



[Command("synopses",RunMode = RunMode.Async)]
[Summary("Shows current synopses.")]
public async Task Synopses(string username)
    var warning = await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} I am querying the Tracker,this may take a moment.");
    var synopses = await _trackerService.GetUserSynopses(username);
    var pager = BuildSynopsesPager(synopses);
    await warning.DeleteAsync();
    await PagedReplyAsync(pager,new ReactionList());


public async Task<List<Synopsis>> GetUserSynopses(string username)
    var synopses = new List<Synopsis>();
    // This request to the Google Sheets API is the bulk of the time.
    // It gets about 4k rows.
    var tracker = await GetTrackerAsync();

    foreach (var sheet in tracker.Sheets)
        var data = sheet.Data;
        var writes = data
            .Select(x => x.RowData)
            .Where(x => x.Values.Count >= 11)
            .Where(x => x.Values[3].FormattedValue == username);
        static bool ParseFinal(string text)
            return text switch
                "Yes" => true,_ => false
        var result = writes
            .Select(write => write.Values)
            .Select(cells => new Synopsis
                DateClaimed = cells[0].FormattedValue,SeriesTitle = cells[1].FormattedValue,SeriesHyperlink = cells[1].Hyperlink ?? "No Hyperlink",ClaimType = Enum.Parse<ClaimType>(cells[2].FormattedValue),Claimant = cells[3].FormattedValue,Document = cells[4].Hyperlink ?? "No Hyperlink",Final = ParseFinal(cells[5].FormattedValue)
    return synopses;
public async Task<Spreadsheet> GetTrackerAsync()
    await using var stream = new FileStream("credentials.json",FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read);

    var credential = GoogleCredential

    var sheetsService = new SheetsService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
        HttpClientinitializer = credential,ApplicationName = "Hiromi"
    const string spreadsheetId = "1wbIqigHMGFWZebum8mQjSL5eQzSAXuWZS-8ewbfX4PI";

    var request = sheetsService

    request.IncludeGridData = true;
    request.Ranges = new[] {"'Synopses In Progress'!A3:K","'Archive'!A2:L"};

    return await request.ExecuteAsync();

因此,当我的应用程序从IDE在本地运行时运行此命令时,无论执行多少次,它都可以正常工作。但是,当我的应用程序从VPS运行时,它第一次运行,但是第二次执行var warning = await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} I am querying the Tracker,this may take a moment.");,然后挂起一会儿,然后立即停止。


[09:41:13 DBG] Foreign key property 'Message.Id' detected as changed. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see property values.
[09:41:13 DBG] A data reader was disposed.
[09:41:13 DBG] Committing transaction.
[09:41:13 DBG] Committing transaction.
[09:41:13 DBG] Closing connection to database 'hiromi' on server 'tcp://'.
[09:41:13 DBG] Closed connection to database 'hiromi' on server 'tcp://'.
[09:41:13 DBG] disposing transaction.
[09:41:13 DBG] An 'Message' entity tracked by 'HiromiContext' changed from 'Added' to 'Unchanged'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values.
[09:41:13 DBG] SaveChanges completed for 'HiromiContext' with 1 entities written to the database.



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