
在r中使用MatchIt导出匹配对 说明:

如何解决在r中使用MatchIt导出匹配对 说明:

我需要在MatchIt输出添加一列,以定义匹配的对(即,序列号为10的观察值与序列号为23等),然后将其称为1和1,然后再将其称为另一对(例如观察值12观察27.etc)。 我想将所需的列添加到匹配的数据中,并使用.csv将其导出到write.csv(nn.match,file ="matched.data.csv")中,以便我可以在匹配的队列中以McNemar test的形式进行进一步的测试。




library(MatchIt);library(Matching); data(lalonde)
lalonde$Serial.number <- seq.int(nrow(lalonde))
lalonde.formu <- treat~age + educ + black + hisp + married + nodegr + re74 + re75
### Get matched Data using PSM nearest neighbor
m.nn<-matchit(lalonde.formu,data = lalonde,caliper=0.1,method ="nearest")
write.csv(nn.match,file ="matched.data.csv")
#---Outcome analysis    using   paired  t-test
#   this    command saves   the data    matched
matches <- data.frame(m.nn$match.matrix)
#these  commands    find    the matches.    one for group   1   one for group   2
group1  <- match(row.names(matches),row.names(nn.match))
group2  <- match(matches$X1,row.names(nn.match))
#   these   commands    extract the outcome value   for the matches
yT      <- nn.match$treat[group1]
yC      <- nn.match$treat[group2]
# binding
matched.cases   <- cbind(matches,yT,yC)
#Paired t-test
t.test(matched.cases$yT,matched.cases$yC,paired  = TRUE)```



# install.packages("tidyverse")

tibble(pair.t= as.numeric(row.names(m.nn$match.matrix)),pair.x=as.vector(m.nn$match.matrix)) %>% 
   inner_join(nn.match  %>% mutate(pair.t=row_number()))
#>    pair.t pair.x   age  educ black  hisp married nodegr  re74  re75   re78   u74   u75 treat Serial.number distance weights
#>     <dbl> <chr>  <int> <int> <int> <int>   <int>  <int> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <int> <int> <int>         <int>    <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1      1 404       37    11     1     0       1      1     0     0  9930.     1     1     1             1    0.402       1
#>  2      2 355       22     9     0     1       0      1     0     0  3596.     1     1     1             2    0.247       1
#>  3      3 266       30    12     1     0       0      0     0     0 24910.     1     1     1             3    0.559       1
#>  4      4 380       27    11     1     0       0      1     0     0  7506.     1     1     1             4    0.353       1
#>  5      5 207       33     8     1     0       0      1     0     0   290.     1     1     1             5    0.410       1
#>  6      6 357       22     9     1     0       0      1     0     0  4056.     1     1     1             6    0.380       1
#>  7      7 256       23    12     1     0       0      0     0     0     0      1     1     1             7    0.551       1
#>  8      8 245       32    11     1     0       0      1     0     0  8472.     1     1     1             8    0.358       1
#>  9      9 NA        19     9     1     0       0      1     0     0  8174.     1     1     1            11    0.377       1
#> 10     10 NA        21    13     1     0       0      0     0     0 17095.     1     1     1            12    0.531       1
#> # … with 175 more rows

# if you want only the 160 matches
tibble(pair.t= as.numeric(row.names(m.nn$match.matrix)),pair.x=as.vector(m.nn$match.matrix)) %>% 
   inner_join(nn.match  %>% mutate(pair.t=row_number())) %>% na.omit
#>    pair.t pair.x   age  educ black  hisp married nodegr  re74  re75   re78   u74   u75 treat Serial.number distance weights
#>     <dbl> <chr>  <int> <int> <int> <int>   <int>  <int> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <int> <int> <int>         <int>    <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1      1 404       37    11     1     0       1      1     0     0  9930.     1     1     1             1    0.402       1
#>  2      2 355       22     9     0     1       0      1     0     0  3596.     1     1     1             2    0.247       1
#>  3      3 266       30    12     1     0       0      0     0     0 24910.     1     1     1             3    0.559       1
#>  4      4 380       27    11     1     0       0      1     0     0  7506.     1     1     1             4    0.353       1
#>  5      5 207       33     8     1     0       0      1     0     0   290.     1     1     1             5    0.410       1
#>  6      6 357       22     9     1     0       0      1     0     0  4056.     1     1     1             6    0.380       1
#>  7      7 256       23    12     1     0       0      0     0     0     0      1     1     1             7    0.551       1
#>  8      8 245       32    11     1     0       0      1     0     0  8472.     1     1     1             8    0.358       1
#>  9     11 281       18     8     1     0       0      1     0     0     0      1     1     1            13    0.393       1
#> 10     12 263       27    10     1     0       1      1     0     0 18740.     1     1     1            14    0.408       1
#> # … with 150 more rows


  • tibble(pair.t= as.numeric(row.names(m.nn$match.matrix)),pair.x=as.vector(m.nn$match.matrix))创建一个tibble,类似于包含匹配项的data.frame。
  • 在添加包含处理ID的pair.t列之后,下一行内部将其与nn.match data.frame连接起来。他们加入了平等的pair.t

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