
在Quick Blox android中无法获取用户的个人资料照片

如何解决在Quick Blox android中无法获取用户的个人资料照片

我正在使用快速blox进行聊​​天,但工作正常,但无法获取用户的个人资料照片 获取配置文件时,它给出空指针异常,我的代码在下面

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.Integer.intValue()' on a null object reference

 final QBUser user = new QBUser();
        Log.e("TAG","onBindViewHolder: " + user);
        Log.e("TAG","onBindViewHolder: " + qbChatDialogs.get(position).getoccupants().get(1));
        int userAvatarID = user.getFileId();// here is exception.////////////
        QBContent.downloadFileById(userAvatarID,new QBProgressCallback() {
            public void onProgressUpdate(int i) {
                // do something to show progress if needed
        }).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<InputStream>() {
            public void onSuccess(InputStream inputStream,Bundle bundle) {
                Log.e("TAG","onSuccess: " + inputStream + "    " + bundle);
                // Receiving input stream
                // Just write an InputStream to a file and show it

            public void onError(QBResponseException e) {
                Log.e("TAG","onError: " + e.getMessage());

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