation.
    /// It is a soft limit to allow an easier front to back calculation for the allocation.
    /// Requiring a minimal number of children per line would imply new problems,as the minimum width calculation places a constant number
    /// of elements in one line while the real allocation does more calculations allowing a non constant number.
    /// Setting the min number of children as a hard limit could lead to situations where a for the min width calculations e.g. 4 children
    /// are in each row while for the real allocation one row may have some remaining place for one more child than necessary.
    /// In this case,the child would be in this row,the next row requires another child to reach the hard limit which could then overflow
    /// the row if it had a large size.
    /// Note that while the property is not enforced in final allocation,the min space requirements always are sufficient to place
    /// all children with their min width or larger.
    /// The container expands h-expand children with respect to the remaining space in their row which is evenly
    /// distributed among all expanding children of that row.
    /// In the case where the natural size requirements of the children cannot be satisfied,the container tries
    /// to set their size such that they get their minimal size and an additional fraction/ratio of the difference between
    /// their minimal and natural size such that this fraction is constant among all children.
    /// Note that this operation is non-trivial as changes in this ratio may lead to children being shifted into
    /// different rows and as rows may have some remaining space if others are full.
    /// The implemented solution implements a tradeoff between a visually nice rescaling behaviour and efficiency.
    pub struct ProperFlowBox(
        @extends gtk::Container,gtk::Widget;

    match fn {
        get_type => || internal::ProperFlowBox::get_type().to_glib(),}

impl ProperFlowBox {
    /// Creates a new instance
    pub fn new() -> ProperFlowBox {
            .expect("Failed to create ProperFlowBox instance")

    /// Sets the spacing between two children in a line and between children and the container's borders
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `spacing` - Horizontal spacing in pixels
    pub fn set_h_spacing(&self,spacing: i32) {
            .expect("Error setting h-spacing of ProperFlowBox");

    /// Sets the spacing between two rows and between children and the container's borders
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `spacing` - Vertical spacing in pixels
    pub fn set_v_spacing(&self,spacing: i32) {
            .expect("Error setting v-spacing of ProperFlowBox");

    /// Sets the minimum number of children used to approximate the required width
    /// The set property is not enforced by the size allocation.
    /// Setting this to higher values may result in less required minimum height of the container.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `min_children` - Minimum number of children per row
    pub fn set_min_row_children(&self,min_children: u32) {
            .expect("Error setting min-row-children of ProperFlowBox");

mod internal {
    use std::cell::RefCell;

    use super::*;
    use gtk::subclass::{

    const DEFAULT_MIN_ROW_CHILDREN: u32 = 5;

    pub struct ProperFlowBox {
        children: RefCell<Vec<gtk::Widget>>,h_spacing: RefCell<i32>,v_spacing: RefCell<i32>,min_row_children: RefCell<u32>,}

    static PROPERTIES: [subclass::Property; 3] = [
        subclass::Property("h-spacing",|h_spacing| {
                h_spacing,"Horizontal spacing","Space between two children in a row and between children and the container's borders",i32::MAX,glib::ParamFlags::READWRITE,)
        }),subclass::Property("v-spacing",|v_spacing| {
                v_spacing,"Vertical spacing","Space between two rows and between rows and the container's borders",subclass::Property("min-row-children",|min_row_children| {
                min_row_children,"Minimal number of children in one row","Setting this to larger numbers increases the minumum width and decreases the minimum height",1,u32::MAX,DEFAULT_MIN_ROW_CHILDREN,];

    impl ObjectSubclass for ProperFlowBox {
        const NAME: &'static str = "ProperFlowBox";
        type ParentType = gtk::Container;
        type Instance = subclass::simple::InstanceStruct<Self>;
        type Class = subclass::simple::ClassStruct<Self>;


        fn class_init(klass: &mut Self::Class) {

        fn new() -> Self {
            Self {
                children: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),h_spacing: RefCell::new(0),v_spacing: RefCell::new(0),min_row_children: RefCell::new(DEFAULT_MIN_ROW_CHILDREN),}

    impl ObjectImpl for ProperFlowBox {
        fn set_property(&self,id: usize,value: &glib::Value) {
            let prop = &PROPERTIES[id];
            match *prop {
                subclass::Property("h-spacing",..) => {
                    *self.h_spacing.borrow_mut() = value.get_some().unwrap();
                subclass::Property("v-spacing",..) => {
                    *self.v_spacing.borrow_mut() = value.get_some().unwrap();
                subclass::Property("min-row-children",..) => {
                    *self.min_row_children.borrow_mut() = value.get_some().unwrap();
                _ => panic!("Tried to set unknown property of ProperFlowBox"),}

        fn get_property(&self,id: usize) -> Result<glib::Value,()> {
            let prop = &PROPERTIES[id];
            match *prop {
                subclass::Property("h-spacing",..) => Ok(self.h_spacing.borrow().to_value()),..) => Ok(self.v_spacing.borrow().to_value()),..) => {
                _ => panic!("Tried to get unknown property of ProperFlowBox"),}

        fn constructed(&self,obj: &glib::Object) {

    impl WidgetImpl for ProperFlowBox {
        fn size_allocate(&self,widget: &gtk::Widget,allocation: &gtk::Allocation) {

            // Search for maximal working natural ratio.
            // Sort out most likely cases (enough for 1.0 or not for more than 0.0) and do
            // binary search otherwise.
            if self.check_height_for_natural_ratio(allocation.width,1.0,false)
                <= allocation.height
                // Do 1.0
            } else if self.check_height_for_natural_ratio(allocation.width,0.0,false)
                >= allocation.height
                // Do 0.0
            } else {
                // Do binary search
                // A lower stopping eps yields higher quality by finer transitions but less performance.
                // 0.001 should be a reasonable tradeoff as binary search implies that ca. log_2(0.25/0.001) ~= 8 iterations. 

                let mut current_ratio = 0.5;
                let mut current_step_width = 0.25;
                const STOPPING_EPS: f64 = 0.001;
                let mut max_ratio: f64 = 0.0;
                while current_step_width > STOPPING_EPS {
                    let required_height =
                    if allocation.height >= required_height {
                        max_ratio = max_ratio.max(current_ratio);
                        current_ratio += current_step_width;
                    } else {
                        current_ratio -= current_step_width;
                    current_step_width /= 2.0;

        fn get_request_mode(&self,_widget: &gtk::Widget) -> gtk::SizeRequestMode {

        fn get_preferred_height(&self,widget: &gtk::Widget) -> (i32,i32) {

        fn get_preferred_width_for_height(&self,_height: i32) -> (i32,i32) {

        fn get_preferred_width(&self,i32) {
            // Calculate an approximation of the required width by exactly placing `min_row_children` many
            // children in each row

            let mut min_width = 0;
            let mut natural_width = 0;

            let mut current_min_width = 0;
            let mut current_natural_width = 0;
            for (index,child) in self
                .filter(|c| c.is_visible())
                if index as u32 % *self.min_row_children.borrow() == 0 {
                    // Begin a new row
                    current_min_width = *self.h_spacing.borrow();
                    current_natural_width = *self.h_spacing.borrow();

                current_min_width += child.get_preferred_width().0 + *self.h_spacing.borrow();
                current_natural_width += child.get_preferred_width().1 + *self.h_spacing.borrow();

                // Max each time for more consistent code as last row may not contain `min_row_children` children
                min_width = min_width.max(current_min_width);
                natural_width = natural_width.max(current_natural_width);


        fn get_preferred_height_for_width(&self,_widget: &gtk::Widget,width: i32) -> (i32,i32) {

    impl ContainerImpl for ProperFlowBox {
        fn add(&self,container: &gtk::Container,widget: &gtk::Widget) {
            if container.get_visible() {

        fn remove(&self,widget: &gtk::Widget) {
            let index = self.children.borrow().iter().position(|c| c == widget);
            if let Some(index) = index {
            } else {
                println!("Tried to remove non-child from ProperFlowBox")

            if container.get_visible() {

        fn forall(
            &self,_container: &gtk::Container,_include_internals: bool,callback: &Callback,) {
            // Need to deepcopy children as callbacks may also borrow children
            let children = (*self.children.borrow()).clone();
            for child in children.iter() {

    impl ProperFlowBox {
        /// Tries to fit the visible children for the given available width.
        /// Given the available width,all visible children get their minimum size plus
        /// the fraction defined by `natural_ratio` of the additional size bringing them to
        /// their natural size. The function then returns the required height for the given width.
        /// It is possible to directly call `size_allocate` for the visible children by enabling
        /// it with the corresponding parameter. Real allocating also respects the `h-expand` property
        /// of the children which does not influence the returned height of the function.
        /// # Arguments
        /// * `available_width` - Width available to be filled
        /// * `natural_ratio` - Fraction of the additional size to meet the natural size coming from the minimum size.
        ///                     For a ratio `x` the allocated width and height will be `min + x * (max - min) == (1 - x) * min + x * max`
        /// * `allocate` - Call `size-allocate` on visible children if true
        fn check_height_for_natural_ratio(
            &self,available_width: i32,natural_ratio: f64,allocate: bool,) -> i32 {
            // Coordinates of next child
            let mut x = *self.h_spacing.borrow();
            let mut y = *self.v_spacing.borrow();

            let mut line_height = 0;
            let mut number_row_children = 0;
            let mut number_hexpand_row_children = 0;
            let mut row_start_index = 0;
            for (index,child) in self
                .filter(|(_,c)| c.is_visible())
                let width = ProperFlowBox::get_barycentric_combination(
                let height = ProperFlowBox::get_barycentric_combination(
                    match child.get_request_mode() {
                        gtk::SizeRequestMode::ConstantSize => child.get_preferred_height(),gtk::SizeRequestMode::HeightForWidth
                        | gtk::SizeRequestMode::WidthForHeight => {
                        _ => panic!("Unknown size request mode"),},);
                if number_row_children > 0 && x + width + *self.h_spacing.borrow() > available_width
                    // Not enough space in current line => Go to next line
                    // Exception: Current child will be only one in line,then assign as there is no
                    // valid assignment to any line for this child

                    // Allocate finished line
                    if allocate {
                            &self.children.borrow()[row_start_index..index],y,line_height,number_hexpand_row_children,available_width - x,);

                    // Start next line
                    x = *self.h_spacing.borrow();
                    y += line_height + *self.v_spacing.borrow();
                    line_height = 0;
                    number_row_children = 0;
                    number_hexpand_row_children = 0;
                    row_start_index = index;
                line_height = line_height.max(height);
                x += width + *self.h_spacing.borrow();
                number_row_children += 1;
                if child.get_hexpand() {
                    number_hexpand_row_children += 1;

            // Allocate last line
            if allocate {

            y + line_height + *self.v_spacing.borrow()

        /// Allocates the size for the children in the given slice
        /// # Arguments
        /// * `children` - Slice of which the visible children inside form a row
        /// * `y` - y coordinate of the row
        /// * `height` - height of the row
        /// * `number_hexpand_children` - Number of children with h-expand
        /// * `remaining_space` - Unneeded space to be distributed among h-expand children
        /// * `natural_ratio` - Fraction of the additional size to meet the natural size coming from the minimum size.
        ///                     For a ratio `x` the allocated width and height will be `min + x * (max - min) == (1 - x) * min + x * max`
        fn allocate_row(
            &self,children: &[gtk::Widget],y: i32,height: i32,number_hexpand_children: i32,remaining_space: i32,) {
            let mut x = *self.h_spacing.borrow();
            let additional_width_per_child = if number_hexpand_children > 0 {
                remaining_space / number_hexpand_children
            } else {
            for child in children.iter().filter(|c| c.is_visible()) {
                let mut width = ProperFlowBox::get_barycentric_combination(
                if child.get_hexpand() {
                    width += additional_width_per_child;
                child.size_allocate(&gtk::Allocation {
                x += width + *self.h_spacing.borrow();

        /// Returns the barycentric combination of `min` and `max` with the given ratio,/// namely `min + ratio * (max - min) == (1 - ratio) * min + ratio * max`
        /// # Arguments
        /// * `min` - Min value
        /// * `max` - Max value
        /// * `ratio` - barycentric parameter,should be in `[0,1]` such that result is in `[min,max]`
        fn get_barycentric_combination((min,max): (i32,i32),ratio: f64) -> i32 {
            ((1.0 - ratio) * min as f64 + ratio * max as f64) as i32

fn main() {
    let application = gtk::Application::new(None,Default::default())
        .expect("Failed to initialize GTK application");

    application.connect_activate(|app| {
        let window = gtk::ApplicationWindow::new(app);
        window.set_title("Custom FlowBox Demo");
        let style = ".bordered {border: 1px solid black;}";
        let provider = gtk::CssProvider::new();
            .expect("Failed to load CSS");
            &gdk::Screen::get_default().expect("Failed to load css provider"),&provider,gtk::STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION,);

        let flow = ProperFlowBox::new();

        for i in 1..15 {
            let dummy = dummy::GAspectFillFrame::new();
            let label = gtk::Label::new(Some("Hello world"));
            if i % 3 == 0 {



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